Day 21 – Motivation Monday – Time to Write A New Story!
Photo of me with my Mum & Daughter – Everyone says I am the double of my Mum, but my daughter is the double of her Dad! lol
Hi everyone! Day 21 of our SUMMER HOLIDAY TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE! Woohoo! Motivation Monday and today I really want everyone to get SUPER MOTIVATED to have an AWESOME WEEK!
If you have been doing the challenge for the full 21 days so far – A MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU! Doing something for 21 days consistently is life changing! It takes 21 days to form a new habit! You are well on the road to creating your New You! x
When you are following total food replacement, doing it for 21 days is A BIG MILESTONE to achieve. Most people will be see and feel massive differences in this time period; clothes will be much looser, face less puffy and more definition, and body shape improved, with less bloatedness, reduced muffin top, etc etc..
The biggest change after 21 days is how your mind starts to realise that you are no longer turning to food for comfort, or to relieve boredom. After 21 days of not doing this, your mindset really changes, and the healthy habit is formed. Just as the first 21 days of total food replacement is so important for forming new habits, the first 21 days of your refeed program is crucial too. Make sure you treat your refeed seriously when you get to your goal.
SO! How have the last 21 Days been for you?
I hope that you have flew through the challenge so far! I see a lot of the same people posting everyday which is fantastic, as I know you are doing really well and building the momentum of your summer transformation!
If you have not got off to a good start, then today is the day that we all recommit to our summer transformation!

I have just completed my first week. If you read my blog last Monday you will know that I am aiming to look good in a pair of size 28 Ted Baker jeans in time to celebrate my 3rd Wedding Anniversary in June. I tried them on this morning, and they are looking MUCH BETTER!! I am hoping that next Monday I will be wearing them for the video!! Fingers crossed!
Today I want everyone to really get super focused on having an AWESOME WEEK, and giving it 100%. Even if you have blipped or completley fell of the wagon and lost your momentum. Today is a great day to start! It is not too late to join the challenge. CLICK HERE AND REGISTER.
[quote style=”boxed”]The only reason you can’t get to your target weight…. is the story you keep telling yourself why you can’t do it. Change your story today… you are the author of your own life story, make it great! Stop telling stories that hold you back. xxx[/quote]
I wish I was some perfect example of losing weight. I have lost 100 pounds, but this last bit of weight I have struggled with. That is because I keep telling myself stories….
“I have done really well to lose 100 pounds, sure I will just relax & enjoy being this weight for a while”
“I have too much going on, I need to get all these other things sorted so I can focus on my diet 100%”
“I will start properly next month/week!”
“I am a Mum now… my body has changed, I should just accept that and not put myself under any pressure”
The biggest thing that stops us from achieving anything is the story that we tell ourselves about WHY we can’t have it. We all do it, it is part of human nature, but we can all change the story, it is just getting the conviction in our heart and mind that we don’t want to live that story anymore, and that we want to write a new story. We are all the authors of our own life story, so let’s make sure that we are writing a story that excites us and empowers us!
I am sick and tired of listening to MY OLD STORIES that have been holding me back from finishing my journey. I am so glad that I started last week, and I can see and feel the difference already. I am determined this time not to let myself start to slip up when I move into the 9 stone bracket, I am changing my story to something that empowers me and encourages me to keep going!
There is never a GOOD TIME to start a diet. I am here in Crete with my family and would love to be trying all the different Greek foods, but I have told myself so many stories all year, about why I am too busy, can’t focus at the moment, I will start next week etc etc. I just have got to the stage that I have to stop with the excuses.
What story have you been telling yourself about why you cannot lose the weight?
I hope that today you will stop holding yourself back and make the commitment to YOURSELF to RECLAIM YOUR BODY & YOUR HEALTH. Creating your New You is an exciting time of transformation. Success does not always happen in a straight line, blips and bumps will happen on the way, but you will get to where you want to be as long as you do not give up!
Don’t feel bad if you have had some blips, or been listening to your stories that have held you back. This is part of your journey and everyone does this. See it as part of your journey, and get really focused on pushing on and making things happen!
