Day 10 – Thought for Thursday – In a easy and relaxed manner I am creating my New You
Hi everyone! Today we are coming from Montreux, Switzerland, the views here are amazing!
On Motivation Monday we asked you to complete a task that was all about DEFINING YOUR NEW YOU. This task is so powerful and everyone who completed it really got a lot out of it. If you want to do that task please CLICK HERE so you can download the worksheet.
When you decide that you want to be slim, healthy, happy, confident, sparkling, radiant, gorgeous, sexy, and fanflippingtastic, it is an amazing empowering feeling.
The thing is once we decide that this is who we are going to be our doubts and fears come in….
They start to whisper in our ear…
- You? Really can you be that person?
- Who are you trying to kid?
- It is too hard for you?
- Just a silly dream, it will never be your reality.
So today we want to make sure that you overcome your doubts and fears.
A great way to do this is with the POWER OF AFFIRMATIONS.
Affirmations are simple statements that help us to step into our New You, by stating that your dream or goal is now coming into being.
It is always good to state your affirmations in PRESENT TENSE.
This helps our sub conscious mind to believe it is true.
If you are 10 stone over weight and you affirmation is “I am slim and healthy” ~ your sub conscious mind is going to have trouble believing that is so.
So we want to create a statement that empowers us NOW and that are sub conscious mind can accept as true.
We want this journey to be fun, easy, enjoyable, empowering, healthy, relaxing…
So let’s include these words into our personal statement…
“In an easy and relaxed manner, and in a healthy and positive way, I am now…..”
… creating a healthy body, mindset and lifestyle.
… creating the lifestyle and body of my dreams.
… achieving a slim healthy weight.
… living in a way I feel proud, empowered and confident.
… moving closer to my ideal body weight.
… thinking, acting and moving to become slimmer, healthier and happier.
You should write all of your goals as affirmations. This will help your mind to believe that it is true and help you to overcome your doubts and fears.
What are your doubt and fears saying to you?
- It isn’t easy
- It is very difficult
- It’s so stressful
- It’s not healthy
- You will fail
Write your affirmations in a way that overcomes them and repeat them daily, repeat them thousands of times until it is your reality and you cannot hear your doubts and fears no more.
Remember that it is possible to create your success in an easy and relaxed manner.
Write your affirmations down and carry them in your pocket, maybe even type them into your notes on your phone. Write them somewhere that you read them anytime. Start your day by reading your affirmations. First thing in the morning, make sure you read your affirmations and set out with a mindset to LIVE the way you choose! Read your affirmations several times a day, in a waiting room, on the bus, at work, in the bathroom! The more you read them, the more you will squash your doubts and fears.
I hope you enjoyed today’s Thought for Thursday message.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded”]Write your personal goals as affirmations. Write the affirmations as positive statements that affirm in your mind that you are achieving your goals in a easy and relaxed manner in a healthy and positive way. And make sure you read your affirmations every morning! [/box]
I am worth the effort and time it takes to reach my goal.
I am setting a great example for my children by being healthy and happy.
I am raising the bar for my life and it feels great!!!
I am becoming my best me ; )
Love these 🙂
I am becoming my dream.
I am becoming the healthiest I have ever been.
I’m starting to wear trendy fashionable clothes.
I am starting to go shopping with friends who are much smaller & I can shop with them.
I keep my ultimate goal dress in mind.
I now fit into jeans I couldn’t get over my knees last week.
I am amazing.
I am amazing 🙂 Awesome!!! x
I am worth everything
I will be healthy
I will be happy
I am awesome
I am awesome!!!! 🙂 Loving all these empowering comments :)xx
I know this programme works – I have done similar programmes before and now I have the right insight to make it change me and the way I eat, for the better, for life.
I am now not held back by hang-ups from the past
I am now really happy to be doing this programme
I am confident in my success
i am excited about how great my look is getting
i am becoming a much healthier person who wont have obesity associated health risks to worry about
i am destined to be a mother to future children and conceive them naturally
i am a positive person and have a positive outlook
i am going to achieve my goals in life
i AM worth it
You are worth it hun xx
I am now really happy to be doing this programme <- being happy doing this is SO important 🙂 xxx
I am doing this for myself because I’m worth it.
I am a determined person who can do this.
