Wednesday – Healthy Habits for a New You

Creating a new you for the long term is all about changing your habits. If you keep losing weight and going back to the same lifestyle that makes you put on weight.   Albert Einstein says ‘that doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.’  So today’s blog post and task

Monday Prize Mania

WINNER’S ANNOUNCED    It’s Monday Prize Mania    Today we had our first prize draw to see who our lucky winner’s were!!    Every Monday we are going to be giving away £150 worth of New You Cash Points!!   In order to be in for a chance of winning some of this money you need to make sure you

Tuesday Transformation Tips – Share and Inspire

  Are you going to be following full TFR over the summer?   I am going to share with you some tips on how to stay on track over the Summer Holidays.   Summer time is when we all become a little more self conscious I know I do. Are you the same as me when you:   Wear less clothes because

Motivation Monday – What is your weight loss Mantra

DO YOU HAVE A WEIGHT LOSS MANTRA!?   A Mantra is basically another word for Motivational quotes and affirmations these are a great way to maintain focus and boost enthusiasm.   The key to success is motivation! Having the drive and motivation to stick to your weight loss journey will keep you on track!   If you’re waiting for the perfect

Sunday – Prepare for the week ahead

What are your 3 Level Goals for the Week?   I am sure you are wondering what the 3 level goals are…. well let me explain.   When you set any type of goal, whether that is a weight loss goal or any other type of goal, it is a great idea to set 3 levels.   This means that

Saturday – Best Secret Slimmers Post

The New You Plan isn’t just about dieting… it’s an experience! We are all about supporting each and everyone of you throughout your weight loss journey, encouraging you to achieve your goals and live a happy, healthy, vibrant lifestyle. Being a member of Secret Slimmers is a special experience and one you will never forget. If you are already a

Friday – Best #MChallenge Public Post

  Do you know what the #MChallenge is?   The #MChallenge is all about creating healthy habits that support a healthy and long happy lifestyle! It was created by Julie-Ann, Julie-Ann is the Owner of The New You Plan, She loves to inspire and motivate others and she does such an AMAZING job.   She loves to make sure everyone

Tuesday Transformation Tip – Share your Top Tips

  Everyone loves tips, tips help us to improve and better ourselves, it could be the smallest thing but it could make the biggest difference in your life!!   When we are on a diet we want as many tips as possible, we want to hear how people make their dieting life easy!!   In the month of July we

Ali Campbell – Who Are You?

Ali Campbell Project New You If you haven’t heard of Ali Campbell, you’ll definitely have heard of some of the high profile clients he has worked with! Life Coach extraordinaire, Ali’s client list is the who’s who of celebrities… from Kelly Rowland to Katie Price, Mica Paris and Nicky Sanderson, everyone swears by Ali’s high demand life coaching techniques! And

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