New You Plan 2019 Award Winners

Drum roll please… We are delighted to reveal The New You Plan 2019 Award winners!
As 2019 comes to a close, now is the perfect time to reflect on the year that’s passed, and what an amazing one it has been!
Each year, we are sooooo impressed by the determination of our customers to smash their goals and get the most out of this journey as possible. One of the things that people comment on time and time again, is the fact that Secret Slimmers is what makes our plan so unique. The highs, the lows and the lols are all shared by an amazing, supportive and encouraging bunch of people who lift each other up and help them realise just what they are capable of. We might all be different in our own ways, but we all share one common goal – to lose weight, have fun doing it and enjoy a complete transformation.
This year has been particularly amazing and Secret Slimmers is really thriving. I think it is far to say that the atmosphere is the BEST it has even been and everyone has made some pretty special friends along the way.
We value each and every member of Secret Slimmers and there are a few stand out ones who deserve recognition. So with this in mind, we launched the 2019 New You Plan awards. These awards were voted by our customers so these are YOUR winners!

Each winner has received an epic goodie bag with plenty of treats!
So without further ado, here are our 2019 WINNERS…

Female Slimmer Of The Year- Suzy Fandango Mead
Suzy said: Thank-you from the bottom of my heart New You, our Queen Julz, the amazing Gareth, Gary and team and my fellow amazing, brave and kind Secret Slimmers for this beautiful prize! I am humbled and grateful and so happy to be part of this amazing tribe of like minded people with hearts of gold! We are all supporting each other to change our lives aren’t we? And kindness is the most important quality to me! Kindness is in an abundance in this group! I adore everyone from New You and in this group. Love you all! I’m a happy Suzy! Sorry I’m in my jim jams it’s been a busy day working and being a mummy. Hugs everyone and massive thanks.”

Male Slimmer Of The Year – Steve Moran
Steve said: “I just want to say a huge thanks to the New You team and to everyone on this group who have helped me along my journey. I’m still only halfway there so am looking forward to hitting target in 2020 just in time for the sun to come back out! Thanks for my gifts Julz and all of the team ❤ “

Most Inspiring Slimmer- Glynis Croke
Glynis said: “To say I am so happy with winning this is an understatement. This page and everyone involved in it from Julz, Gareth and The New You Team, to all my fellow SS who have helped me on my life-changing journey, I can’t thank you all enough. I know I say this page has changed my life but it’s also lifted me out of a lot of black holes over the months. Thank you so much. My goggly eyes is now forever known as “Blip” and is going on my fridge along with my certificate.”

Top Motivator- Jan Dunn
Jan said: “Goodness me!!!! My cup runneth over!! What a genuine gobsmacking surprise?! Congratulations to everyone mentioned – you’re all part of the human face of this life issue – sharing our ups & downs with New You & the fabulous Secret Slimmers really has made the difference & I think, meant more meaningful success as a group, with our weight battles and reprogramming ourselves along the way, in pursuit of a happier & healthier New You.
Whether mentioned here or not, every Secret Slimmer is a winner – you are winning at life – you’ve done & you’re doing something positive, instead of accepting & settling for a life as a lardyarse (I was guilty of this, probably since a bereavement knocked me off my perch, for about the last 13+ years….).
I bloody love the lot of you – ALL my Secret Slimmer Brothers & Sisters – what a force for good!! Thank you from my very much less fatty heart!”

Top Comedian- Jude Portbury
Jude said: “Now that I have got over the shock a bit I would like to thank my fan base .😉Fancy me winning Top Comedian Award 🥇Its a funny old world as this is the second award I won in the last few days. At the local Aladdin Panto on Saturday I won 🏅for The Best Air Guitar Playing Granny ….we played to AC/DC and audience clapped loudest for me 👏 👏 👏 👏.😂😂😂😂 But do you know what I was already a winner with New You. Winning at getting to know all you fabulous people and getting a glimpse into your lives, sharing you achieving and also your hard times, even your a
heartache 💔
New You is like a family – we nurturer, guide and support one another. I have seen so many fabulous weight loss achievements, people turn their lives around, people falling down or coming to a crossroads in their lives. All real life. But what get to me most is the determination and kick ass approach of so many who have been kicked hard and downtrodden by life circumstances.
I may be The Top Comedian but believe me I care for each and everyone of you – I am prepared to be The Top Comedian if it means I can put a smile on your face, make you LOL 😂,or lift your spirits .
This time of year can be so difficult for people in general. There can be so much pressure on people – I no longer buy in to it. You don’t need false problematic people or fancy sugar enriched foods to make you happy – you just need to be true to yourselves. Enjoy the simple pleasures this Christmas. Spend time with those who care for you, go for walks – fresh air can do wonders, play silly games, watch those soppy movies, dance your heart out. Then as you approach the New Year think about the days getting longer, the lovely spring days, the long hot summer. Make an effort to do the simple things in life – they give you the most joy and pleasure.
If your weight loss has gone a bit haywire refocus and set mini goals for yourself. Those who have reached target don’t let it slide, rein things in if the pounds start to creep up. Only you have the power. You have the power to be amazing in 2020. I love you all.”

Mega Maintainer Of The Year- Missy Perry
Missy Perry said: “So many deserving people. I am humbled beyond belief! I can’t wait to meet many of you IRL in 2020. You have given me my life back! I love that I have a way to maintain and not feel guilty. Thanks to this plan, I know that I am in control of my weight. I will never to back to the obese old me again. 2020 is going to be amazing!!!!”

Biggest Life Change- Michelle Duffield
Michelle said: “I received my goodie bag today, full of surprises, and wanted to say thank you to all the team at NY headquarters and to those who voted for me.
Whilst this year has involved several highs and lows, I cannot thank you all enough for continually encouraging me on this wonderful adventure. For it has been an adventure, with many twists and turns. As someone who had no belief in herself, my life has transformed immensely. So much so, that I now view life through a different lens and it’s quite simply, beautiful 😍
So personally, this has not just been a diet, it has been a lesson in life. One which has taught me so much about myself, and one which I’m sure will continue to teach me more.
I’m looking forward to 2020 (the year to lose plenty) and to reaching many different goals, of which I’m in the process of setting out.
Keep reaching for the stars SS, they’re not as far away as you may think! 😊
“Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen” – (J.W. Van Goethe)”

Selfie Queen- Victoria Knowles
What’s the point of life if there are no selfies to show it off? Victoria is our 2019 selfie queen as she is always there with a smiling face to help cheer up all our slimmers’ day.

New You Chef Of The Year- Ushma Akhtar
Ushma said: “Look what I got today!!! 🥰🥰🥰 I can’t actually believe it and am so so so grateful for all that voted for me … I love you all so much!!
I’m truly honoured and humbled to get this … feel like I should be wearing a chef’s hat or something 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you to everyone but especially to Julz Jameson .. to Gareth Creany and the whole of the New You Team for making this all possible because I don’t know what I would have done without you!!
Thank you once again and congratulations to all the winners and to the whole of my SS family for being winners too 😍😍😍”
Thanks to not just our winners but to everyone who contributes, reads and shares their story in Secret Slimmers. xx
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Getting started is the first step in your journey to a brand New You! To help you understand fully how our plan works, our Get Started page with designed specifically for people new to the plan.
Head over to our site where you’ll find tonnes of important information including how our plan works, the science behind it, loads of top tips, information on our meals, as well as real customer testimonials.
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*Everyone is different, and we can’t guarantee how much weight you will lose. Check out our success stories to see what our customers have lost.
I would like to lose 10 pounds.