Free 7 Day Journal from New You Diet

Journalling is widely recognised to be a common denominator when people achieve real change in their lives, as it gives us time to reflect and think things through. When you write down your thoughts, you suddenly become a lot clearer about how you really think about things.  Sometimes life is just so darn busy that we don’t take the time

Day 12: Damian’s Diet Diary on New You!*

Day 12 – Lots of NEW PRODUCTS!! 😀 by The New You Plan on Friday, 04 November 2011 at 08:49 *Results may vary, this is not a guarantee. My new pack arrived today! It was like Christmas Morning!!! It was the first time I tried the chicken soup, I blended it up with cold water and then warmed it up in a

Day 11: Damian’s New You Diary*

Day 11- Thinking of Re-feed by The New You Plan on Wednesday, 02 November 2011 at 23:24 *Results may vary, this is not a guarantee. Much better today! Feel back in the swing of things. I know I may be a bit ahead of myself, but I have been looking into what I am going to do when I reach my goal

Day 10: Damian’s weight loss diary*

Day 10 – “I hope I don’t have MAN FLU”!! by The New You Plan on Tuesday, 01 November 2011 at 23:03 *Results may vary, this is not a guarantee. Hey all On day 10 now, today has been too great. Been feeling ill all day. I had a migrane and haven’t been able to eat anything. I got home about 8pm, and

November Weight Loss Challenge Task

HI everyone, As part of the November Weight Loss Challenge I am going to be posting a task everyday!  You can still sign up for the November weight loss challenge here. I hope you got clear on your reason WHY yesterday and wrote it down somewhere that you can look at when you have a hard day this month. Cos

REGISTRATION: November Weight Loss Challenge*

*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee Hi everyone, You will never guess how we spent Halloween night?? We decided to go to the big tesco store, so we pulled up in the car park around 7:30pm and I mentioned how much I love going to B&Q, as it is right beside the tesco, so we decided

8 Tips to Get Motivated to Be A New You

To get you on the path to results so you can achieve a NEW YOU, here are 8 ways to help get master your motivation to workout and get started on your diet to transform your body and your mind…. Are you ready?!?!? 1. Find Your Reasons Why You need to figure out a compelling purpose. For example, if your

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