Smart Goal Setting For Optimal Weight Loss

If you want to take an organised approach to your weight loss, SMART goal setting is perfect! Breaking your journey into smaller goals and celebrating those mini wins along the way allows you to get the most out of the experience and spur you on to succeed. Here’s why… Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound… this is how we set

5 Reasons To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

It’s something we’re all guilty off and it doesn’t make anyone feel good. So why do we keep comparing ourselves to others? Here, we share 5 key reasons why you need to cut out this bad habit TODAY! Comparing ourselves to others is horrible, pointless and often painful. Every single person on this planet is unique. We are all made

Don’t Give Up On Your TFR Diet!

DON’T GIVE UP IF YOU LOSE 1 or 2 POUNDS ONE WEEK. Having seen thousands of people get to their target weight on TFR diet here is an example average weight loss journey*: Week 1: 7.5 pounds Week 2: 3 pounds Week 3: 2 pounds Week 4: 4 pounds Week 5: 1 pound Week 6: 5 pounds Week 7: 3.5

How To Let Go Of Bad Eating Habits

Today, we delve deep into the topic of bad eating habits and how to let them go in order to succeed in the weight loss and maintenance goals you have set for yourself. Bad habits are very hard to break, especially if you love them! If you are brave enough to say goodbye to self-sabotage and break the bad eating

Positive Thinking + Positive Action = Success

Today, we discuss the importance of not only positive thinking but combining it with positive action in order to lead to success! Positive thinking is a very powerful tool but means absolutely nothing if you don’t follow it up with positive actions. Here is a little exercise created by Mack Machowicz to demonstrate our point… When you have a chance

7 Tips To Get Your Diet Back On Track

If your diet has taken a turn for the worse, don’t panic! Instead, get your head back in the game thanks to these top tips… So you have fallen off the weight loss wagon! Perhaps life got in the way or you may have been on re-feed and lost your way. We can sort this – it’s not the end

Top 5 Apps For Your New You Journey

It’s a minefield where health and fitness apps are concerned. There’s so many different ones that it can be hard to know where to start. Some track your weight loss, while others tell you when to drink your water. And some even monitor your food intake. So to help you decide which ones to choose, we’ve put together our tried and

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