Day 8 – Team Tips Tuesday & Prize Draw Winner Announced!
I am travelling today, we are leaving Nice, France today and setting off to our new destination!
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Tuesday is a BIG DAY in our challenge as we have TWO THEMES.
1.) THE WEEKLY PRIZE DRAW WINNER will be announced by Ellie & Grant in New You HQ.
2.) TEAM TIPS TUESDAY is our Task, where everyone can share tips!
TEAM TIPS TUESDAY. This is where you get the opportunity to share your tips with the team and hopefully we can all learn something new from each other!
EVERY TUESDAY WE WILL ALSO BE ANNOUNCING THE WINNER OF OUR WEEKLY PRIZE DRAW! If you have been taking part in our daily challenges then you are in a chance of winning a mini ipad today, just watch the video to see who the winner is. Every day we have been selecting our favourite comments of the day and putting them into the drawer. We will continue to do this every day, and we will be doing a draw every week too! So if you will have a chance to win every week! The more times you take part the more chances you have to win! 🙂
Today we want your TIPS on DRINKING WATER! Drinking water is an important part of weight loss, especially when you are on a Very Low Calorie Diet / Total Food Replacement diet plan.
Here is WHY drinking water is important….
20 Reasons Why you should drink water for healthy weight loss:-
1.) Water is a great appetite suppressor, and drinking water will make you feel fuller.
2.) Drinking water will stop you from feeling hungry almost over night.
3.) Drinking water will help your body to burn your stored body fat.
4.) If you do not drink enough water you can suffer from headaches.
5.) You should not gulp down water in one go, you should sip it throughout the day.
6.) Lack of water can cause mood swings
7.) A decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase
8.) An increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.
9.) Drinking water means you liver can do its job properly and help your body burn fat.
10.) Drinking water keeps your kidneys healthy and functioning to full capacity.
11.) Drinking more water is the best treatment for fluid retention. The more water your drink the less fluid your body will hold on to.
12.) Water prevents skin from sagging as water plumps the skin and leaves it clear, healthy and resilient, water can also help with muscle tone.
13.) Water helps the body get rid of waste.During weight loss, the body has a lot more waste to get rid of – all that metabolized fat must be shed. Again, adequate water helps flush out the waste.
14.) Water can help relieve constipation.When the body gets too little water, it siphons what it needs from internal sources. The colon is one of these primary sources. Result – constipation. But, when an individual drinks enough water, normal bowel function usually returns.
15.) The amount you drink should also be increased if you exercise briskly
16.) If the weather is hot you may also need to drink more water.
17.) It is preferable to drink cold water, which is absorbed into the system more quickly than warm water. Some evidence suggests that drinking cold water can actually help burn more calories
18.) Endocrine-gland function improves which creates hormones that keeps your body metabolism healthy.
19.) Lack of water can make you feel fatigued and lethargic
20.) Dehydration can lead to sugar cravings
OK, So now that we know WHY we need to drink water for healthy fast weight loss, we want YOUR TEAM TIPS on how to get 3/4 litres of water into you everyday.
Don’t forget that New You Plan now offers a lovely range of water flavourings that can be added to cold or hot water.
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We want practicial tips and mindset tips, anything at all that you feel has helped you to achieve this goal. Don’t forget that the best comments will be placed into the next weekly draw!
I find it easier to break it down into small amounts, i carry a 500ml bottle at all times and dont feel like its a mountain i have to climb with the large amount we need to consume more like a little hill lol..
Sparkling water is a must to try for a change, as someone who never liked sparkling water, i now love it because it def keeps ya fuller for longer and the bubbles and fizz can be a huge distraction, fill sparkling water into a wine glass on the weekend nights and its easy to fool yourself into thinking u are having a bev… Happy Drinking everyone xx
Going for a walk first thing in the morning gets me ready for my first 500ml of water and kicks my day off.. Start early and then it won’t feel like a rush
Mix the new you flavours to your water and freeze in ice pop containers on hot days 🙂
Go out with friends and enjoy yourself down the pub with a mix of sparkling and plan water I drank at least two litres the last night I was out don’t be afraid to go places and enjoy a night xxx
Loving the challenges guys you all rock!!!
