Week 11: Hele’s New You weight loss vlog
Now 11 weeks into her New You weight loss vlog series, customer Hele reveals how much weight she’s lost and how she’s feeling ahead of her re-feed next week.
Like so many of our customers, each week they experience big losses, and then one week, they become disheartened when they see a reduction.
BUT, you must always remember that a loss is a loss and the scales are still going in the right direction!
Plus, you don’t know what the next week has in store for you, and just like Hele, it could be a BIG amount again!!
Now 11 weeks into her journey, Hele is really starting to notice the difference, especially in her clothes.
With re-feed coming up, it is common to feel a little anxious but Hele has developed the right mindset. She is preparing herself by joining Momentum Maintainers, where she will get full support from our maintainers, as well as reading up on all of our advice.
Plus, she knows that even though she is re-feeding for her birthday, not to go overboard, as to undo all that work would be such a shame.
Good luck for your re-feed Hele. Don’t be surprised if you still see a loss next week. This is common, even in re-feed.
*Weight loss results may vary. This is not a guarantee.
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