Today I want to give us a task that will help everyone, especially those who have been struggling to get committed to their weight loss goal. In today’s task I want you to download the worksheet and complete it. It is a quick exercise that will help you to work through what you will gain by changing your story to one that is more empowering and healthy. The story that you keep telling yourself about WHY you cannot lose weight, WHY you cannot get to your goal, and WHY you can’t be 100% is holding you back. Today I want you to complete the exercise and WRITE A NEW STORY that will help you to CREATE YOUR NEW YOU!
The questions on the worksheet are:-
- What weight do you want to be?
- What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
- What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
- Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
- What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
- How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
- How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
- What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
- Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your New You?
Please share your answers below….
[highlight]I really look forward to reading your responses! Remember that tomorrow we will be doing another Prize Draw for a mini iPad!! Congratulations to Karen & Tracey who have already won mini iPads in our weekly prize draws! Woohoo! 🙂 [/highlight]
Hi everyone.
Hope you are having a great weekend. Mine has been super and I can’t wait for my next weigh in. Here are my answers to the questions in today’s task:
Q1. What weight do you want to be?
A1. 8.5 stone
Q2. What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
A2. I need to stick to NY program 100%, drink at least 4 litres of water per day, exercise
Q3. What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
A3. I need to give up eating a normal food for a while, and to give up eating unhealthy foods during refeed
Q4. Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
A4. I want to achieve this weight because that will be the right weight for me to be, I will gain confidence in myself, better, healthier body and mind, and the ability to do things I cannot do at present
Q5. What are the consequences if you don’t achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
A5. If I don’t achieve this weight I will be unhappy and uncomfortable, I will miss out on being the life and soul of the party like I used to be, I will miss out on many activities such as swimming which I love and cannot face doing at the moment, I will miss out on being a good parent to my future child
Q6. How will you feel when you achieve this weight? Describe all your emotions in detail.
A6. I will feel great, fantastic, proud, confident, fit, healthy, empowered, beautiful, graceful, attractive, energetic
Q7. How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
A7. I will feel miserable, unhappy, not confident, I will probably be heavier in a year and be suffering health problems and low confidence, I will feel ugly and unattractive, lethargic, disappointed
Q8. What is the story you have been telling yourself why you cannot achieve this weight?
A8. I have been telling myself that I am not worth it, it’s ok to be fat, if I lose all the weight I will still look ugly with lots of loose skin around my body, but most likely I won’t be able to achieve the weightloss because I’m useless and cannot stick it out, I give up too easily, I have no will power, I get too bored, I’m too stressed out at work, I will always be an emotional eater so there is no point in even trying
Q9. Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why you deserve to create your New You?
A9. I am worth it, I can do it and lose all the weight, it’s about the state of mind and my mind is ready for it, I can do anything if I put my mind to it, nothing is impossible. I will find other ways than food to satisfy my emotional needs. I deserve to be happy and content with the way I look and feel, I am in control of my life, I can do this and succeed. I have worked hard in my life and I deserve to be fit and healthy, I want to have a child and I will be a fit mother and the best person that I can be
Hope you have enjoyed reading my story. Have a great Bank Holiday. Love. xxx 🙂
Love love love your new story 🙂 Amazing – make it your reality xxx xxx
1)What weight do you want to be?
10 stone
2) What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
Stay doing, what I’m doing; new you TFR everyday, stay focused, no blips, change old habits, think Positively
3) What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
I need to give up putting everyone else before myself, I need to give up using food as a crutch to support me
4) Why do you want to achieve this weight?
To be healthy and fit to be able to chase after my kids, to look good in clothes, to get my confidence back, to build my self esteem back up…. To get the old me back the one my kids have never met!
5)What will you gain?
More confidence, more self control, new adventures, knowledge on how food effects my body, I will gain a new me
6) What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight?
There is no if, donts or misses…. I WILL reach my goal weight
7) What will you miss out on?
I’m done missing out on stuff, which is why I’m doing this
8) How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
Complete, satisfied, happy, content
9) How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
Again…. That’s not in my Vocabulary…. I will achieve my goal weight
10) What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
I always said I didn’t have time to diet, or I had too many things going on to start a diet…. My depression held me back….. Not anymore
Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your New You?
