![[Video] October Challenge Task 3 for this weeks Prize – Lifestyle Tips [Video] October Challenge Task 3 for this weeks Prize – Lifestyle Tips](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/blog3.jpg)
[Video] October Challenge Task 3 for this weeks Prize – Lifestyle Tips
Trade secrets: Those little tips to success
Welcome to Β our October Challenge Task 3 for this weeks Prize – Lifestyle Tips.
We have had a look at setting up the mindset in terms of keeping focused and staying positive. The next step for me therefore was to look into our day to day lives and how to take on those obstacles that get in our way.
It is my hope that by the end of this month the tasks that we have been setting out will have helped you build the skill set needed to succeed on a total food replacement diet and indeed in maintaining weight loss after the plan. Therefore today’s task is all about how to ensure harmony between your diet and the lifestyle that we all have to adapt to in such a fast paced world.
I will give an example of exactly what I mean in the video below π
I will be checking in each evening to have a quick look through your comments and I will be aiming to respond to each of you personally.Β This will set you up to be in both this weeks prize draw for one of our stylish New You T Shirts and bar bundles and the exciting overall draw at the end of the month. We don’t have long now to Halloween and every dream and goal needs to be time specific to work effectively, so lets dig deep and bring it home this week.
Thanks Ellie π
Thanks to Ellie to for updating the weight loss results last night.
You are all smashing the challenge this month!! π On this note I thought I would give you the links here again for those of you who update your results at the end of the week.
If you are only joining us today it is never to late to join this months weight loss challenge, I have pasted the registration link below for you to make it easy. This is a powerful free tool we offer you to help stay accountable.
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE OCTOBER CHALLENGE[/box]
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]CLICK HERE TO UPDATE YOUR OCTOBER RESULTS[/box]
Thank you all so much for reading / watching what I have on for you today and to round this all off I thought I would leave you all with a quote to get you thinking… even if only for a minute or two π
Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If youβre alive it isnβt.
– Richard Bach
Have a rocking week and I will see you on Friday.
Disco Dracula Grant! π
Cooking for the family was soooo difficult. My kids are all grown up but came to me at meal times as Mum would always have enough to go round. I am a FEED..DA ..FILE….and have always associated food with nurture…SO…that had to STOP. Also chose to start my plan when my hubby was away to work for two weeks…gave me a good run at it with no distractions. The BIG test was when he came home and then I started to harbour MURDEROUS thoughts as he wanted fed on the hr every hr….so …emotionally BLACKMAILED him to joining ME and supporting ME on the plan….worked a treat and he’s 2st 4lbs lighter…and me over the 4sts YAY…Lost my best friend had other bereavements, weddings, birthdays, worries…but this plan and SS teach you a lot more about yourself…each goal you reach shows you that FOOD doesn’t fill the void, heal the hurt, curb the anger….YES it can be enjoyable…and WILL be again…but the BAD stuff…no…never…I have never as well for years…I set myself small goals as the BIG one was to much to comprehend…and I have smashed the HALF way mark to the BIG GOAL…so IF I CAN do it YOU CAN do it….sorry if this was just to be three words…but you all KNOW me by now lol…..love yas. xx
I solved the cooking issue. My partner does it all yippee. I work night shift on one job an shifts on the other so I take meals with me. I’ve had nights out with the girls and drank Dr pepper zero and took my BBQ snacks and I’ve been for lunch and drank soda water. My friends love me because I’m the designated driver on nights out. I don’t consider anything an obstacle just a minor diversion and where there’s a will there’s a way.I am never hungry and enjoy all the new you product,which makes makes this diet so easy π π π
My three obstacles have been (1) Overcoming Hunger (2) Water Consumption (3) Weekends:
1. Overcoming hunger: When i feel hungry i automatically reach for food – something quick, tasty & satisfying. I suppose this was my main pitfall and reason for my weightgain. I continually ate wrong choices. Then I came upon The New You Plan. I will admit the first week of the plan was tough going andI was starving and so badly wanted to eat something, anything!! But I knew I would have to overcome this if I wanted the plan to work and I wanted to see results and so when I started feeling hungry I made a coffee or rang a friend or went for a walk – something to distract myself. Im so glad I started on the right foot as now anytime I have an urge to ‘binge’ I just keep busy until the feeling passes.