I find drinking water not too bad as its always something we have beside us in the house we have a pint glass beside us at all times I always have a pint of water 1st thing in the morning before my shake if I feel like I’m going to have a blip I go d male sure I drink another pint during the day I keep sipping and refilling if I’m out and about I have a bottle of water with me now the weather is starting to get slightly better it is a little easier to drink water on warmdayswhen we are lucky to have them water is so good for us one tip I would have is when drinking the water just think of the fat you are helping wash way with every sip 😀 x
Sports bottles are the way to go, it doesn’t feel like you are drinking a huge amount. I find it easier to drink if it is just slightly chilled (as drinking freezing cold water can give you stomach cramps). Sip little by little throughout the day and before you know it….. 7 litres drank! 🙂
I set myself time slots that a need to have finished a litre off by my first litre has to be finished by 11am, then I go and refill. My second by 2pm and then I refill and go on lunch and then my third by 5:30pm and then it’s off home and three litres done! I also have a black coffee at 10:30 which counts as a bit extra. Then once I’m home I have a large 750ml glass to see me through to bedtime :). Setting myself little challenges and deadlines really help
Make ice lollies and ice cubes and slush puppies with the various water flavourings plus each time I have a cup of tea or coffee I have a glass of water too xx
CRINGE at telling everyone this, but since my two babies, I’ve the bladder of an 80 year ( no offence if any of ye are that age) but I’m only 34!!!
I fill 10 500ml bottles every night before going to bed, and leave them in my mini fridge to chill….each day I start at 8 am and I drink 1 bottle every hour, until I finish work at 6pm….. I cannot drink after that, as I would b up all night in the loo!
I will post up a picture of fridge! Lol
Hi everyone,
When I’m at home I use the water flavouring and drink it a pint at the time as my body can take it. It will be different for everyone as not all will be able to drink a pint at once, I always could do that with all sorts of liquids since I was very young. When I’m at work I carry a 2 litre bottle and 1 litre bottle, as I can’t actually have drinks with me, I pop out to my locker and take regular sips, plus drink it on my breaks. So I have a pint of water when I get up, then I aim the drink all my bottles when I’m at work and usually have to refill my 1 litre bottle in a day, then when I get home I usually have a couple of pints at least, depending on what time I get home as I try not to drink too close to bed time or I will be up to the toilet half of the night. But try with 2 litres at first if you struggle, then try to increase it every day, use the water flavouring as it really helps. Good luck. Love, xxx 🙂
I spread it out over the day, so I have a bottle before I have breakfast, one before 11, one before 1 another by 4, one by dinner time, then another by 8. Anything added to that is a plus, for example, I bring a flask of tea or coffee to work,and also when I feel hungry I have another glass with broth or the orange powder added. Also, I alternate between fizzy and plain water. Also, make sure where ever you go, you know where the loo is!
Buy a 1L or 2L bottle nd plan that you will drink a L before 11am etc and add d flavourings as that gives you a bit more of a boost and you don’t get bored. It helps will weight loss too and if ur extremely sick of water have the broth! It’s amazing! Love love love it!! Have tea and when it’s too hot add water to cool it down so your killing it with water and you don’t even notice 😀
I start my day with 2 litres of sparkling water,finish that by lunch, then fill with tap water and I drink that till 6-7ish. and when I’m out I keep multi pack of 500ml water in boot of car so I’ve water always at hand 🙂
I don’t have lots and lots of tips but I have a soda stream and like to drink my water 80’s style… Chilled water with a tiny touch of flavouring and a squirt of the soda steam makes for easier drinking…. After all the adverts do say that life with bubbles is more exciting!!!
Like Sara, I too use my Soda Stream to bubble up my water…I prepare 3 litres of it every morning for the day ahead. I have half a litre first thing as I am getting ready for work, and take the other half in a plastic bottle & drink it in the car on my 30min journey to Dublin. I also bring one of the litres with me to get me started in work and sip this over the morning. With all that gone I have 1.5 ltrs sorted :-). I take another litre of still water during the afternoon, and then re-fill my bottle for the journey home – 3 litres gone – easy!! My final litre is taken at home using the last of the 3 litres I prepared earlier in the morning. I have half while I prepare my meal, and half while I eat. Four litres gone!! I sometimes add the Orange flavouring for a bit of variety 🙂
I have 2 bottles of water in the fridge of 2 litres and i put both of them one of the flavour in them and when i have them finish i do the same but try a other flavour and at night time before going to bed i would have a hot broth drink and if im going to a friends house i have a 500mls bottle which i make up as well and i take it with me same of my friends know about the plan and they are behind me all the way.I just wish there’s more flavours you could try maybe one for each day of the week hehehe xxx
Water Tips…. You know when you have drunk enough that you end up going to the loo, 9 million times in the day !!! I think the trips from my desk at work to the Loo is helping shift a lb or 2. No seriously, cold water,sparkling I find easier to drink and sips…….