I am worth putting myself first for a change, a happier me, can only benefit everyone around me, it means a short space of time being selfish, putting myself first…. But for too long I always took a back seat…… Now it’s my turn…. It’s all for me!
Love it, you are a lady on a mission indeed!! Wooohoo xxx
1. What Weight you want to be.
12 Stones
2. What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
To continue to be 100% , have my 3 litres, do my exercise and never forget to smile.
3. What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
I need to give up self doubt and stop listening to people.
4. Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
I need to have a healthy weight for my height and by doing this
I will gain a Confident New Me.
5. What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will
miss out on?
I won’t be happy and fulfilled. I wouldn’t want to miss out on any thing so
6. How you feel when you achieve this weight?
I will feel on top of the world!!! Satisfied, Sexy and it will be the greatest
revenge for those that called me fat.
7. How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
I have come this far, I have tasted how good slim really feels.. Aint no stopping me now 🙂
1. What Weight you want to be.
12 Stones
2. What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
To continue to be 100% , have my 3 litres, do my exercise and never forget to smile.
3. What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
I need to give up self doubt and stop listening to people.
4. Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
I need to have a healthy weight for my height and by doing this
I will gain a Confident New Me.
5. What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will
miss out on?
I won’t be happy and fulfilled. I wouldn’t want to miss out on any thing so
6. How you feel when you achieve this weight?
I will feel on top of the world!!! Satisfied, Sexy and it will be the greatest
revenge for those that called me fat.
7. How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
I have come this far, I have tasted how good slim really feels.. Aint no stopping me now 🙂
8. What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot
achieve this weight?
I was deceiving myself thinking plus size was the new thing, I even wanted to be a plus size model at one stage. Deep down I wasn’t really happy with my weight and never thought that I could lose weight.
9. Rewrite Your story now… What is your new story and why do you deserve to
create your New You.
I have been on the New You plan since January and have lost 5 Stones. I
see new you as a medication I must take daily to save my life. I am happy
smiling and finally letting go of my dark days. I deserve to creat my new me
because After losing a child I thought life was over but guess what?? This is
just the beginning cos I am WORTH IT!!!!
YOu are worth it hun!! 🙂 Love this – well written! xx
What weight do you want to be?
What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
Be consistent & 100%
What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
Crap didnt submit it properly
Dang! x
Maybe write your answer into a word doc next time Orla and then you can copy and paste in here, that way if messes up you can just copy and paste it again.! Would love to read your comments xx
What weight do you want to be?
10stone please Miss!
What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
I need to stick to the plan, and stop taking so many planned breaks!
What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
Working constantly at my desk, alcohol in times of stress / celebration!
Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
I would like to feel attractive and unapologetic for my appearance, and get more respect in the workplace. I would also like to be able to go swimming at a whim, travel more, and LIVE LIFE instead of just surviving 🙂
What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
Living life to its fullest… I would like to want to be centre stage again, act, dance, be outgoing in every aspect of my life 😉
How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
ECSTATIC!! Free. Fulfilled. Worth something. LIKE ME AGAIN!
How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
Like a big, fat disappointment 🙁
What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
I’ve always been big, I won’t be any fun to be around without the booze, I am naturally super curvy, I don’t have time to exercise… sigh
Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your New You?
I will get there, I have come so far already! Success is never a straight line, sometimes I will fail, but the biggest winners in life pick themselves back up again and give it 100% until they achieve their goal. And I will be a WINNER!
I deserve to be the lead character in my own life, NOT the supporting role of the fat friend!
Woohoo!! Love this, I always sense your energy reading your posts Melissa!! I love it x
•What weight do you want to be?
10.5 stone
•What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
Stick with the NY plan & keep 100% focused
•What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
My bad habits and as Julie Ann says, letting stupid excuses get in the way.
•Why do you want to achieve this weight?
I felt sooo good when I lost this weight before, I want to feel that way again.
What will you gain?
Self confidence, the joy of wearing lovely clothes once more, having a wardrobe full of gorgeous stuff that will fit me again!!
•What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
Will always feel very self conscious, especially amongst family and friends. It will kill me to look at all the lovely clothes I have and not be able to wear them. And I hate having my picture taken, and thats not gona change if I dont!!
