Day 16 New You Plan Weight Loss Challenge – WINNER OF IPOD ANNOUNCED!!
Woohoo!! Well thank you to everyone who entered our competition, you guys ROCK!
I love your enthusiasm and appreciate your contribution to our blog. Thank you for giving your time to provide such amazing quotes to our community.
I have created a video to share some of the quotes that stood out, and the winner is announced at the end of the video. Keep your eye out for the ebook we are compiling that will contain ALL the quotes that were contributed.
I hope you enjoy the video… 🙂
Love to hear how you are getting on, please leave a comment below, and if you are new to our challenge, please introduce yourself!
*Results may vary, this is not a guarantee.
Here are some handy links for you:-
Go to our shop to buy your diet meal replacements – CLICK HERE
Go to the new you leader board and enter your weight loss results – CLICK HERE
WOW!! Thank you so much Julz, Amy and all at New You for my lovely iPod 🙂 I’m really thankful. This is the first time I’ve ever won anything. I think we’re all winners on this Plan, I never feel like I’m on a diet. The quote ye chose: How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar. explains how I feel about the diet. I had to give up bad habits,bad food and re-evaluate how I look at things, to achieve how I want to look and feel, and wow am I glad I did. Feeling so much better in myself and instead of dreading the approaching summer, I’m looking forward to it now 🙂 Thanks again, and I hope ye are having a great Wednesday xoxo
Well done Sharron and keep up the good work:-)
Well done to all on your win. Great video Julz. Loads of inspiration.