Diet Mindset
FREE DOWNLOAD Healthy Habits for Maintaining Weight Loss After Total Food Replacement TFR

FREE DOWNLOAD Healthy Habits for Maintaining Weight Loss After Total Food Replacement TFR

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A lot of people worry about being able to maintain their weight loss after a TFR Total food replacement diet plan.

I have spoken to hundreds of people who have put weight on after doing a total food replacement diet plan, and they all say the same thing… “I fell back into my old habits”

Falling into eating habits doesn’t just happen to people who have done a total food replacement diet, if everyone who lost weight after following a conventional healthy eating diet plan maintained forever and never needed to diet again, then no one in the world would be over weight.

Putting weight back on after doing ANY DIET – happens A LOT.  That is LIFE.  It doesn’t matter how you lose the weight, what matters most is what you do AFTER you lose the weight.

There is NO POINT going on a diet if you don’t want to change your habits for the long term.

Your habits will shape your body, your life and your destiny.

Here are some questions you should take some time to consider while you are losing weight.  You NEED to start building these habits into your lifestyle NOW before you get to your target weight.  If you are serious about staying slim after TFR, then you need to take responsibility for the habits that create and shape your body and your life.

Choose 1 or 2 habits, focus on these habits for 21 days, and when they become easier, choose another 1-2 habits, repeat this FOREVER.  

Remember that THE NEW YOU is a journey – THERE IS NO DESTINATION – you are a always working on improving your health, and your lifestyle.


•How can you do 30 minutes exercise a day?
•How can you stop eating out of boredom?
•How can you stop eating your emotions?
•How can you de-stress after a hard day?
•How can you make sure you always have healthy food options in the fridge?
•How can you make better food and drink choices when you are out socialising?
•How can you cook healthier?
•How can you get a goods nights sleep?
•How can you stop money worries?
•How can you be more organised in the morning?
•How can you sleep better?
•How can you get up earlier?
•How can you have a good social life without expanding your waistline and damaging your health?
You can DOWNLOAD THE FREE EBOOK – HEALTHY HABITS FOR MAINTAINING WEIGHT LOSS AFTER TOTAL FOOD REPLACEMENT so that you can complete these questions and get some more tips on how to build healthy habits that will help you to maintain your weight loss after total food replacement.

DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE EBOOK CLICK HERE ~ New You Plan Healthy Habits for Weight Loss

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