Magnify Your WHY and Breeze Your Way to Your Healthy Target Weight
Having a BIG WHY is crucial to achieving any big goal, especially your weight loss goal.
What you need, is a WHY that WOWs you! A reason that is soooooooooooooooooooooo big, that every time you think about it, you feel like skipping 🙂
When we take on a big challenge, like losing half our body weight, or starting a business, or running a marathon, we need to have a good reason WHY, because it is our WHY, that we will look to when times get tough, and we feel like we cannot continue.
Let’s face it, if our WHY isn’t that exciting, then that cream bun is going to win. Your WHY needs to be more exciting than a cream bun (or whatever your weakness is.)
If you are going to do something worth while, then trust me, sh!t is going to happen and you are going to want to eat a cream bun.
The bigger your why, the stronger your desire to succeed will be, and the more chance you have of making your way through the down times, and coming out the other side brighter, stronger and more empowered.
Make your why so big that any time you are tempted to stray from the plan your WHY is so powerful that it not only stops you, but it makes you feel empowered and excited about what lies ahead, and gives you purpose and meaning to stay on the road you are on.
[quote]”There are far far better things in front of you, than you leave behind.”[/quote]
To make your WHY REALLY BIG, it can sometimes take some creative imagination. Dare to dream REALLY BIG, make your WHY SO BIG, that you feel excited about achieving it. Make it BIG & EXCITING. Go deep into your WHY.
Don’t be afraid to set yourself a big goal. Believe that ANYTHING can happen.
You can be a size 10 again. You can fall in love again. You can learn to maintain and enjoy it. You can swim with dolphins. You can go skiing. You can be an inspiration to other people. You can get up on that stage and speak to an audience. You can get that promotion in work. You can start your own business. You can run that half marathon. You can have a round the world trip. You can do anything that you put your mind to.
The only thing limiting you from having anything, is the story you are telling yourself as to why you can’t have it.
So many people don’t get that final bit of weight off, they stay stuck, and it is like they are afraid to really step into their new you and embrace it.
Get clear on what you want, get super clear on WHY you want it, and go and get it!
WHY do you really want to be slim?
Think of ALL the emotions that you will feel…
Think of ALL the situations that you would love to be slim in…
Think of ALL the places you want to go, things you want to do, but you have forgotten about….
Think of ALL the people you know and how your weight will impact your relationship/confidence/role model etc….
Think of your health, your future, your legacy!
Think of EVERYTHING you can, picture yourself doing all the things you want, get a really clear image and make this your WHY. Make it out of the ordinary, exciting and a little bit crazy! And then MAGNIFY YOUR WHY even more and make it even more exciting! So that when you think about it, you HAVE TO SMILE 🙂
Just keep making it BIGGER AND BIGGER! Hold the vision of your magnified why, and the next time you have a hard day, go to that place, and see your WHY BIGGER, BRIGHTER & BOLDER than ever before.
Keep smiling 🙂
Keep going 🙂
Keep slimming 🙂
Keep winning 🙂
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