New You Plan Blog
{New Challenge} Love Your Body Step Challenge

{New Challenge} Love Your Body Step Challenge

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Love Your Body by Candida J F Woolcott 

The NEW Customer Transformation Coach for The New You Plan

Candida has just joined the New You Team as our New Customer Transformation Coach (You may recognise her from Secret Slimmers). Today she introduces the new challenge for the month of February and gives us a little insight to why it is so important for us all to learn to love our bodies from day 1.

I still look at myself through a critical, harsh lens even after losing six and a half stone. I still have this tiny lingering belief that my perfect, love-your-body
happier life happens the moment I fit into a size 6.

I’m accomplished and successful in many ways. I’m relatively intelligent. I’m kind and compassionate and passionate about helping who I can, when I can (humble brag). I’m a size 8, so why do I not love my body, how can I learn to love it for all its little imperfections?

There is no such thing as a perfect body, and trying to achieve one is impossible. Everyone has their own unique shape that should be embraced and not criticized. Your body is part of what has taken you through life so far. We are bombarded with photo-shopped images of gorgeous men and women with perfect skin, perfect legs, luxurious locks and not a stretch mark to be seen. So, if I know this is unrealistic why do I have such a negative judgement against my body?

Has my body defied me, am I angry at it for not being naturally thin? I guess I am but I need to change this.beautiful I like me as a person so I need to learn to love my body too!

I accept that loving your body is necessary to be truly healthy and happy.

So, on my quest to learn to love my body, here are my top tips!

– Walk with your head held high, supported by pride and confidence in yourself as a person.

– Make time in your day to breathe in the fresh air. Take a walk, blow away the cobwebs and give yourself time to think.

– Be your body’s friend and supporter, not it’s enemy.

– Put a sign on each of your mirrors saying, ‘I’m beautiful inside and out’, Look in the mirror and say compassionate, kind things to yourself.

– Stop letting a look or comment from someone else determine how you feel about yourself. That person probably wasn’t judging you, you are judging yourself.

– Stop waiting to reach your goal to enjoy your body. Your life is happening right now. You can choose to hate yourself or love yourself. Choose love!


Life is far too hard as it is without you being at war with your body. When we get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.
Enjoy the wonderful, amazing you!

Candida x


Feb Step-01

** Love Your Body Step Challenge **

How to get involved:

When we are at war with our bodies, nobody wins! The good news is, you can change this and as soon as you do, you’ll feel incredible. Loving yourself and your body is essential for personal growth, achieving dreams, goals and developing happy healthy relationships with others. Learn to love the skin you are in by stepping out of your comfort zone. Join in in February’s Step Challenge. Watch the video below to hear Candida telling you all about it 🙂 To join, here is what you need to do:

Screen Shot 2017-01-30 at 14.45.041. Accept your invitation to join the Love Your Body Step Challenge. Your name will be added to the up-datable sheet. (If you have not received and invitation send a friend request to Candida Woolcott or Christina Stewart and they will add you to the challenge)

2. Set your Personal Weekly Step Target on the sheet on the Step Event Challenge page beside your name, record your weekly steps each week. E.g. if you start the challenge on a monday then you would fill in your total steps the following monday.

3. Use a fitbit, smart watch, my fitness pal (or other fitness apps) or a pedometer to record your steps. You can download My Fitness Pal from the app store on your phone.

4. Try to push yourself, don’t make your step goal too easy or indeed too hard.

5. Take photo’s frequently of your Fitbit Dashboard or share your My Fitness Pal page with us on the event page.

6. If you reach your target amount of steps at the end you will be in for a chance to win some amazing prizes!

Join in, stay strong and see what you can achieve!


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