What You Can & Can’t Have Whilst On Plan

Amazing results are possible with our plan, especially when you follow it 100%. Knowing what you can and can’t have whilst on plan is key to maximising your success. With this in mind, here’s the lowdown… To get the most out of our plan and maximise your results, it’s absolutely worthwhile knowing what you can and can’t have while on

9 Ways To Eat Yourself Slim This Summer

Do you look forward to eating healthily this summer without feeling left out and can you truly eat yourself slim? The answer is yes and yes! In the winter we look forward to comfort food, albeit the healthier version, so what can we look forward to in the summer? How can you make food interesting or exciting? Well, we’ve got

7 Life Hacks For Maintaining Your Weight

Everyone loves life hacks right?.. Once you reach your transformation goals, it can be tricky to maintain, especially in the summer. There’s so much social activity that it can be hard not to be swept up in the moment. It’s easy to indulge just a little too much. So to give you a bit of support throughout the sunny season, we’ve

5 Tips For Your New You Spring/Summer

As we say adios to the cold (and woo whoo to warmer weather) you can happily wave goodbye to some of the things that have been keeping you from working on your health goals. Evenings curled up on the sofa and eating comfort food? Say, ‘see ya!’ Spring is a gateway to new beginnings. The daffodils are in full blossom

Navigating the Party Season!

Party season is well and truly upon us! If you’re trying to stick with your weight loss or maintenance journey, it can feel a little daunting.   Parties this time of year often revolve around a little overindulgence which can feel stressful if you want to enjoy yourself but also stick with your dietary plan. It’s not uncommon to be

When Someone Doubts Your Diet – Myths!

Busting the Myth That Meal Replacements are Unhealthy Fad’s The idea of consuming a very low-calorie diet in order to lose weight has been around since the 1920s. Yet in 2021, 101 years later, they still get a negative reception. In fact, many people avoid telling friends and family that they have chosen to restrict their calories for fear of

What Brought You To The New You Plan?

You’ve probably read on one of our previous blog post about how excited we get about #TransformationTuesdays, well we think Wednesdays are pretty special too. To be fair, we get excited about a lot of things here at New You HQ, but that’s only because we love that our customers are changing their lives for the better and feel privileged

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