End 2020 Strong Challenge Runner-up Melanie shares how she lost four stone and 10 lbs with the New You Plan
Before starting on the New You Plan, Melanie struggled to walk without becoming out of breath. She felt tired all the time and lethargic. Now she’s four dress sizes down and loving the new way she feels!
She was crowned runner-up in the End 2020 Strong Challenge and won £250 in cash and £125 New You credit.
Here’s what she had to say about her motivation and journey so far…
What was your motivation to begin and stick to the plan?
I was at home on lockdown and I had the time to think about it. I didn’t have the time before, it was at the back of my mind and I just continued on. Something just clicked when I was in lockdown and I just decided ‘this is it’. From the minute I decided, I didn’t go back. This was my decision so I went online and ordered the stuff. The next day, I was straight on and gave it 100%.
How did you hear about the New You Plan?
I’ve always known about the New You Plan after seeing the advertisements and I’ve always wanted to do something but never had the motivation. I always knew it was there but didn’t know anyone on it or anything about it.
How much have you lost in this challenge and lost in total?
I’m not sure how much I’ve lost in the challenge but in total I’ve lost about four stone and 10 lbs. I lost the four stone in five months.
How were you feeling just before you started the plan?
I was feeling very lethargic, tired all the time and very sluggish. I had no energy at all. I didn’t realise that the weight was holding me back compared to what I feel like now. I feel so much healthier. I feel light on my feet. I can walk about like I’m walking on air. I’m totally buzzing all the time. It’s a different feeling. Money couldn’t buy it. It’s absolutely amazing!
What have you found most enjoyable about the plan?
Meeting new people and getting support when you need it. I like the products. I like them all. I think they’re fantastic!
What’s your favourite product?
I like the ham and mushroom pasta and I like asparagus soup. That’s a lunchtime go to meal. I love the brownie. I love all the crisps. I love all the snack bars. I love all the meal bars. I always have a meal bar every day. I love them! For breakfast, I can’t even pinpoint because there is such a large variety that I love.
Have you struggled with anything and if so, how have you overcome them?
There was a period of three or four months that I had no social life at all. I stayed away from people and didn’t want to meet up really. I stayed off alcohol for a long time. There was the odd time I did struggle with that but overall I wouldn’t say it was a big struggle for me because I was dedicated in my mind. There was the odd day when I wanted to go off the rails and eat something that I really wanted but I just said to myself ‘you don’t need it’.
How many dress sizes have you dropped?
Between three and four. It depends what it is. It’s amazing. I was very top heavy and I’ve dropped so many sizes in the lingerie and I feel so much lighter, it’s unreal.
Have you reached your target and if not, how much left do you want to lose?
I’ve reached my target. Four stone was the target I set myself in the very beginning and I knew that would take me to a normal BMI. Another couple of pounds and I would be a stone below the normal BMI so I’m really trying to maintain at the moment.
Why did you decide to take part in the End 2020 Strong Challenge?
Well initially I didn’t decide to take part in it because coming as a runner-up in the summer challenge, I didn’t have a huge amount to lose so I didn’t really put the effort in to get the photographs done and wouldn’t have any chance of winning again because I already came runner-up in the other one. So I wasn’t going to bother then I saw on the Secret Slimmers page that you could use any photograph so I thought ‘right, I’ll go ahead and do it, why not?’.
Have you learnt anything from joining the competitions?
I have a totally different mindset now. I broke all my bad habits so I would have been a snacker between meals and in the evening time. I’ve broke that bad habit and I don’t feel like I’m craving those snacks. I do sometimes want something but I know I can do it because I’ve reached my target.
How has the plan changed your life?
I can walk along now without being out of breath because I’m asthmatic. I would use that as an excuse of being out breath but that wasn’t the reason why. I was so heavy. Walking up the stairs I would have been out of breath. Now I can carry heavy baggage up and down the stairs and I feel really light. I can walk now without feeling out of breath. I do feel a hundred times better and have more energy.
What advice would you give to someone thinking of starting the New You Plan?
I would say, don’t think about it and go for it. There’s no time like the present. Don’t put it off any longer. If you feel this is something you really want, don’t hesitate because it will be the best decision of your life. Once you get on the road, you won’t look back. So definitely 100% go for it!
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