How Do You Know When You Are In Ketosis?

The New You Plan is a Total Food Replacement Plan, which promotes fast, safe weight loss* via a process called ketosis. So how exactly do you know when your body is in this fat burning state? Here, our Customer Transformation Coach Candida looks at the symptoms of ketosis. You have made that fantastic life changing decision to make a stance,

10 Easy Ways To Drink More Water & Feel Fabulous!

Whether you’ve just started your New You Plan journey, or you’re back to loseĀ a few pounds, you’ll know that one of the principals of the plan is to up your water intake to the maximum. While on the plan, we’re always stressing the importance of drinking water and how upping your intake can have a big impact on the amount

Low Calorie Diet Can Beat Diabetes

The New You Plan Very Low Calorie Diet Plan Can Transform Lives for Type 2 Diabetes Sufferers.   DIABETES UK CARE. CONNECT. CAMPAIGN STATS REVISED: NOVEMBER 2015 It is estimated that more than one in 16 people in the UK has diabetes (diagnosed or undiagnosed) There are 4 million people living with diabetes in the UK Around 700 people a

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