What is a real reward when starting a VLCD diet?
What is a real reward?
So many times I have heard myself say that a treat in the form of an unhealthy meal is a reward for something and can be the result of anything, I have achieved something remarkable at work and deserve a treat, I had a really hard day at work and need something to brighten my day or worst case scenario a complete melt down and I think to myself why I am denying myself something that makes me so happy. What is a real reward when starting a VLCD diet?
Well the truth is it does not make me happy and is only what I can describe as an addiction whereby the initial thought of eating gratifies a need and the reality is that the food itself leaves me feeling even more unhappy both physically due to the usual poor nature of the food and the even worse portions and then there is the emotional side where I know that I have really done myself no favours.
We recently had a customer pass comment on her experience when breaking the diet and it explains perfectly what I am trying to say above, she says:
‘Pre-blip: me could see her feet. They’d been missing for years. Post-blip: me can no longer see her feet. Carbs will instantly bloat your new found figure beyond recognition. Note to those planning a blip: SAY NO TO CARBS!’
There is a real trade off here between what we feel to be important to us and what actually really matters, as humans it is engrained into our nature to try and improve things as much as possible and as quick as possible and this can be our downfall. Comfort eating is a quick fix, or so we think. The only real fix is the one that lasts a lifetime.
The New You is all about this, providing the keys to unlock the potential for a better lifestyle. Sticking to the plan is vital, even a small set back can be devastating – the worst way is the mental aspect, we are resilient in that our bodies will often forgive is more for our indiscretions than our minds. We are all physically capable of losing weight it is what we think and feel that ultimately determines how it all plays out. Know that breaking the plan for any emotional reason is counterproductive, your glycogen levels replenish meaning you are out of ketosis and there no reason why a hard day should be rewarded by making things even harder by sabotaging your efforts on the diet.
Any break in the plan should be planned and controlled to ensure your healthy life style can continue to benefit you, there is no reason why you should not participate in a wedding that you had resided yourself to weeks in advance. This is where planning and the right mind set makes all the difference. As the lady in the quote mentions, lean protein will not set you back as far as one might think. This however is not the kind of foresight that would be employed in comfort eating. There are so many inspirational recipes for ketogenic meals that there is no need to turn to unhealthy food for an answer that is not there.
We have a reefed and healthy eating guide which is brilliant for getting inspiration for a ketogenic menu. The link for this is as follows: http://www.thenewyouplan.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/New-You-Refeed-and-Maintenance-Guide.docx
Even on a night out if you were to have a meal the ketogenic items in the guide can allow you to make the right choices when it comes to food. My favourite for instance is really simple, a lean protein grilled and served with an undressed green salad.
There is obviously no substitute in terms of weight loss for our products they are highly specialised and designed to do one thing, help you lose weight in the quickest and healthiest way possible. 100% dedication will provide the best results 100% of the time. The real reward is the one that gives the longest sense of satisfaction, this is always going to be a healthier you
Thanks for reading
Kind regards Grant