VLCD: Week two are you feeling blue?
When you start out on your VLCD total food replacement diet journey you are full of gusto, determined to get to your week one weigh in and see the results on the scales. The first week is tough, you stay strong, and the big weigh in day arrives!
One of three things happen:
1. You get what you expected and you feel content.
2. You get MORE than you expected and you feel over the moon!
3. You get LESS than you expected and feel a bit meh…
In your first week you have this BIG FOCUS on getting into ketosis and getting to your first weigh in. And when both things are achieved it can sometimes feel like a bit of an anticlimax.
You might be in ketosis but you still want to eat. That is that bad wolf in your mind, telling you that you are emotionally attached to food and you need it to feel good and help you get through this cold weather / bad day at work / traffic jams / argument with your partner / cope with the crazy kids… etc etc. *delete as appropriate.
Although ketosis does blunt hunger pangs, it doesn’t stop your emotional attachment to food. It takes 21 days to break a habit. So you need to be prepared to break those bad habits and that can take willpower and determination. It won’t be easy, BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT, and you will feel so GOOD when you get to the other side and feel more in control of your eating and your emotions.
The first week weigh in is always good, and gives us the boost we need, especially if we have been seeing the scales not moving, or moving in the wrong direction for a long time. Just seeing the scales move so much can be exciting, but most of the weight lost is not fat, and if you lose 10 pounds, your jeans might not be falling down round your ankles and your double chin, yes it is still there. And to top things off, weight loss can kind of slow down in week two.
Week two is underestimated in the willpower front. So many people think that after week one, they are on easy street. THIS IS NOT TRUE.
Week two takes determination and sometimes even more willpower than week one.
But after all you are looking to totally transform your body, so it will take some effort. The good news is, you did one week, YOU CAN DO ANOTHER WEEK.
Just. Don’t. Give. Up.
You. Need. To. Keep. Going.
When you get to week 3 you will start to SEE and FEEL a big difference.
The desire to eat food for emotional reasons will be almost gone.
Your jeans will be hanging round your ankles.
Your double chin will look cuter 🙂
Your self belief will be sky high
And you will SMILE every time you look in the mirror as you see your transformation kick in.
Following the new you plan VLCD total food replacement diet plan is RAPID WEIGHT LOSS – but Rome was not built in a day, you did not put on all that weight in 1 or 2 weeks, so it will not magically disappear in 1-2 weeks.
You need to start a VLCD meal replacement diet with the mindset that you will do it for at least 21 days 100%. Give yourself the chance to get in the zone, to break the bad habits, to see the results, to settle into your new routine.
Go into with an open mind that yes there will be tough days (it is called life) and if you use food as your crutch then yes you are going to find it tough not to eat, but THAT is WHY you are doing this, because you do not want to be that person who turns to food every time the sun doesn’t shine. This is your time to take control and make this happen.
And you will have the support of the new you secret support group on facebook.
Stay focused on your goals, and in the first few weeks be prepared to have some tough challenges. Have your stress free strategies in place (you will learn about these in our 7 DAY KICK START ONLINE VIDEO PROGRAM – you get this for free when you order and it is valued at £47.)
You have the support and motivation from us, but the big ingredient that is required for YOUR SUCCESS is YOUR DETERMINATION. How bad do you want it?
If you REALLY WANT IT you will find a way, if you don’t you will find an excuse.
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