RIP To The Girl You Used To See – How to think on your VLCD
If you are on a VLCD and you REALLY want to lose the weight for good then you need to think and act differently for good.
You need to say GOOD BYE to the old habits, lifestyle and thinking that got you to the place you are in. If you want to to say goodbye to your fat, then you need to say good bye to the causes of it.
You need to say RIP to the girl you used to see. Her days are over…. Baby She’s OVER!
[quote float=”left”]R.I.P, to the girl you used to see Her days are over, baby she’s over [/quote]
What do you need to say RIP to?
What made you put on the weight in the first place?
Really take some time to think about this, as it is pretty pointless to go on a diet if you don’t know what else you need to change in your life.
Do you need to be more aware of what you eat?
Do you need to stop eating so many takeaways?
Do you need to change what you order from the takeaway?
Do you need to stop eating so much chocolate and sweets?
Do you need to stop eating a tin of biscuits every day?
Do you need to start exercising and not sitting on the sofa every night?
Do you need to stop drinking a bottle of wine every time you have a bad day?
Do you need to change who you spend your time with?
Do you need to find a way to be happier?
Do you need to stop eating to you are bursting?
Do you need to stop thinking that every social event must evolve around excessive food & drink?
Do you need to make some subtle substitutions to what you eat and swap for healthier options?
Do you need to find some healthy snacks you can nibble on?
Do you need to cook in advance so you don’t make the excuse to go to the chippy?
Do you need to get organised to menu plan your week and have everything in the house?
Do you need some ideas on how to make healthy food interesting?
Do you need to stop eating a tub of Hagen Daz every Saturday night
Do you need to stop clearing your plate even when you are full?
Do you need to think of some healthy lunch box ideas?
Do you need to stop eating your food and the kids leftovers?
Get your thinking cap on, and write everything in a Journal that you believe you need to say RIP to.
If you can say RIP to all the bad habits that made you put on weight, then you will be saying goodbye to the old, and you will be making a warm welcome to the NEW YOU.
If you are always feeling hard done by on your VLCD diet, if you miss takeaways, if you miss ice cream, if you miss all the things that made you put on weight, then be aware of those thoughts. They DO NOT EMPOWER YOU.
If you miss those things then you are not enjoying your transformation because you feel deprived, and even worse, you will more than likely if you go back to those bad eating habits and lifestyle habits then you will more than likely go back to your old weight.
RIP to being overweight
RIP to putting your health at risk
RIP to the person who is ashamed of her body
RIP to the person who hates her own photograph
RIP to the person who never goes for a swim
RIP at setting a bad example for your children
RIP to the person with no self control when they are in a buffet
RIP to the person who hates to go out of the house
RIP to the person who hates clothes shopping
RIP to the person who is single and wants to find true love but doesn’t love herself
RIP to the person who hides away from her partner
RIP to the person who never exercises
RIP to the person who is greedy
RIP to the person who is a secret eater
Be determined to MAKE REAL CHANGE in your life.
Be aware of your thoughts, and check yourself any time that you can see your mindset going back to old ways.
It takes conscious effort to change bad habits, to take control and to break free, but YOU CAN DO IT.
Doing a VLCD diet means that you have time away from food to analyse your relationship with food, to discover how you think about food, to see how much you snack or drink out of boredom.
Don’t take your refeed and maintenance lightly – FAR TOO MANY PEOPLE DO! If you are serious about long lasting change, get serious now about choosing your thoughts, beliefs, habits, lifestyle and food choices.
It is time to say RIP to the all the old habits and mindsets that made you get overweight, it is also time to SAY HELLO TO THE NEW YOU!
Say HELLO to a brighter healthier future.
Say HELLO to the person you want to be, decide what way you want to live your life, and make it happen.
What clothes do you want to wear?
What do you want to do at the weekends for fun?
How do you want to feel when someone shows you a photograph they took of you?
What do you want to eat?
How are you going to be more active?
DECIDE who you want to be, and set about making it happen. Every day is a new opportunity to create a new you. Start today to implement healthy habits into your lifestyle. Start today to think only thoughts that empower you (read this blog post for help on that). And always remember THE PAST DOES NOT EQUAL THE FUTURE. You decide every day what direction you want to go in. Just take it day at a time and you will be amazed at where you end up!
Life is what YOU make it, DARE TO MAKE IT MAGNIFICENT. xx
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Hi Julie-Ann,
Totally love the blog post, it has greatly motivated me to stay on track after my refeeding week as it was really hard getting back into the diet, but now the ketosis kicked in and I have been 100% for 3 days, I’m feeling so much better, just wanted to say a big thank you, you are brilliant!!! 🙂