You Must Do The Thing You Think You Cannot Do
I learnt a lesson this week; “You Must Do The Thing You Think You Cannot Do”
This is a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, and as one of our Secret Slimmers said, “That Eleanor Roosevelt was one smart lady!”
This week I started to make videos just for our Secret Slimmers community. (This is an amazing community of new you plan customers who are sharing our new you weight loss journey together and cheering each other on, if you have ever felt alone on your weight loss journey, this is like a 24/7 support group that will make you smile everyday and inspire you beyond words!)
I have wanted to make videos for a few years, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Even though I wanted to do it, I just couldn’t. I was too nervous about doing it, and never took that first step to make a video and put it up for everyone to see.
This week I did it. I made a video and I uploaded it into our Secret Slimmers group.
I have made 4 videos now, and already I can feel my nerves are subsiding and my confidence is growing… IN JUST FOUR VIDEOS! If I can keep this new habit of making a video every day for new you plan customers up, just think how much easier it will in a month from now, 3 months from now, and a year from now!?!?! (Did someone say Hollywood???)
Now I am thinking, WHY did I leave this so long??? WHY did I not do this sooner???? I feel SO MUCH better for doing it, I feel like I am really stepping into being a better new me and that I am now able to help people on a more personal level. I wish I had of done it sooner, and now I am wondering why I built this into such a big thing in my head. I thought I couldn’t do it, but now that I have tried it, it is much easier than I thought it would be.
Has this ever happened to you??
Are you doing this now with something in your life?
This week I challenge you to do the thing you think you cannot do. Just try it. Just go for it.
Life is a journey of self discovery, and we can only discover new things if we are willing to step outside of our comfort zone and into our EXPANSION ZONE.
I urge you to do that ONE THING you are stopping yourself from doing this week. That voice inside your head that say’s you cannot do it, is a LIAR!
What if that one thing you are afraid to do, that one thing you think you cannot do, is the ONE THING that will put your life on a totally different course, on the road that you are really meant to be on?
You owe it to yourself to do the thing you think you cannot do. You owe it to yourself to give it a go, to give yourself a CHANCE.
Once you get started, and take that first step you will find that it is MUCH EASIER than you thought it would be.
Don’t look back on your life with regrets for the things you did not do.
If there is something in your heart that you think of all the time, then it is for you, it is up to you now to find the courage to try it, and do it.
If you want to be able to watch our videos, you need to be a new you plan customer and you need to request to join our Secret Slimmers community on Facebook. I hope to see you with us this week.
Wow, that blog could have been written for me!
My husband has been working in Australia for the past couple of years and has been trying to persuade me and our 2 boys to move over there with him. We have been approved permanent residents visas since last year but we decided to delay moving until this autumn as both the boys (aged 18 and 15)have important exams this year.
Since January I have been thinking about this ALL the time and trying to pluck up the courage to actually emigrate – but it’s such a huge step and I’m terrified! I know it’s such a positive thing to do for our sons and they’ll thank us for it one day as there doesn’t seem to be much on offer for them here at the moment. But the sheer amount of organisation involved and having to say goodbye to our family and friends is giving me sleepless nights. Yet in my heart I KNOW it’s the right thing to do so your blog couldn’t have come at a better time for me! Thanks!!
Woohoo! Sounds like you have an exciting adventure ahead of you!
Change is scary, but I am sure when you get there, you will love it, and wonder what took you so long! 🙂
It will be lovely for your family to be together and a enjoy a new life of sunshine together! 🙂
Julz x
Im a big believer in that anything you want to do you can. If you really want something g that bad you will do it whatever it takes 🙂 x
Deffo 🙂 xxx