•How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
Bloody marvellous, both for loosing the weight and for sticking with the plan and having fantastic Will Power (as everyone keeps telling me lol!!)
•How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
SERIOUSLY PISSED OFF AT MYSELF!! I know I can do this, I’m at it 4 weeks now and there are no excuses. Nearly half way already so no reason to throw my hat at it at this stage!
•What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
You name it, I’ve said it!! Too busy at work, dont want to miss out on lunch with my colleagues, cant do this and go to social events. Well ya know what, in the past 4 weeks I’ve done em all and I know I can do it!!! So no excuses from now on!
Here’s to a new me in time for my birthday at the end of June!!! 🙂
Oh what a birthday present for yourself!! Stick to hun and can’t wait to get a message from you saying I DID IT 🙂 X
I have been missing in action past couple of days so as I’m home alone tomorrow going to catch up on blogs and tasks in the morning 🙂 x
That is awesome Lynn, great to have you back and I hope you are feeeling GOOD 🙂 XX
•What weight do you want to be?
12 stone
•What do you need to do to achieve this weight? Get the motivation and determination that is needed to complete tfr. I’ve started on day 1 for the past 2 months. I really struggle
•What do you need to give up to achieve this weight? Eating food and drinking diet drinks
•Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain? I want to be able to have a baby, it is mine and my husbands goal after years of trying and failing
•What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on? I will be turning 40 in 5 years time and life will have passed me by and my chances of having a baby will be gone forever
•How will you feel when you achieve this weight? Normal, happy and confident
•How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight? miserable, self consious like i have done all my life
•What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight? That I’ve never suceeded at anything, why should now be any different
•Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your New You?
I deserve to be happy, I deserve to become a mother and my husband deserves to become a father. Were good people, we deserve the chance to be happy
You do deserve it, and you WILL get to your goal so soon! Good Luck xx
•What weight do you want to be?
For my height and frame I think 11 1/2 stone would be a good weight
•What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
Stick at New You 100% – there’s no other way I’ll succeed!
•What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
Food, Alcohol and the mindframe that I can’t do it and am destined to be big forever!
•Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
I want to loose this weight to be healthy for my children, to be able to run around with them with the energy and enthusiasm that we all deserve. To be able to go to the beach in swimming togs and run into the sea without wobbling all over the place. I will gain so so much, I will be happier, more confident, healthier, more outgoing – I will gain the life I deserve.
•What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
If I do not achieve this weight, I will feel like a failure… I will have let myself down and my children down. Not achieving it is not an option, I will succeed – I can be so so stubborn when I need to be (quite like my daughter who is only 5 and uses stabilizers, yesterday she completed a 10k sponsored cycle and refused to give up). I won’t miss out on anything because I WILL NOT FAIL.
•How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
When I get to this weight the first thing I will do will cry, not sad tears, happy tears. This is something in life that I am in control of, something that I deserve for me.
•How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
N/A – I WILL achieve this weight
•What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
My whole life I have comfort eaten, I could honestly write a book on my life story and no-one would believe what I’ve gone through, and each and every time things have gone bad for me, I’ve turned to my best friend food… but it’s not my best friend.. quite the opposite, it’s the cause of my problems…. I do not need to over eat… I need to “eat to live not live to eat” My mind has changed now, I am strong and will do this.
•Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your New You?
A New me with the help of New You is something I deserve so much. I know that being slim isn’t the “be all and end all” but for me it’s the “start all” I know that if I am happy in myself, so many other things will happen for me. I’ve already booked a place in a swim teacher/pool lifeguard course in august so that I can get employment, something i’d not have thought about even 3 weeks ago when I was 18+ lbs heavier… and by then I’ll be at goal and have no inhibitions at the side of the pool in my swimming togs! Having been through some tremendously dark times I’ve come out the other side and can now see the light to a New Me!!
A New me with the help of New You is something I deserve so much. I know that being slim isn’t the “be all and end all” but for me it’s the “start all”
🙂 x
Another fab task to make us face up to our truths… So here goes –
Q – What weight do you want to be?