(2) I am so bad at drinking water and never in my life drunk up to 4L in a day. This was a big challenge for me. I stocked up on 2L bottles of fizzy water from lidl and day by day I gradually increaded my intake. Now I always have a big bottle sitting out and drink it throughout the day to ensure I hit my target. Sometimes I do a and sometimes I dont but I dont beat myself up about it as I am definitely drinking more now than I ever was which is a great achievement.
3. The weekends are a big challenge for me esp as we used to get takeaway on Friday night and on Saturday night drink lots and eat plenty of naughty nibbles like nuts, pringles etc. I knew if I wanted to suceed on the plan I needed to stop this behaviour and now on a Saturday night I have my big green bottle of fizzy water, a tfr bar and soya nuts. My weekly treat! Only for these I would definitely blip!!
Obstacle 1) for me was attending college on a TFR diet, I make sure I have my porridge before I leave on a morning, for lunch i get boiled water add a sachet of soup to it, give it a good old shake up in the shaker and pour into a bowl, I am then able to sit with my friends whilst they eat and I have mine :-), if I am late at college I pack a shake so that I can keep to my meal times.
Obstacle 2) this one was getting over the hunger, whenever I felt a pang of hunger I drank water to fill me up, I also made sure I had plenty to do within the first week, and kept remembering that it would get easier.
Obstacle 3) On the times that I did fall off the wagon, I stopped the bad eating quickly and got back on the plan, not only does this give your body a good chance of getting back in ketosis quickly but it limits the weight gain you might encounter, above all though try to keep to the plan 100% because each time you blip it gets harder to stay on track.
Hope this helps x
thank you π
Getting s
obstacle 1 ) I didnt realise how much of a nibbler of food i was untill i started this diet everytime i made an evening meal my hands just automaticaly came up to my mouth .
2) I was always the life and soul of the parties and social evenings I never would have dreamt that I could still enjoy my evenings without a few drinks . If im being honest im enjoying it more watching others !
3) Although I was doing well on this diet I new my lifestyle needed to change also .My husband coaxed me into joining a gym walking through those doors was one of the hardest things . But hey love the gym now . x
First obstacle- eating after a stressful day at work so decided to start the plan when I wasnt working.That way I hope to be in a routine when I go back
2nd obstacle is telling people I have already eaten when they call over with home made food items so I dont have to eat them
3rd obstacle feeling hungry when cooking meals for the family and tempted to taste it _ so I drink lots of water and tell myself that if I tasted it would put me out of ketosis and wouldnt be worth the hassle trying to get back on track. Also I always eat my pack with my family so feel I am not being left out.
Obstacle 1: Staying motivated to keep exercising and climbing the Big hill .
Solution: No matter how I have been feeling I have made the effort to get out and go for a walk , each time I have been has been different but when I reach the top the feeling is always the same , I feel alive & happy π
Obstacle 2: Feeling a bit isolated from family when they are eating conventional food , especially in the evenings and whilst away from home.
Solution: I have overcome this by staying strong and by explaining to them how hard it can be some days and that if I get a bit grumpy I don’t really mean it . (after 20 weeks they still love me π
Obstacle 3 : Some Other peoples negative opinions about me doing such a strict plan.
Solution: I have stayed strong and 100% committed by smiling at those who say negative things and telling them not to worry I know what I am doing , and by telling them I feel healthier and happier than I have in a long time . (Boom!!) x
I found evening time when I was at home the hardest… not hungry but longing for something to nibble on.!!! Boredom probably. Solution…I’ve taken up knitting and I’m like a machine now :)…turning out garments at a great rate. My little friends will be delighted come Christmas.!
Going out socially was also a big challenge. Now I just say I’m not taking a drink as I’m on anti inflammatories….works a treat.
When I feel hungry (which I do every day) I just fill up on more water or very weak decaf coffee. Like you Grant, I don’t like very cold water except in my mousse shakes. Thinking of my Christmas wardrobe is a really powerful motivation for me.
