Pain is Temporary so is Total Food Replacement

Total Food Replacement is a temporary thing to fix an overwhelming problem of being overweight or obese.  If you struggle to lose weight with healthy eating, and total food replacement is a reliable and motivating strategy for you to lose weight, then you can have peace of mind that you will get to your goal. “Pain is temporary.  It may

Total Food Replacement is like being a Butterfly

Do you sometimes feel like being on a total food replacement diet is like living in a cocoon? A lot of people who are on the new you diet total food replacement plan, have reached a stage that they just want to hide away from the world, the enormity of their weight problem overwhelms him/her, and they almost feel like they just want

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

“Be willing to be uncomfortable. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. It may get tough, but it’s a small price to pay for living a dream.” ~ Peter McWilliams When I feel overweight I feel uncomfortable.  Most people I talk to agree, and say they feel uncomfortable when they are overweight, especially when clothes are too tight, and especially when you have

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