{Set for Success} FAQ’s to help you stay on track!
To set us apart from our competitors we like to add the personal touch to our plan to give you that extra bit of support. We like to be there every step of the way to make sure you are focused and on the right track to reaching your goal. By providing this helping hand it allows you to ask the questions you need answered, keep up to date with what is happening in the company and also find out when your favourite items are back in stock. As a company we want to make sure you have all the information you need to get you started and keep you on track when it comes to your weight loss plan. This is vital when reaching the overall goal.
Each week on our Secret Slimmers community we get asked a variety of questions from you guys to help make your journey easier. We love hearing your thoughts so it is the perfect time to collate the answers together so everyone can reap the benefits.
A question we get asked a lot is the rest period in between plans. If you have reached the maximum TFR cycle (12 weeks) it is recommended you take 2 weeks off before returning to a full TFR plan. This is to allow your body time to adapt back to the norm again. It also sets your body up to get the full benefits again from a TFR diet plan (if you chose to do another sprint). If you continued past the 12 week mark your body would not be able to process the low calorie intake and you wouldn’t get the results you want. We want to make sure you stay as healthy as possible on our plan so we would definitely encourage any customer approaching the 12 week mark to start planning their re-feed.
When Mr Ketosis comes around we all know the implications that come with it so another frequent question we get is if chewing gum is allowed. Unfortunately in this case it is not allowed as the sugars and sweeteners included in each pack could knock you out of ketosis. Now that is something we definitely don’t want! The good news on this front is that mouthwash is allowed. Providing a silver lining for the breath conscious members out there, we recommend Listerine Original.
Fluids are so important when on the New You Plan, hence why we keep pushing you to ‘keep sipping’ that water. For all you caffeine lovers sometimes coffee is equally as important. The good thing about our plan is that it still allows you to have as much coffee as you like and you can even add a dash of milk (no more than 250ml a day). The even better news is that if you like to have a little treat but without the calories then you will be pleased to know that the Beanies coffee collection is allowed on our plan. They come in a variety of amazing flavours from Ginger Bread to Irish Cream and only have less than 2 calories per cup. What’s not to love?
When you think of treating yourself on the New You Plan it tends to come in the form of our all time favourite bar selection. With options like chocolate truffle and lemon drizzle cake you feel like being naughty with half the calories. With so many tempting options we frequently get asked how many snacks are allowed each week when you are on a full TFR plan. If you are sticking to the plan 100% we recommend you only have up to 3 bars a week. The best way to approach this is pick 1 treat day you know you are going to have a bar and then leave the other 2 options for times when you have a hunger pang and you need something to keep you going until your next meal.
Peoples treats come in all shapes and sizes and one main one we get asked about quite a lot is diet coke. A favourite among a lot of our community but unfortunately it isn’t highly recommended to take while on plan. If it is part of your daily lifestyle then we suggest 1 Coke zero a week but if you can do without it we would recommend sticking to water while on TFR.
The FAQ’s is something we review all the time so if there is something we haven’t covered and you would like to know a little more information then please get in touch. After all it is you who is currently living the plan lifestyle so if there is something that would help we would love to hear from you.
How can you do this?
It’s simple, post your question in our Secret Slimmers community and one of our New You Cheerleaders will get back to you. Remember our community is here to help you on your journey so don’t by shy, no matter how silly you think the question is if you don’t ask you will never know the answer.