Tuesday Transformation Tips – Share and Inspire

Tuesday Transformation Tips – Share and Inspire

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Are you going to be following full TFR over the summer?


I am going to share with you some tips on how to stay on track over the Summer Holidays.


Summer time is when we all become a little more self conscious I know I do. Are you the same as me when you:


  • Wear less clothes because you are too warm – constantly trying to cover up the bits you dont like?

  • Wearing baggy clothes because you dont like your muffin top?

  • Sweating in places you didnt think was possible?

  • The horrible chaffing – It is so painful!

  • Getting out of breath and sweating even more?


Being uncomfortable in the summer is so horrible!


I am going to share with you 5 tips that will help you stay on track over the summer and enjoy your weight loss journey!


1. Water intake… The first one we have for you is water… This is always at the forefront of our plan and is important in so many ways, a hydrated body performs best and will benefit you physically and mentally. We suggest having 2 – 4 litres a day. Why not mix your water with some of our yummy flavourings, add some ice or change to some sparkling water for a little change.


2. Summer Treats… The second tip is the small treats that help keep your moral high but don’t have any impact on your goals. For us it has been water flavouring ice pops, simply buy some ice lolly moulds and mix the water flavourings to water pour into moulds and let them set in the freezer. The best treats are the ones that leave your conscience clear!

Shake lollies


3. Exercise… The third tip is for keeping active. For so many these words raise fears of cycle machines and tread mills, but it is summer  Keeping active is easier now, a leisurely walk with the dog, playing with the kids on the beach or doing that thing you have always thought about it keeps you busy and active. Just like keeping hydrated, keeping yourself active will help with weight loss and help keep your mind clear and focused. Having an active life style is something that I find self sustaining in that the more you do the more you want to do!


4. Planning ahead… The fourth tip is to plan your day. This leads on from the previous tip in a way and if you have your day planed it is easier to ensure you have the time to stick to the plan, complete the things you need to do to avoid stress and ensure you get the all important you time again were you can distress and re-orientate your focus on your goals. Always have your products ready and an extra one just in case, go out to the zoo or the beach and ENJOY yourself :)



5. Ask others in Secret slimmers how they keep themselves on track! We asked Jennie to share some of her tips, watch her video below to see how amazing she has done! 


Your task today is to answer the questions below:

1) What Outfit would you like to see yourself wearing this summer?

2) What is you favourite quote that helps keep you on track?

3) What one tip would you give to someone who is struggling?


Last Week we asked the Slimmers what do they do to keep themselves on track and why secret slimmers inspires them – check out their responses below.

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REMEMBER dieting in the Summer can just be as exciting, think of all the lovely Summer dresses and outfits you could be wearing.  Keep it going and enjoy yourself along with your friends and family…. WOOHOO enjoy and think of your ultimate goal I hope you are having a WONDERFUL Summer and enjoying all the lovely Sunshine…







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14 thoughts on “Tuesday Transformation Tips – Share and Inspire

    • Author gravatar

      Starting tomorrow.
      I excited

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      i want to wear a simple vest top, always avoided them because of my arms. A moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips, my favourite quote. If you are struggling make a list of all the reasons why you started in the first place, they still apply and also use the page for support,.

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      Thus summer I am looking forward to wearing shorts without bring conscious of my legs or a pretty dress without hiding in leggings underneath.

      I love the quote: eat to live not live to eat. This plan has taught me so much about comfort eating and portion sizes and I know this will help me to maintain and not gain.

      If you’re struggling, ask for help or advice, once you’re into to full ketosis you should feel so fab and have such a surge of energy endorphins that once you see your amazing first weigh in it will spur you on to keep going. Don’t give into cravings or emotional moments, cone onto secret slimmers and we’ll get you through them xx

    • Author gravatar

      Something stylish and fitted. Haven’t got anything yet but will invest in something stylish and fitted when I reach goal, hopefully before I go to Texas so I can go clothes shopping for things that actually fit and are not too lose.

      Dream it, believe it, do it. Failure is not falling down, failure is refusing to get up and try again.

      Never give up on your dream because if you can dream it, you can do it.

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      1. Vest tops showing off toned and bat-wingless arms. Maybe a maximum dress.
      2. Mindset is everything.
      3. If you fall off the wagon don’t stress. Stop, breathe and continue.

    • Author gravatar

      I would love to be able to wear a pair of shorts comfortably!!
      My quote at the min is “just keep going…”
      And my top tip is to keep sipping at the water and coffee. Decaff is my live saver at the min xxx

    • Author gravatar

      1) What Outfit would you like to see yourself wearing this summer?
      I would love to be able to wear something that curves in under my boobs rather than out!
      2) What is you favourite quote that helps keep you on track?
      Don’t give up – all or nothing.
      3) What one tip would you give to someone who is struggling?
      If you feel like giving in, make yourself do something completely different for 15 minutes, even if it is only walk round the garden, you will find that temptation passes & then you will feel so proud of YOURSELF.

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      I’d like to wear a pretty dress, some shorts and a swimsuit without feeling ashamed! Can’t wait!!

      I have so many favourite mantras that I have printed them all off and have them pinned up next to the mirror in my bedroom. Some of them are

      “it will cost you nothing TO DREAM, and everything not to!”
      “life is like a mirror, smile at it and it smiles back at you!”
      “some days you have to create your own sunshine!”
      “The pages of yesterday cannot be revisited, but the pages of tomorrow are blank and you hold the pen. Make it an inspiring story”

      One tip for anyone struggling is take it s tiny step at a time. Drink loads, review your why every time you feel challenged and believe in yourself. You are stronger than the head talk!

    • Author gravatar

      1. I would like to be able to wear a swimming costume instead of a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
      2. If you need something to believe in …. Look in the mirror!
      3. Remind yourself why you started, and renew your promise to yourself. You are worth it!

      Thank you.

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      Always have jelly in the fridge and a healthy stock of my favourite NY meals to cut down the risk of blipping. I try to never run out of NY.

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      Nothing taste or smells as good as skinny is gonna feel
      I would love to wear a short playsuit.
      My tip is take each step as one at a time anand interact on secret slimmers the support is fabulous

    • Author gravatar

      I’d like to wear a bikini by the pool in LA in late August 😱
      My motivational quote is simply- I deserve to feel good about myself
      Finally, my top tip is to stop and think before you put anything in your mouth. Do you need to eat this? Why are you eating this? Will it make me feel better or worse if I eat this?

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      1) I have a cream Desigual maxi dress hanging in the wardrobe.
      It’s M or Size 12. I can now get into it cos there’s some give but I feel I would look better in it if I lost another 7-14 lbs. So that’s my outfit to fit into before summer’s end!

      2) Favourite quote to stay on track is:
      “4 by 4 equals fat no more!!” Lol.(grammar!) My other one is: ‘If it is to be…it is up to New You and me!!”.

      3) Tip for a struggler:
      Nothing tastes as good as slim feels. 4 X 4 and sipsipsip and you WILL get there in the end. Be brave. How much do you want this? You can do it with New You.♡


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