Super Sexy Spring Slim Down Challenge

March is here and Spring is in the air!  It is time to announce our (drum roll please….) Super Sexy Spring Slim Down Challenge! March is a GREAT MONTH, we have St. Patrick’s Day on 17th March, first day of Spring on 2oth March, Lent will end, and Easter will arrive.  Exciting times ahead!  Lots of social gatherings, and the sun

Now or Later? Now or Never? When?

Are you still waiting to start your diet?  How long have you been putting it off? Please take a moment to think why this could be…. You really want to be slim and healthy right? So why are you putting off doing what it will take to see and feel the results in your body and health that you really want to have? Is

My Journey

I wrote this poem about my own personal weightloss journey with The New You Plan. I hope you enjoy it!! My Journey I made the decision to take back my life Needed to do it for me and to be the best mother and wife I had let my weight get out of hand Felt so unhappy that I had

Watch My Video’s In Secret Slimmers

I have started to make video’s for our Secret Slimmers group on facebook!  If you want to watch these video’s you need to be a new you plan customer. If you want to become a customer check out our GETTING STARTED page, and feel free to contact customer support if you want to ask questions or place an order over

You Must Do The Thing You Think You Cannot Do

I learnt a lesson this week; “You Must Do The Thing You Think You Cannot Do” This is a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, and as one of our Secret Slimmers said, “That Eleanor Roosevelt was one smart lady!” This week I started to make videos just for our Secret Slimmers community.  (This is an amazing community of new you plan

How Much Is The New You Plan?

The New You Plan offers a range of nutritionally complete meal replacements for safe rapid weight loss, we ship to the UK & Ireland, and weekly meal packs cost as little as £32.55 / €44.69. Our meal packs contain 100% of your RDA’s (recommended daily amounts) of vitamins, minerals, and the right balance of essential fatty acids, carbs and proteins.

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