How to stop anxiety about your weight loss goal.
A problem that so many people get is that once they are brave enough to set a big weight loss goal, to get healthy & fit, to lose a lot of weight, and to do total food replacement (TFR) to help him/her achieve their weight loss goal, a feeling of anxiety can set in right after.
Once they have got excited and created this vision in their head, and feel so clear on their goal, all of a sudden anxiety sets in.
Anxiety from the pressure to get going, it all seems so very important, and very overwhelming, doubts start to creep in – “Can I really do this?” “I don’t think I can?” “Who was I kidding?”
The pressure to get going, to get through 1 day 100% TFR, 2 days 100% TFR, 3 days 100% TFR, it is too much, it takes the fun out of the initial high that was got when the goal was first set, and the dream of getting to a healthy weight seemed so easy.
The pressure to get going, and get started, can take the fun out of it.
It is IMPORTANT for you to remember that this anxiety – that pressure – that doubt – is NOT NECESSARY.
We can let it go, kick back and enjoy life 🙂
How?? Simple!
All you need to do is affirm over and over again as much as you need to do, an affirmation that will lift this anxiety and make you feel at ease and relaxed.
Here is an example of what you can say…
But remember you can change this to suit yourself.
“I am now creating the life, health and body of my dreams, in an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in it’s own perfect time.”
Repeat this every day, every morning, every night, when you are out of a walk, anytime you feel anxiety set in, write it out and read it over and over again. Write your own affirmation, something that means something to you.
Key points to add to your affirmation.
- Use the words to frame that you are in the process of creating a healthy body
- Use words that mean you are enjoying the process and you feel calm and relaxed about it
- Use the word healthy in your affirmation
- Realise that some people lose weight faster/slower than other people and that your journey will happen in perfect timing for you
- Be happy with the time it take – as long as you are moving closer
I am one of those people who does suffer from anxiety about weight loss, sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but using this technique I can get myself back to a place of calm and feeling centred and focused on my goal.
Keeping a blog here about my weight loss journey, my holiday in June, and having plans to release a video series this summer all can add to my overwhelm and feelings of anxiety, so I am not saying that I do not experience these feelings, I definitely do, but when I do I recognise that I can change how I feel, and saying positive affirmations is one technique I successfully use to help me feel relaxed about my weight loss journey and total food replacement.
Being on a weight loss journey you are going to experience many highs and lows, it is important to take action when you go through a low time, learning how to change your thinking and focus will help you to get back on track sooner. So the next time you dare to dream about living a slim fit healthy lifestyle, and you get clear on your goal, realise that after this high, a low will come, and you will have feelings of anxiety and doubt, but it is at this point that you can decide to change your focus and using an affirmation can help you to do this.
If you have any affirmation please share it below as I would love to know what you use. 🙂