A – Ideally 10.5st (only for BMI purposes) but would be happy with 11st
Q – What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
A – A positive attitude, the desire and will power, sticking to my NY diets and a food exercise regime
Q – What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
A – Negativity and the use of the words “I can’t” and my bad eating habits
Q – Why do you want to achieve this weight?
A – so I feel good about myself, look good and can run and play withy children
Q – What will you gain?
A – confidence in myself, inner piece, a better body and a better lifestyle
Q- What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight?
A – Only disappointment with myself
Q – What will you miss out on?
A – a feeling of success and achievement, making childhood memories withy babies
Q – How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
A – ecstatic, elated, superb but most of all I will be proud of myself because I achieved it
Q – How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
A – disappointed in myself as its only me who has failed
Q – What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
A- I always have a function, party, event to go to but the best worst thing I did in the beginning was I told myself is “there is always tomorrow!”
Q – Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your New You?
A – tomorrow never comes, I am the master of my life and only I can change my destiny. If I want my children to have happy memories then I have to help them. I am worth a wonderful body, a healthy life and I am worth the happiness all this will bring
I have one goal in my life and that is to live it to the full and leave many happy memories behind me! If I was overweight and unhappy this wouldn’t be the case so I AM going to achieve my goal as every day wasted is a happy memory lost x
Loved reading this!! Really hope you achieve your goal & have a wonderful active happy life and create lots of special memories with your kids xx
1 – What weight do you want to be?
A – I would like to be 11 stone. But most importantly I’d like to be healthy.
2 – What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
A – stay focused on my goal. Be strong and work hard. Exercise and don’t forget why I am doing this.
3 – What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
A – the thinking that one more wont hurt and putting things off until the next day and then the next day.
4 – Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
A – I want to gain a healthy attitude and confidence.
5 – What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
A – Regret. Disappointment that I failed. The chance of being healthy in order to have children.
6 – How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
A – I don’t think words could express my feelings. But I’d be proud of myself.
How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your New You?
1. I would like to be 9.7 as this is the middle of my healthy bmi. My wedding weight was 11.6 so would be happy to get back there for now.
2.Stay positive, remember how good i felt when i was slimmer, make exercise fun.
3. A negative attitude and the feeling that i Have to eat.
4. Because i want to feel good about myself.
5. Confidence, a healthy mind and body.
6. I will let myself down gain and this will probably mean i will gain it back again.
7. Achieving something i really want.
8. Amazing and very proud.
9. A let down. Ashamed.
10. I always seem to kid myself that i can eat what i want. I suffer with depression and i need to exercise instead of binge eat.
11. My new you story is quite simply to be happy everyday. Cherish the ones who love me and make my children proud. I will be healthy and my family will want to do the same.
Good Luck Tina!! Hope you get to your goal and keep smiling every day 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 XX
1 – What weight do you want to be?
A – I would like to be 11 stone. But most importantly I’d like to be healthy.
2 – What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
A – stay focused on my goal. Be strong and work hard. Exercise and don’t forget why I am doing this.
3 – What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
A – the thinking that one more wont hurt and putting things off until the next day and then the next day.
4 – Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
A – I want to gain a healthy attitude and confidence.
5 – What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
A – Regret. Disappointment that I failed. The chance of being healthy in order to have children.
6 – How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
A – I don’t think words could express my feelings. But I’d be proud of myself.
7 – How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
Disappointed. A failure.
8 – What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
Wasn’t really why I couldn’t achieve it. It was more that I thought I was fine as I was and told myself that I didn’t need to lose weight and it wasn’t worth going on a diet. I was wrong!
9 – Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your New You?
A – I deserve to create a New Me because I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be healthy and I deserve to be what I want to be.
You do deserve it Hannah and you have worked hard for it too! So happy for you xxx
What weight do you want to be?
Been so heavy so long I want to be apx 12.5 stone
What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
Give the new you 100%, and lose the weight in stages.
What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
All normal food in stages of 12 weeks then to eat healthy and follow the refeed rules for two weeks, repeat then till I get to target. And finally for me all high carb triggers.
Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
I will gain MY LIFE back.
