Hannah Blog 2 – Week 6 total of 37lbs lost! This week 2.5lbs GONE

Hi Everyone, Hannah here!
What 3 words would you use to describe yourself before your weight loss?
When did you start to see results?
5 weeks ago before I started New You, I woke up everyday feel horrible. Always felt bloated and frumpy and was always bothered by what I looked like and if my clothes were too tight. I was constantly tired and just down in the dumps! 5 weeks on and I feel fantastic! I actually wake up with a spring in my step everyday! I am loving watching me shrink and get into clothes I’ve not worn in so long. That feeling is fantastic!!
It’s just crazy how fast you see the results as well! This photo was me just 1 week apart!! I could see the difference without a doubt!!
What was your first fist pump moment? How did it make you feel?
I have had so many fist pump moments in the last 5 weeks. From getting into smaller clothes, watching the scales go down, running 10k and this weeks fist pump moment was finally getting my engagement and wedding ring back on after 1.5 years!! FIST PUMP!!
Who or what is your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration is my daughter and my husband. I am doing this for them. To give them a happy and healthy Mummy and wife! They inspire me everyday to stick to New You and be the best that I can be!!
What a fantastic week this has been guys! I’ve run 10k and had a fantastic none scale victory but getting my rings back on. Woooohooo!!
My products this week have been yummy strawberry milkshakes, salt and vinegar crisps and omelette! They are definitely my favourite products at the moment!!
Don’t forget the Secret Slimmers Facebook page. It provides fantastic and friendly support whilst you are on the diet. A great place to go and chat to people in the same position as you. It’s such a great support network as is the new you team! They are always there if ever you need them.
Top Tips from Hannah this week:
✅ If you find drinking cold water hard which I did and have finally overcome, add hot water! Helps so so much and it’s much easier to drink your 4ltrs
✅ Add dried herbs to you meals. Though the meals are fantastic anyway, mixing them up with different herbs keeps them fresh!
✅ Talk! Come and talk to all of our other fantastic secret slimmers.
✅ Before and after photos! Oh my goodness such a massive help! Take one before you start and then regular ones whilst on plan! Really helps you see the difference! Here is my before and after up until today!! Ekkkkkk!!
Watch Now to see Hannah’s AMAZING reaction on her weight loss this week!!
Can’t wait to catch up with you all next week!
Love ya, bye!!
Hannah xx
You’re just the best ?