We Are Only Human and the Struggle Is Real, But so Is The Support!
We’ve had a busy week at the New You Plan HQ, but as always we made time to check in on our Secret Slimmer’s Facebook page to see how our members are getting on.
Something we noticed and have noticed time and time again is not only the support (have we mentioned the support?!) but the speed at which it is administered. This week a particular post caught our eye. It was a member in distress, on the verge of a blip. Like superheroes, the community swooped in and talked her down off the ledge and saved the day.
This particular Secret Slimmer was having her second bad day in a row and was ready to turn to food for comfort:
“Really struggling today. Had the worst two days at work, I’m exhausted and mentally drained. Sitting outside a coffee shop, having a cup of tea but having to fight really hard not to have anything.”
We’ve all been there, right? Life can be hard and even harder when you have a goal like weight loss and then stress allows for temptations to block your path.
This member did the right thing and reached when she needed it most – when the struggle felt real. In posting her situation to the community of Secret Slimmer’s she found honest, genuine and real support. They came to her rescue instantly.

“Stay strong sweetie. Take your time to breathe and watch the world go by. You can do this.”
“Relax your mind and put your bad days at work behind you”
“Think how smug you’ll feel if you resist”
“Treat yourself to a small skimmed latte hun using your milk allowance for the day. Being bold without actually being bold and think about how good you feel when you don’t blip. You can do it. Sending you positive vibes”
Being bold without actually being bold…how profound, we love that!
“You’ve got this…because you’ve posted it…well done…hang in there.”
“Stay strong u can do this. I normally bring a TFR bar with me and try not let the staff see me lol.”
“Hang in there hun…it’s hard huh but you can do it!!”
“Please stay strong. I know you can get through this.”
“Chin up, lean on us, we’ll get you through your bump.”
That last one was our favourite, it really sums up the ethos of the community.
We also feel it’s important to add that these messages of encouragement were full of hearts, claps, smiley faces with hearts and strong arms. The love and support just leapt off the screen!
Whoever you are, whether you are just starting out or a seasoned Plan’er, at some you will experience a bad day or two. Sadly, a common instinct in times of stress is to eat. We’re only human and resisting food can be hard with the temptation being too much. The good news is that if you reach out for the right support at the right time, you can avoid tripping over any hurdles that you may come across in your weight loss journey.