What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
Been unable to look after myself as the weight creeps up, and having to rely on family for the things other people take for granted. Quite possibly not see my children growing into men, and miss out on the little things like kicking football, playing catch/tig, swimming, picking nuts/berries, going on adventure walks fairground rides, ect the list is endless…..
How will you feel when you achieve this weight? Describe all your emotions in detail.
I will feel like a bud starting to bloom ,been down so long hidden under all this excess weight, full of confidence been so much slimmer been able to run and play and able to go on rides and not wonder if the bar will close or if I am taking up half of someone else’s seat. Full of energy for to have the house work done during the day then spend the extra time on my husband and family, and will feel happy and contented because of all the above.
How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight? Describe all your emotions in detail. If
you think you will be heavier in 6 months to a year think about the impact of this on your
health and confidence too.
I can say I would gain more weight, I will feel angry at myself for another failure in my life. I will start to resent that I have to rely on others for the merest of tasks.my health will suffer more cause of the extra weight. I would have no confidence, because have little enough as it is. I would hate myself for doing this to my family.
What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
That it’s better to have it than want it? Think it stems from losing my dad at a young age from cancer, I was always overweight he was a big man, went from 16 stone ish to near 3 stone in 5 months, so to deal with my weight i used it as a crutch! It is only now as I write this that I realise his weight didn’t save him, and that was 28years this month!! I can’t think of anything else that would be significant except the usual excuses of next week/month after the next wedding /christening /funeral/ party?? After the last pregnancy!! That was 10 years ago and 5 stone heavier?
Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your
New You?
After years of battling obesity I came across The new you plan. A bit sceptic at first I done a little research and decided to give it a go. First week into it I felt great my energy levels returned and I felt like I was living again. First week and 13 lbs down was all the encouragement I needed. After that I sailed through my journey with a few blips here and there, but learned to leave them behind me. As the months passed and my weight dropped my confidence soared and I found myself doing things with my family that I only dreamed about before. My figure emerged and I could fit into lovely clothes from the high street shops, what a buzz that gave me so now at the end of my goals, but not my journey, I will keep at this level of fitness because to return to the old me is a place I hope to never be again (and I won’t)
I know I am a good person, and deserve to be healthy, happy and fit, not for anyone but myself. And only I can do this and I owe it to myself!
Loved reading this Geraldine 🙂 Well done on achieving so much, keep focused and strong, on maintaining, you can do this hun xxx
oops got a bit carried away with how I WILL feel when I do write my new story,Julz I am only 3 weeks into my new life but this is what my new story is going to read in a few months ? I feel so motivated and its all thanks to you and the new you support I receive by checking in every day 🙂
What weight do you want to be?
10 stone
What do you need to do to achieve this weight?
be 100% on plan and drink 4l water and excercise
What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
all rubbish foods and laziness!
Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
i want to be 10 stone to feel myself again, more confident and secure in how i look, more comfy in my clothes and not to be the fat one in the group
What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
ill continue to miss out on wearing the fashion i love, the nights out with the girls because i feel to fat and i have nothing that fits, a more confident thus happier me!
How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
confident slim toned energetic happy
How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
fat bloated miserable
What is the story you have been telling yourself about why you cannot achieve this weight?
i didnt actually realise until a photo i saw of myself how much weight i had gained, i kept telling myself i wasnt that bad!ever since i lost the 15lbs in feb im now telling myself that ser im grand now when i know im still unhappy and need to lose that final 21lbs
Rewrite your story now… what is your new story and why do you deserve to create your New You?
i deserve to achieve my goal weight and be happy slim toned confident and not to leave my weight affect my life anymore. my new story is going to be that for the next month or so i am going to retrain my brain to recognise that i do not need to eat alll that rubbish and remind myself of how good i feel when i excercise and how fantastic i am going to look and feel when i reach my goal!
Yay!!! Go for it Karen!! That last 1-2 stone can be a real pain in the butt!! Lets make sure we banish it for good and step into our light this summer!! xx
1. What weight do you want to be?
I would like to be 9 1/2 stones ( I am 5’4″)
2. What do you need to give up to achieve this weight?
I need to stop eating and snacking and to stick to New You 100% and drink all the water for maximum weight loss in the shortest time possible.
