It’s Time To LOVE Your Body <3

It is about time we all started to treat ourselves a little bit better. Our body and health are the most important things we have, and we need to take more time out of our day to look after ourselves, pamper ourselves, and feel good without gorging on calorific foods. Here, we share our top tips to love your body!

Easy Healthy Habits To Form For A Better Life

Healthy habits are the foundation to a healthy happy lifestyle. If you really want to maintain your new slim figure then START NOW to build in healthy habits that will support you and make you feel fit, healthy, strong, happy and empowered. Healthy habits take commitment to form, but when you form the habit of doing something every day that

Easy 11 Step Plan For Guaranteed Slimming Success*

People over complicate success. If you want to lose weight, you need to take a simple approach and avoid overthinking things. It really is very easy. Here, we share our kick yourself in the butt and make shit happen, 11 step plan for guaranteed slimming success! 1. Decide you want it Get specific about it. Decide how much you want

Are Your Friends Stopping You From Losing Weight?

Many people will be able to relate to this question: “Are your friends making you fat?” Here, we share why you shouldn’t allow anyone to prevent you from losing weight.   When someone says “You’ve Changed!!” It simply means you have stopped living life their way….” IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO TAKE CONTROL AND LIVE LIFE ON YOUR OWN

STOP Feeling Bad About Your Weight

When you are overweight it is common to feel bad about your weight, and to feel overwhelmed at the task at hand. Here, we share the TOP FIVE things to FOCUS on to FEEL BETTER. This post will give you some positive tips on how to stop feeling bad about your weight, and start to feel more positive and happier

7 TFR Tips To Make You A Superhero

If you’re new to TFR, it can be a daunting experience. However, when you get into the flow of things, it is a wonderful time, full of hope and the prospect of an exciting, new future. Thankfully, we’re here to help you get your journey off to a killer start, thanks to our TFR tips to make you a superhero! How

How Not To Be Weak This Weekend

For many, the weekends on TFR can be a difficult time, especially the first weekend or two. It does take some determination to stay focused. But once you’ve cracked it, it’s actually pretty easy. Here’s how not to be weak this weekend. Weekends are so often focused on food, nights out, nights in front of the TV with a takeaway, alcohol

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