How To Handle Social Events Whilst On TFR

Today, Customer Transformation Coach Candida answers one of the most commonly asked questions by our customers: “What do I do when invited to a social event?” Here, she shares why you don’t need to blip and can still have fun, using her top tips on how to handle social events whilst on TFR. Let’s face it… we all love a

Community Highlights Of The Week

This week, Customer Transformation Coach Candida shares what’s been happening in our Secret Slimmers & Momentum Maintainers groups to bring you our community highlights of the week. Hello May! The sun has been smiling and the birds have been tweeting – Spring has finally arrived! This week in our amazing community you lovely Secret Slimmers have been incredible as always.

Summer Kickstart Transformation Challenge Bundles

Does the thought of summer terrify you? Did you start the year with a goal to finally lose weight, but old habits crept back in and you find yourself in the same place you started? Are you worried that you’ll go on holiday and won’t have the confidence to wear a swimsuit? Or, do you have an event coming up

10 Day Detox Summer Transformation Bundle

Did you start the year full of good intentions? Did you tell yourself you were FINALLY going to lose that extra weight you’ve been carrying around for a while, but instead, you’ve stuck to the same old habits? Don’t panic! It’s not too late to put those good intentions you set into practice and once and for all get fit

1 Month Mission Summer Transformation Bundle

A month is such a short space of time. It’s gone in the blink of an eye and before you know it, we’re onto the next one. BUT, in New You Plan terms, BIG things can be achieved in the short space of just 30 days. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you dedicated just one month to yourself and YOUR

6 Week WOW Summer Transformation Bundle

Are you fed up feeling fat and frumpy? Feel like you’ll NEVER lose weight and being at your ultimate dream size is just that… a dream? The fact is this… thousands of our customers have been in your shoes! They’ve tried every diet under the sun, but have never been able to stick at it or have hit that stage

Hele’s weekly diet blog: 3st 1lb gone in 10 weeks*

In her week 10 diet blog, customer Hele reveals her week 10 results and how she’s feeling ahead of her re-feed next week. Find out how much weight she lost and what she learned this week! One of the things we teach all our customers is that everyone’s bodies are different. We all lose weight at different rates and factors

Julz’s First Week TFR Diet Tips

Here, New You Plan Founder Julz shares her first week TFR diet tips to ensure you wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction! Week one can be HARD. You need; Determination Willpower Mental Strength To put yourself first On days 3 to 5 you will probably reach a point that will be make or break it for

Our Diet Support Group Highlights Of The Week!

As another week passes, our Community Manager, Candida, rounds up her highlights of the week shares in our amazing diet support group. A great attitude becomes a great day, which becomes a great month, which becomes a great year, which leads to an AWESOME life. This is what we want for you! This week there’s been so many uplifting and

Hele’s Week 9 Weight Loss Diary

Week 9 of her weight loss diary, customer Hele has been on an incredible journey! Watch her video below to find out her total weight loss so far, as well as her tried and tested top tips… Hele is proof that so much can be achieved in such a short space of time. In just 9 weeks she has lost

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