How Not To Be Weak This Weekend
For many, the weekends on TFR can be a difficult time, especially the first weekend or two. It does take some determination to stay focused. But once you’ve cracked it, it’s actually pretty easy. Here’s how not to be weak this weekend.
Weekends are so often focused on food, nights out, nights in front of the TV with a takeaway, alcohol and sweet treats. If this is what you normally fill your weekend with, then without these things it can feel rather EMPTY.
If you’re feeling a bit down about facing a weekend on TFR, keep this quote in mind…
“When you change the way you look at things, things change the way they look.”
Almost every time you feel blue, the only thing that needs to change for you to feel better, is how you look at the situation.
So this weekend, if you are getting it tight with being on a diet, and feeling empty that you can’t indulge as normal, then CHANGE how you look at the situation.
Instead of thinking of thinking about what you are sacrificing, think about what you are gaining.
Good health, increased confidence, self esteem, more energy, improved relationships – you cannot put a price on these things…
We all want to be healthy and slim, and feel happy with ourselves. If we want to enjoy life as a happy slim energetic person then we have to make CHANGES. We can’t keep the same habits, indulgences, and lifestyle if we want to have a different body. Therefore, we have to do different things.
You have made a CHOICE, to take a CHANCE to make the CHANGE.
So this weekend, think about what you can CHANGE to make your weekends more happier and healthier. Don’t just sit around and feel like you are missing out.
You have ONE LIFE TO LIVE… how are you going to live it??
Put your focus on YOU. Focus on feeling happy in the moment, proud of your achievements, and blessed for everything you have. Put your energy into improving your health, your life, your environment, your skills, your relationships, your hobbies, your looks, your goals. Put so much focus on these things that you don’t have time to think about the food and drink you normally have! 🙂
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*Everyone is different, and we can’t guarantee how much weight you will lose. Check out our success stories to see what our customers have lost.