Ali Campbell – Unconscious Eating
Ali Campbell Project New You
Ali Campbell’s client list is the who’s who of celebrities, from Kelly Rowland to Katie Price. Julz has teamed up with Ali Campbell to create the ultimate weight loss mindset coaching program specifically for New You Plan Customers.
In Module 7 we are help you deal with unconscious eating!!
Did you know It can take 20 minutes for your brain to register that you are full. In this module we are going to focus on changing this programming.
There are 3 tips we are going to focus on today!!
Tip No 1: Multi-tasking is the enemy of your weight loss If you are sitting in front of the TV, on the phone or even driving, consider where your attention is at this time.
Action 1: When you are eating, your attention should only be on this, not on anything else you are doing. Think more about food when you are eating and you will notice that you feel full a whole lot faster.
Tip No 2: Are you a fast eater?
Remember, it can take up to 20 minutes for your brain and stomach to register that you are full. Therefore, it is key that you take your time when eating your food.
Action 2: When you are eating, put your knife and fork down, chew, enjoy the food that is in your mouth, swallow it, breathe in and then go back for some more. Eating fast is not only bad for your body but it is also bad for psychological eaters. Take time to enjoy your food, breath and take time to change the habit.
Tip No 3: Eat as slowly as possible
Action 3: Today, eat as slowly as you possibly can.
This will allow time for the signal we have been talking about to reach your brain and it gives your digestive system the chance to start processing the food. You should notice you start to enjoy the taste of your food more and in the instance of junk food you will start to notice that they are not a nice as you thought!
Watch Ali’s Video Below
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Module 7 Ali Campbell
Get your Bundle now to get you ready to start your Summer Transformation and commit to today!!
We have 2 AMAZING offers that will help you get summer ready!
Shop our 4 Week and 8 Week bundle and Get The Whole Ali Campbell – Project New You Module FREE as well as a New You drop a Jean Size Journal to record your weight loss achievements etc.
We have so many people joining us at the moment and everyone is after the same thing, that is the ability to change the habits that got us here in the first instance and that stop us from making the change we know we deserve. Ali Campbell the celebrity life coach has teamed up with New You to help you break the mental barriers that have been holding you back!
Not only that you will also get our 21 Day Drop a Jean Size Journal free with these bundles. The Journal is designed to give you a range of mindset tasks to get yourself really focused on being 100% for 21 Days so that you can see and feel the difference in your clothes.
Get ready to Save Save Save and change your Mindset for a Fabulous Healthy summer <3
Shop our 4 week bundle for £155.99/€201.23. 
Get free Gifts worth £111.99/€144.47
Or Shop Our 8 week bundle for £299.99/€386.99
Get free gifts worth £111.99/€144.47
Order your bundle today and work on your relationship with food to get your head in the right place to smash your goals and stay there!
Luke Marshall
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