3)Why do you want to achieve this weight? What will you gain?
I dieted a few years ago, got down to 10’8 and stopped, big mistake. I had a taste of what it felt being slimmer and loved it but there were still items I couldn’t wear such as halterneck tops and a bikini, I want to wear them this time, I want to be able to wear anything I like!
4) What are the consequences if you do not achieve this weight? What will you miss out on?
I would be prone to getting back into or staying in the overweight category. I would be restricted as to what I could wear, I don’t want either anymore. I want to be a healthy bmi for myself and for my son.
5) How will you feel when you achieve this weight?
I will feel proud of my achievement. I will feel younger, sexier, healthier, more attractive and more confident.
6) How will you feel if you do not achieve this weight?
Disappointed in myself that I did not give this diet 100%, annoyed at myself for wasting money on a diet I did not dedicate myself to but I would only have myself to blame. I would feel down and depressed and the weight would just go up and up again.
7) What is the story you have been telling yourself why you cannot achieve this weight?
I am older so am not expected to be as light as I could have been in my 20s – rubbish – look at Liz Hurley, Kylie etc all around my age and all in control of their bodies.
My new story is
I will finally do this. I will get to a healthy bmi and I will work hard at keeping it off. I will weigh myself once a week and if the pounds creep on I will get them straight off again. I will be a slim sexy 40 something and I will be a healthy momma!
Thanks New You xx
A day late but I’m here
Q1 my 1st goal is 15st
Q2 blips, bad thoughts, relying on food
Q3 be healthy, fit, play with james without getting out of breath, wear clothes with Confidence, active, feel good
Q4 I will get bigger,,won’t enjoy life, won’t enjoy shopping, feel down and dowdy,
Q5 success- I have achieved something that I have really struggled with
Overwhelmed, sexy, I will feel lighter in myself better for my son and husband, super happy that I can go shopping and not be embarrassed anymore can get waxed without being embarrassed
Q6 I will feel like a failure, that I have let everyone and myself down, my health will get worse which could mean I may not be here for my family, I will feel embarrassed, fat, ugly, be wearing baggy clothes and hiding away, not looking in mirrors
Q9 I need this blip it will make me feel better, I can restart tomorrow, I will always be like this
Q10 I want to be fit, healthy, sexy, fun mum, I will look and feel so much better in a few months I can go out and enjoy a meal with my husband and look great while doing it I will have a better lifestyle my family need me and I need them if I don’t change things they won’t have me and I can’t miss out on our lives together
Great to see you in the zone Lynn! xxx
1) The weight that I would love to be and haven’t been since I was 18 is 9 and a half stone.
2) What I need to do to achieve this weight is: I need to stay focussed on the New You Plan and gradually lose weight for the next 7/8 months approx , stay an active and supportive member of the SS group and eventually re-feed and learn new healthier ways of eating.
3) To lost the weight, I need to stick to the plan and drink lots and lots of water, and exercise!!!!!
4) What I needed to give up to achieve this weight was: all the bad and unhealthy foods I ate before, I have given up my addiction to food, I have given up alcohol, I have given up sitting on my bum staring at the laptop, I have given up making excuses for being the weight I am!!!!!
5) I want to achieve this weight to be more healthy, confident, and to be able to play a more active part in my family, I will gain a more optimistic outlook on life, I will gain preciuos time with my children and husband.
6) I feel that the consequences if I do not achieve this weight are possible loss of life, loss of opportunities and loss of optimal healthy mental heath.
I will miss out on having achieved a fantastic feat in my life, I will also miss out on events in the future that I could have played a part in.
7) I will feel absolutely fantastic when I lose this weight, like a new woman, I will feel lighter in my step, my daughter will have the mum she is proud of standing at the school gate. I will be very proud of myself.
8) I do not want to imagine how I will feel if I don’t lose the weight, It is not an option for me, I am doing this to save my life, so there are not what if I don’t because determination and the support of my family will get me there!!!!!!
9) The only thing stopping me from not achieving this weight loss is if I become weak….. If I let my bad wolf in the door, however I have many good wolves supporting me and keeping me strong, I will win the fight!!!!