I am gaining the energy to do things I couldn’t a few weeks ago.
I feel lighter and more positive every day.
Hello to my New you and my New Me!!!!!!
I am calm, peaceful and relaxed. I only eat when I am physically hungry.
I always decide whether it is mental or physical hunger that I am feeling.
I love my body.
I treat my body in a respectful way and I do not eat when my body does not need food. <3 <3 xx
Very good Patricia xxx Really well worded x
I do not need food to be happy
Weekend events do not need to be centred around food
I am an overeater who has been unable to control portion size so I am back to basics and will relearn how to eat properly when at my goal
I owe it to myself and my family to be as healthy as I can as there has been a huge amount of cancer on my dads side of the family
I am not giving up this time
I am doing this
Learning for life and looking forward to revealing the new me
Amen ;o)
amen xxxxxxx
Keep going only you can walk this walk.
I am worth all the effort.
Most of all I am becoming the happy,healthy,trendy person that I have fought so long to be !!!
SMILE when you pass that mirror because what I’m now seeing is ME smiling back WOW !!!!!
Love this – trendy new you! 🙂 Bring it on x
I am allowed to be the pretty one
I am inches away from achieving my ideal weight
I am happy, healthy and invest in myself
I am a success and will continue to be so
I am worth the energy
I am beautiful.
I am inches away… love this… it makes us realise how close we are to being where we want to be xxx
I am beautiful xx <--- you definitely are hun xx
I am doing this my daughters communion
I am doing this so I don’t have to avoid the camera anymore
I am doing this for my boy
So I can chase him around the football field
I am doing this to get my self esteem back
I am doing this to get my confidence back
I am doing this to be healthy
I am doing this to be happy
I am doing this for my husband
I am doing this for ‘ME’
I am eating to live
Not living to eat!
This is the new me
I am succeeding
I am half way to my goal
I am doing this
Lovely – very empowering and great reasons xx
I am doing this so that I am comfortable in my skin
I am doing this so that I do not pass on bad habits to my future children
I am doing this so that I can be confident
I am doing this so that I can be active again
I am doing this for my wedding
I am doing this for my fiance
I am doing this for me
But most importantly
I am doing this to be healthy!
love love love… so many amazing reasons hannah xxx
I am doing this for me
I am doing this for my daugher
I am doing this for my husband
I am doing this for my family
I am doing this to feel good because i am a good person
I am doing this to live my life and not to live to eat
<3 Very nice Fiona xx
I am doing this for myself
I am doing this inch by inch to b a healthier person
i am taking control
Good 🙂 xxx Love it
I am doing this to be healthy.
I am doing this to be fit and strong for my children.
I am doing this so I can enjoy their childhood.
I am doing this to relieve pain.
I am doing this to break the cycle of comfort eating.
I am doing this to lose negative feelings of shame and inferiority.
I am doing this to be a better ME … Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend …
I am doing this to realise my full potential in all aspects of my life.
I am doing this for me.
I am never giving up until i reach my goal.
I want the top step on the podium (Gold)
I am so glad i found the New You, which in turn has given me a new me..
Love this exercise Julz!!!
I am worth it
I am doing this for me and my loved ones so that they can have the full person that I am
I am doing this so that I can shine
I am moving towards feeling confident and happy with myself
I am loving my body and respect it and treat it well
I am taking control of my life
I am on top of the world and have no intention of falling off
Love to you all. xxx 🙂
Sorry it’s late ……
I am going to succeed
I am going to be healthy
I am going to be happy
I am going to love the skin I am in
I am going to treat my body better
I am going to stop letting others thoughts and behaviours bother me!
i am doing this to be healthy & happy
i am doing this to get my confidence back
i am doing this for my wonderful & supportive husband
i am doing this for me
i will be awesome,slim,confident & fun
i will succeed & achieve my goals!
I am a determined person who can do this
I will acheive my goal and become a healthy person
I will be very proud of myself at my friends wedding i a szie 14 dress
i will be a beautiful bridesmade next feb for my friend.
I will gain more confidence and become a happy snd secure person.
this is my time to shine
i will get back into those size 10 clothes
i will be a more positive person because i will be happy with myself and not envious of others
i am taking control of my life so that i will be the healthiest, happiest and most confident me i can be!