I have problems with boredom and emotional eating whenever I’m bored or upset or even if I’m treating myself for doing something well, I have always reached for food.
I’m going through a pretty emotional time at the moment as work is pretty stressful and my marriage has recently broken down. I have had a couple of instances where I have reached for food. But now I’m able to identify when I would normally reach for the takeaway menu and instead, I’ll take myself out for a walk, paint my nails, phone a friend for a natter or a gossip.
In order to be able to sell the house and split the money post sale, it needs decorating, so I’m spending lots of spare time sanding down walls, repairing damaged plaster and painting which keeps me and my mind busy and sanding the walls and plaster is steangely therapeutic π
Lifestyle tips – no words to express how many lifestyle changes I have made on this diet – I have literally turned my life around! Can’t write a thesis here but here’s a summary of some of my tips –
π Water is magic “fat dissolving liquid”
π Dont get bored with water – rotate plain, orange, plain, blackcurrant (soon 3 more types!!)
π Dont get bored with food – mix up the products every day
π Dont get bored with hands – write, knit, sew, draw, type, tidy – keep the evening (my danger time) busy!
π Save petrol – WALK !
π If you’ve to get there quick – cycle
π Think positive, write positive – feelings are floating, so capture the good ones and write them down. They come back to help you on less happy days!
π Visualisation – I can “see” my body being a big fat burning factory!
π Who ever wants to eat after they brush their teeth? When I get hungry – I brush my teeth! So now I have sparkling enamels and an almost skinny bod!!
Love all the posts on here, great advice – thanks girls, you’re all so brilliant!
First obstacle – Work and the ridiculous amount of food/treats that everyone brings in here! This was a really big problem for me, in terms of controlling my environment. At home (for the most part) I can control what I have in the house, so I usually find weekends easier. At work, I have little control over my environment – I did ask if we could keep the food downstairs in the kitchen, but was told by my boss that wouldn’t be fair on the others in my office!
Solution – If I’m getting into Ketosis I do it over a weekend – once, I’m in ketosis I find it much easier to say no to snacks. I have also discovered that the cupboard on which the snacks used to live in (which is directly in my line of sight!) is empty, so now they live IN the cupboard. Basically, I control what I can control and I let go of the things I can’t – it helps me feel empowered. I’m much more likely to blip if I feel out of control.
Second obstacle – Unhelpful comments/other people’s opinions. Some people are determined that they want you to fail.
Solution – This is probably harsh, but I cut those people out of my life, or now have very limited time with them! I realised it said more about them than it did about me, and if they can’t be supportive then I really don’t need them around! Also, I take huge enjoyment at succeeding and losing the weight because it really seems to annoy them! It’s not why I do it, or even a motivation – more like a little bonus π
Third obstacle – Staying positive when I slip up, life gets in the way etc
Solution – This has happened a lot on my journey!! So I’ve had to find a way to deal with it. At first I used to beat myself up, tell myself I was useless, terrible etc. And then I realised all that did was make me feel worse and want to give up in a spiral of depression. So, instead now I go the other way, I celebrate what I’ve achieved, remind myself how far I’ve come, and generally treat myself kindly. So what if I’ve slipped up, in the scheme of what I’ve achieved it’s nothing! As long as I don’t give up then I’m still on track. Always one foot in front of the other, going forwards π
How did I miss this task??!! I’m late but I’ll do it anyway π
Anyway the 3 main obstacles for me are cooking dinner for family, evenings and nights out. When cooking dinner I will usually have a cup of peppermint tea to sip on as i think if I taste what I’m cooking it will make it taste funny. It’s really helped me and I now get my partner to taste my cooking. In the evenings I tend to have a new you meal at 6ish and a bar at 9ish. This leaves a shorter gap between products and keeps me full. I also have my bath at 8 to fill time. Finally, on nights out I have sparkling water in a wine glass, sometimes with some flavouring if I remember to bring it and I bring a bar too. I’ve tried a few things but these tips all help me stay on plan and they are working!! π