Hele Week 18 Update: 62lbs lost*

After 18 weeks on plan, customer Hele has lost a pretty incredible 62lbs*. This week, we take a look at her progress so far (check out the amazing photos below). Plus, in her weekly vlog, Hele shares how she’s feeling and her top tips for success. Check out her vlog and read her words below… My meals plans this week

“I Dropped 3 Dress Sizes With The BEST Diet Plan”*

Customer Zina French was feeling fat, frumpy and fed-up! Following the birth of her two children, she gained weight while on maternity leave. She struggled through diet after diet with little to no success. Hearing about how well a colleague’s brother did on the plan, she decided to give it a go! Now, she has lost a total of 35lbs

Hele’s Weekly Diet Vlog

This week’s diet vlog from Hele is perfect for anyone who is worried about re-feeding! Find out how she got on, as well as her top tips for handling it! A planned blip for her birthday led to Hele re-feeding, which can definitely be a daunting experience. Fearing the worst, Hele was convinced she would un-do her hard work, but

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