I try yo break it up over the day… 2 pints by lunch time. Glass at lunch. 2 in the afternoon etc.
Keep drinking ! It does help……May the “Loo” be with you.
I keep a bottle beside me wherever I am, the car, the gym, the office, watching TV, in bed etc and that makes it easier for me to just reach for the water when I feel like something instead of something naughty!!
I set an alarm on my work computer to go off every 45 minutes: “water!”
I then automatically go and refill a 500ml glass from the cooler and sip it for until the next alarm goes off 😉
I only allow myself sparkling water when I would have had alcohol, so in my mind I have classified it as a “treat” and look forward to it as much as I would a beer now!
I used to be painfully dehydrated, have really noticed my thirst levels going up and can now identify when I need fluid, whereas before, I thought it was hunger!
I reckon if you put all of us lot in a swimming pool, we would have it all drank in about 30 minutes lol xxxx
I have a very easy and simple way of keeping track of water consumption – I have a 1litre sports bottle (mine is nestle water bottle I got it in dealz) and I’m trying to drink 4 litres per day, at the start of the day put 4 coloured elastic bands around your bottle, and each time you finish one, take off the band and put it around your wrist, refill your bottle and continue until there are no more bands around it!! I find as i’m only still on week 1, i’m still feeling quite hungry at times, so when I feel that gnawing feeling, I top up with water! also, I make my shakes with a bit extra water and some ice, hey, what other diet can you have a chocolate milkshake with ice for breakfast on lol
A few things I’m doing to consume more water by camouflaging some of it 😉
I’m alternating porridge and shakes for breakfast. The shakes I find are fine much more diluted – the shaker I have holds 700ml, so after making a smaller volume up, I then top it up with more water up to the brim. Same with the soups for lunch – if I’m home I’m whisking a pack up with a pint of hot water in a jug… Amazing how my taste buds are adapting!
I also try to have a vitamin a day – so instead of tablets, I’ve bought packs of Berocca effervescent (3 for the price of 2. They are about 5 calories each). Half a fizzy tablet in half a pint of water mid-morning, and the other half mid-afternoon.
I’m trying to wean myself off milky tea, and a glass or two of wine some evenings, and just having water. (These two are the most difficult hurdles!!!)
And at night I have either a pint glass of tap water or 700ml bottle of water by my bed, and I finish (most of) that off before before I get up the next morning. Surprising how easy it is to get so much water down when it’s disguised!! Is that permitted?
Personally I have 500 ml sports bottles (10 of them) I fill 5 up with plain water and then I fill the other 5 up with the orange and blackcurrant water flavourings and they are lovely!! I find it easier to drink rather than drinking out of bigger bottles.
I start drinking from the moment I open my eyes till i go to sleep so to balance out my intake. Only 1 of my kidneys works properly so I have to make sure I space my water out otherwise I end up in pain. On days that I may be struggling with my water i have peppermint tea or some of the broth water flavouring as this is just so scrummy!!! 🙂 xxx
From the moment I wake up I start drinking my water I fill up 750ml bottles with water and chill them in the fridge at work.
I turn up the heating in the office, this in turn makes my mouth dry so I crave the water, I have 3 litres drunk before I get home from work lol.
Oh and as I am in ketosis I am freezing so the increase in temperature in the office keeps me warm too!!!!!
i find it good to make a large drink of sparkling water and craberry (mixing cranberry with some hot water first)before going out and when i come in at night. i also carry a 750ml bottle with me at all times.
i find it best to drink at least 2l of water in the mornings. i do this by filling my sports bottle in work and sipping away on it all morning before i know it is 11 am ans time to fill that bottle again so by 1pm ive my 2L done! i then drink 1L for the afternoon and 1L for the evening when i get home. sports bottle is definitely teh way to go as you dont feel yourself drinking the water and you have an accurate measure of what you are drinking!