Happy 7th Birthday to New You!

WOW!  The New You Plan is 7 years old today. 1st November 2009, was when we got our first New You customer. I still remember the email alert coming through to tell me we had our first sale! It was one of the most exciting moments in my life and the first milestone of the New You Plan journey. Since

Take Your Mask OFF After Halloween

This Halloween we had a Fancy Dress party and invited all our family round to our house. 20 adults and 10 kids; We had a blast!   We hired a selfie mirror, had Halloween themed food and a fireworks display! Our family dressed up as the Day of the Dead Mexican Family. It was great fun! 🙂 This is me with my

#Mchallenge is BACK – Get Your Free Wall Chart, Build in Healthy Habits, Have Fun! £1,000 in Prizes to be Won! :-)

The New You Plan #Mchallenge is all about being building healthy habits into your life and creating a Wonderful Life!  After the success of our April #Mchallenge, we are excited to bring the #mchallenge back! How amazing are you going to make this Autumn? Creating a NEW YOU isn’t just about losing weight, it is about having fun, enjoying life,

#WhyWednesday: What Is YOUR Why?

  Today is #WhyWednesday in our Support Group, Secret Slimmers. Knowing WHY you want to lose weight is the big driver for your success. When you are clear on what it means to you to lose weight and how it will improve and impact, your health, your family, your loved ones and your general ability to get out and enjoy

Tell Me Your Five-Year Dream

“If you have a dream, I want to encourage girls to go ahead and go after it, no matter how big it is, no matter how many people think your dream is unachievable.” – Morolake Akinosun   Five years ago, in 2011, Morolake tweeted:     In 2016 I will be 22, graduated from a school I have not chosen

#Mchallenge #Metabolism – Simple Ways to Burn Fat Faster

Simple Ways to Boost Your #Metabolism If you have a “good metabolism” this means your body needs more calories to function, meaning that you will find it easier to LOSE WEIGHT and MAINTAIN your weight loss. As part of the #Mchallenge, we want to encourage you to build in healthy habits that will improve your metabolism.  Most things are very

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