Secret Slimmer Diaries 2016 – ‘From 22 stone to 10 stone*’ seeing is believing! Debbie’s story.
Transformation pictures are what spur each and every one of us on during our weight loss journey. Its the simple idea of ‘if they can do it, so can I!’. This form of motivation is one of the biggest advantages of being part of the Secret Slimmer community here at the New You Plan. Each day we get a new insight into someone else’s journey and some of the success stories are truly incredible. By seeing all the hard work fellow secret slimmers put into their plan it makes us not want to fail and pushes us forward towards our goal.
Throughout 2016 we have had some amazing transformation stories, some that are so shocking they need to be seen to be believed. The hard work and determination of our Secret Slimmers throughout the year has played such a big part in inspiring others to either start the journey themselves or keep going without blipping.
One of the remarkable stories that came from this year was from our Secret
Slimmer, Debbie. From starting the New You Plan Debbie has went from 22.12 to 10.12..
Read her story:
Debbie is from Fife, Scotland and works in a full time administrations job. From working a 49 hour week she felt she had no real time to exercise so she wanted something that was easy and enjoyable to get her back on the right path. At her biggest (before New You) she weighed 22 stone 12 lbs but through various other trial diets she got down to 15 stone 7 lbs, it was then she decided to join the New You Plan. From trying every diet under the sun, Debbie put her faith in the New You Plan as her turning point.
Why do you feel you put your weight on and what have you struggled with before starting the plan that stopped you from losing weight?
I am addicted to food…plain and simple…I love good, tasty food and a little is never enough. I am also an emotional eater…when I was happy/sad/frustrated/angry…food is and probably always will be my crutch but with NY I can get it under control when it gets out of hand.
How did you feel before you started the plan? Sluggish, fat and frumpy and at 28, that is not a good feeling!
What moment or event started your weight loss journey? After my ex left me in April I felt at my lowest point and thought it was because of how I looked…I wallowed in self-pity and food for 4-5months and decided enough was enough. It was 3 months before Christmas and I was now a fully-fledged taxi driver…I didn’t want people seeing me like that so I made the decision to do something about it.
What made you decide to join The New You Plan? I had completed TFR’s before and though I’d give this one a bash as I hadn’t done one that had meals before it was all shakes and bars.
What plan have you been following through The New You Plan, Fast Focus, Fresh Focus or Family Focus? I had to fast focus as any hint of being able to eat normal food would send me off the rails…If I had stuck to the diet religiously then I would have lost that 4 stone within about 4 months but it has taken me almost a year as life happens and sometimes there’s no avoiding it.. I chose Fast focus as I believe restriction is best.
How much have you lost – 5 stone 5
Tell us what meals you enjoyed and why? Maple pancakes are awesome for something chewable, Veg chilli and spicy noodle nosh with extra chilli powder to curb my craving for spicy food, and cottage pie for the stodge! There are various others I like too just for the simple fact that they actually taste good!
What was your daily menu- please provide breakfast lunch dinner tea and favourite snack? Lunch around 12.00pm would be spicy noodle nosh, cottage pie or veg chilli followed by half a bar. Tea would be around 4.00pm which would be double cottage pie and chilli or omelette and chilli followed by another half a bar. And final meal would be around 7.00pm which could be pancakes or more of one of the hot meals. I haven’t tried the burgers or brownies yet but I may throw them in with my next order as well as the new crisps.
What is your weight now? 10 stone 2 lbs
Have you reached your goal? No, around another 4-7lbs to go!
What was the nicest compliment you received since reaching your weight loss goal or current weight loss? You are not Debbie Fairgrieve..you look amazing! It made me laugh so much that people didn’t recognise me..
Do you have any favourite sayings, quotes, or anything that inspires you? None as such, all I know is that it’s a journey with twists and turns but the destination is the same for us all.. to lead healthy happy lives.
If you were to give advice to anyone considering starting a weight loss journey, what would you say? Don’t be disheartened if you fall off plan.. all you have to do is take a detour and get back on. Keep plugging away..every 1lb lost is a step closer to your end goal.. do not beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon.
Debbie’s story is a true inspiration to anyone looking to start their weight loss journey in 2017. All it takes is one step in the right direction and you have already created a path towards your goal. Debbie knew what she wanted to achieve and fought until she got there. A weight loss of 12 stone in total is an incredible achievement and is proof that sticking to a TFR diet 100% will get you the results you want!
Start your transformation today. Make 2017 your year for success!
*22.12 stone to 10.12 stone. 22.12 stone was when Debbie was at her heaviest prior to the New You Plan, her starting weight with The New You Plan was 15.7 stone.