February Love Theme: I love Me!

We are almost at the end of our February love theme challenge! We have one extra day, because this year is a Leap Year! (and we have a 40% off code to celebrate this weekend LEAP2020). IS LOVING YOURSELF NARCISSISTIC? I think the first thing we need to do is clarify that there is a difference between self love and

February Love Theme: Love Yourself

Today is Valentine’s Day, the day of love. Love is always the answer. Want to lose weight? – Love your body. Want to be happy? – Love your life. Want to succeed in your career? – Love your work. Want to make millions? – Love helping people solve problems. Want to fall in love with someone? – Love yourself first.

February Love Theme: Selfless

There are many reasons that people gain weight, or struggle to maintain weight. One of those reasons is that they are selfless. Selfless people can also be known as People Pleasers or Codependent. They put other people before themselves because they are selfless. Because of having no time or energy left; their weight goes up and self esteem goes down.

Wonder Woman Week 5

For a minute I was going to call this blog post Wobbly Week 5; but that was the old me, the new me “Transformation Julz“, is ultra aware of the language that I use now, and how I only want to speak words that empower and support myself and others. That is why I am calling this week for me

February Love Theme: Dream

One of my favourite quotes of all time is this one; “GO CONFIDENTLY IN THE DIRECTION OF YOUR DREAMS, LIVE THE LIFE YOU HAVE IMAGINED” It is so easy to just read a quote and not let the words sink in. I think the words of this quote are SO POWERFUL to your new you transformation. I really want us

February Challenge: #LoveYourBody

The month of LOVE has arrived! Here at New You HQ, we are on a serious mission to get each and everyone of our customers to learn to love their bodies this month. Here’s all the details of our #LoveYourBody challenge and how you can get involved! Typically February is a month about showing our love for our other halves,

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