Set for Success Sunday at The New You Plan – Be good Santa is coming!
Set for Success Sunday – Be good Santa is coming!
I can hardly believe that it is the end of the first week in the second part of this Challenge. It has been every bit as epic as the first and has filled all of us here at The New You Plan with pride. Thank you to all those who have jumped on board with me for the second leg of this journey – for you it is going to mean a very different Christmas this year! in just the short space of time we have left so much can happen – our ever more impressive leaderboard shows just how true this is.
I am sticking to my winning Sunday strategy below as it has worked for so many people on this challenge with The New You Plan already!
Align your:
- Plans – Decide at this point what steps your are going to take to make this week happen, pick a problem and deal with it! Click here to download your weekly planner
- Mindset – actively pick up a habit that is going to bring some positivity to your day.
- Feelings – Pick the top 3 reasons why you are going to nail this diet. Do this so that you can balance your emotional needs. For those of you who did this exercise with me last week feel free to stick with the same three reasons for continuity, just make sure you are affirming these reasons.
Today’s Task:
Today’s task is all about setting yourself up for the next 7 days. I want to hear from you how you are going to set yourself up for nothing short of the best week possible! This time of year means life is going one of two ways – winding up or winding down. Both of which may mean that you need to tweak your tactics to keep steaming ahead.
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All my food packed I to individual day bags, and 2 litre bottles of water ready to be filled each day!
This week is my exam I’m home studying all week so this will be my challenge but I want to break into the 10’s next week so keeping the focus!
You certainly are keeping the focus Kelly, keep at this and you ARE going to get there!
I’m psyched up for this week with my water n my 3 soups n a bar and hopefully lose a few more lbs this week!! I’m hoping to reach my ultimate goal by 14th December so hopefully 3lbs this week n 3lbs following week so here goes xx
Your goals are there for you to reach Kathleen, it is not a matter of if only a matter of when 🙂
I do need to plan this week as I am travelling for work a lot this week. I need to make sure all my shakes are packed so I don’t get tempted in any way. All I need to do is make sure I stay 100% for two more weeks before refeed. Get my self focused and then when I have finished this week I know one week left to my target I set for Xmas. This is going to be great as I will have achieved that I wanted for a change xx
It is always such a boost to be ahead of yourself Wendy, well done – plan it, nail it!
After getting into my very first tight little black dress i am ready to fight on to lose another 1stone befor christmas, with a little added workout here and there. bring it on.:)
Woohoo Lisa – Santa is in for a shock this year 🙂
This coming week I’m looking forward to ordering my second bundle with a list of the things I really like and can look forward to eating and, of course drinking. I didn’t have any water flavourings in my first bundle and found that drinking cups of hot water ( without the teabag )was the easiest way I could drink it.
So bring on week 2 🙂
Exercise exercise exercise!!!!
You sound like me right now Brenda – we will get there!
i have all my meals ready plus water water water and 100% all the way x
This is the winning formula Pauline – good luck this week 🙂
Food packs sorted out for each day, christmas dress hanging where i can see it and i have my least favourite photo of myself on my phone and in the kitchen so every time i think about blipping i can look at the photo! 🙂
Talk about keeping your goals in front of you!!! Keep it up Sarah 🙂
I have my food sorted out for the week, I am mentally prepared for the week and will keep 100% as I deserve to succeed!!!!
You most certainly do Shell, I would point out that you have already beaten this into submission and are in the final stretch!!! 🙂
Going to remain 100% committed to The NY Plan for the week ahead , usual routines and some exercise too .. I will do this !! 🙂
Yes you will Oonagh 🙂
Planning for refeed next week as coming down to travelling over holidays and putting some exercise in for this week ! Hoping to shed extras in the next 2 weeks !
Holidays are always a good motivator as you know exact time scales 🙂 Good luck this week Tara.
Hi all, the tips above re packing your stuff and having water ready are great. I promise to walk every day. I have Ben a bit lazy recently but I promise you I am going to smash the 90 kg barrier if not by Christmas DEFINATELY by the end of January. I think if I put my heart into this I can surprise myself.
In a couple of weeks Jay it will not be a surprise but the realisation that you are a capable individual being backed by people who want to see you succeed and are going to push you every step of the way to make sure you DO!!! 🙂 Have an awesome week.
I’ve left myself without wafers as I just couldn’t focus with them in the fridge so this week it’s all shakes so I can get the best results possible.. I recently started walking 10k so this week Im sticking to that and drinking 3to 4 litres of water.. I deserve to b happy and I will be once I have achieved every goal I set myself, going to get into a family picture without crying first and I’m looking forward to wearing my new clothes for Xmas xx
im going to keep imagining me im my birthday outfit and thinking of my achievements so far look to the future not the past unless rectifying mistakes xxxxxxx
Shakes water walking more that’s all I am focusing on for next week x
One week of refeeding nearly done…a lot of damage too I guess,even thought I was reasonably good!!!!!:) Back to TRF tomorrow, full steam ahead for one week then refeed again as I have so many functions on. On the days I’m not gallivanting I will stick to NY products for damage limitation!!!!xx
Now that I’m almost better after being sick all week, I’m intending to start back in the exercise tomorrow evening with a jog – and will do this 3 times during the week. Also intending to get stuck into situps! Only 2 and a bit weeks left before I start refeeding for xmas. I’ve hung my Xmas dress out where I can see it on a daily basis and this is my main motivation to continue and do the best I can. I’m not too far away from goal and I will try my hardest to get there!! Tomorrow is a new day and I am all set to attack it 😉
Going to start exercising this week to boost the results before Christmas 100% this week.
I am working alot this week so need to make sure I take products with me and drink my water- so often as a nurse I forget to eat and drink BUT I am on a mission as I approach the end of the Christmas Challenge and determined to reach my set goal! 🙂 xxx
This will be my first refeed week so I’ve been gradually buying food ready and planning what I can manage to cook. I will get fresh stuff tomorrow on the way home from work to complete the shopping list.
I started today eating out at lunchtime. I had an 8oz steak which I cut in half so I only had about 4oz, ate the mushroom and the peas and no chips!
I will get my starter pack on Tuesday, but I made my plan with the shakes and soups for each day. 😀 To make a job for my smart phone too I made a reminder to make sure to drink enought, cause Im working in theatre and sometimes I forget it. The best for last I put on my phone background one of my worst pic so I won’t forget for sure why Im doing this. 🙂 Have a great week girls.
Hi, Nearly a week done for me – weigh in on Tuesday.
I plan to continue with my 10 days then order more sachets and some snacks to help keep me away from temptation x
I started the plan on the 03 November at 21 stone as I am now down as of the 1st of December to 18 stone 9lbs
I have been refeeding for the past week so weigh in tomorrow morning and back to tfr for 3 weeks until I go away for Christmas. I’m worried I may find it hard to get back into tfr so I’m going to focus, focus, focus and keep my goal in my mind. I’ve filled in one week of my 21 day journal before refeed and I’m going to complete the next 2 weeks plus 1 more. I can do it!!! 🙂
I’m going to try and not to have the snacks – well apart from tuesday at the cinema when I have a coke zero planned 🙂
Water, water everywhere !!!! Drinking water all day long is the key to my success, no hunger, no looking for something nice, no headaches. Every morning I will make sure to fill my water bottle first thing and as soon as I go into work.
New week new month let’s be having you.. Final push head is on as last week till refeed.. I’m gonna do this..lovely w/ end away with hubby n kids and we smashed it soo many temptations but resisted!!! So proud.. I’m on tht skinny train to success yeahhhhh 😉 xx