Are Your Friends Stopping You From Losing Weight?

Many people will be able to relate to this question: “Are your friends making you fat?” Here, we share why you shouldn’t allow anyone to prevent you from losing weight.   When someone says “You’ve Changed!!” It simply means you have stopped living life their way….” IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO TAKE CONTROL AND LIVE LIFE ON YOUR OWN

Our Secret Slimmers Share Their Superhero Top TFR Tips

POW! BAM! BOOM! ZAP! If you need a little superhero motivation on your New You Plan journey, our Secret Slimmers have come to the rescue. Here are their top TFR tips to ensure you feel like a superhero and set yourself up for success. This month we launched our Summer Superhero Transformation Bundles and our customers are on a real

STOP Feeling Bad About Your Weight

When you are overweight it is common to feel bad about your weight, and to feel overwhelmed at the task at hand. Here, we share the TOP FIVE things to FOCUS on to FEEL BETTER. This post will give you some positive tips on how to stop feeling bad about your weight, and start to feel more positive and happier

7 TFR Tips To Make You A Superhero

If you’re new to TFR, it can be a daunting experience. However, when you get into the flow of things, it is a wonderful time, full of hope and the prospect of an exciting, new future. Thankfully, we’re here to help you get your journey off to a killer start, thanks to our TFR tips to make you a superhero! How

Summer Superhero Bundles

Get ready to unleash your inner superhero just in time for summer, thanks to our brand new Superhero Bundles! May has arrived which comes with the reminder that summer is just around the around the corner. For many people, this thought brings with it fear and regret. Have you found yourself in this position Did you start the year full

How Not To Be Weak This Weekend

For many, the weekends on TFR can be a difficult time, especially the first weekend or two. It does take some determination to stay focused. But once you’ve cracked it, it’s actually pretty easy. Here’s how not to be weak this weekend. Weekends are so often focused on food, nights out, nights in front of the TV with a takeaway, alcohol

Not Seeing Results From Your Dieting Efforts?*

Are your dieting efforts not getting any results? Don’t worry, you are closer than you think, and it is totally NORMAL that nobody notices… YET. Weight loss is one of those things that when you get started it can take a while before anyone notices. The first few weeks of weight loss on total food replacement can be challenging. You have

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