Spring Transformation Challenge: Week 8 Winner

This week’s Spring Transformation Challenge winner has been revealed!
We had such a great response to this week’s Spring Transformation Challenge task.
A new task is announced every Monday and the winner is shared on Friday. This means that you have 4 days to share your answer. Not only will you have the chance to win an amazing prize, but by getting involved you are making yourself accountable and inspiring others with your answer.
This week’s task was all about boosting your willpower and the highs and lows of losing weight.

Customers were asked to share how they harness the highs and limit the lows while they are on The New You Plan. We wanted to know how you pick yourself up during the low times and how you reward yourself when you are doing great.
If your willpower could do with a boost, make sure you check out this blog post as the perfect starting point.
As always, we had a great response and we loved reading your answers. It’s amazing how we all cope and reward ourselves in different ways so there was something for everyone to learn in this week’s challenge.
But there could only be one winner with HQ Chim coming out on top. Read her amazing response and see if you can use it to your advantage…
“I have been very hesitant with this attempt. This Task is tougher than the others, and I see that others probably feel the same way, as not many people are participating. But let me make an attempt. I will just pour my raw thoughts. We can easily talk about the highs, the wins, the strong days. But I think the lows are the reason why people are avoiding this Task.
Our lows can be so extremely scary. Nobody likes coming face-to-face with their demons. The bad days, when you feel like the world is crumbling, every corner of the room is dark, and no one can help you. The world is heavy, the world is cruel, the world is crushing every bit of you. You are mentally exhausted, emotionally drained, and your physical body quivers uncontrollably. Yet, you are not allowed to reach out to blips. Blips that have comforted you for years. You miss blips so much. So, so much. This struggle now, you hate life so much, but it’s much worse because now you can’t even console yourself with blips. You can’t say, ‘you have stayed strong, so here, reward yourself with this blip’. No. You are determined. Stick to the plan. The amount of cuss words you throw at this fact. Why me? Why is it that other people don’t have to deal with this stupid struggle?! Stay strong. Yes, it sucks. Yes, it’s unfair. Yes, it’s been so long, and it will be longer still. This has happened too many times. But still. Go take a hot shower and wash away your worries. Go paint your nails and feel like a diva. Put on your favorite song and cry to it. Put on a movie. They say go for a run to pump those endorphins. Sure, maybe. But for now, let’s turn on the electric blanket and hide under the duvet. Maybe for now, let’s forget about the world and turn in early. Actually, let’s turn to a friend. Hi Sophia. I feel so shitty today. It’s been so difficult and I am crying my heart out. You too? I can’t believe you get it! Our rant goes on for hours till my eyes droop and I finally fall asleep.
It’s a new day. I am recharged. Today, it will be okay. New day, new energy. Visualize your perfect day, and make it happen. Before you know it, you’ve had a great day! Results are finally in. Your boss finally appreciates your work. Those that you help at your job finally realizes the effort that you have put in for them, for their sake. You step onto the scale, and the whoosh effect finally happened! After what, 2 weeks? 3 weeks? Holy cow. Let’s try on that old dress. Oh my gosh it fits. You look so good. Maybe better than you did when you first bought this dress? Am I imagining it? You’re at the top of the world again! Now what? Don’t blip. Stick to the plan! It’s much easier though when you’re happy and proud. You shine with confidence. You can do this. It’s easier now. Okay, we’ve got this. There are bad days, but sit through the storm. We’ve got this. We’re stronger than before. I look at the mirror. I close my eyes and feel my body. I am happy. I don’t need any other reward. Just this feeling that I have, I am proud of myself and I am happy. We can go on.”
Well done HQ Chim – what an amazing response. A MASSIVE well done!HQ Chim gets to choose her prize from one of the following: Nutibullet, Spectrum Make-Up Brushes, Jo Malone Perfume or a 1 Week Bundle!
We have another amazing task launching on Monday which will keep you super motivated and you could WIN one of the above prizes! Keep your eyes peeled in Secret Slimmers or for our email on Monday to find out how you can take part.