
I read this poem on Facebook and thought I would share it in today’s blog. It is a good reminder that no matter what is happening, there is good if we look for it. Lockdown Yes there is fear.Yes there is isolation.Yes there is panic buying.Yes there is sickness.Yes there is even death.But,They say that in Wuhan after so many

Coronavirus Update

Hi everyone, Julie-Ann here and in my daily blog today I wanted to give you an update with some precautionary measures we have taken in response to the coronavirus. We are going through an unusual time right now with the coronavirus. It is in my mind a lot and I wanted to update you. We are based in Northern Ireland,

What to do after a blip

In our community when someone eats something off plan that wasn’t planned for we call it a “blip”. We all want to be 100% on plan, but life doesn’t always happen that way. If something comes up and you come off plan here is what to do; Don’t delay getting back on track! The faster you get back on track

74 daily blog posts in a row

Im going to keep it short and sweet tonight. My 74th blog post in a row! I committed to writing a blog post every day in 2020 and started on 27th Dec 2019. I had to get out of bed tonight to write this blog post. I have done that a few times, went to bed and then realised that

SHAME has NO place in your Transformation

When you are overweight there can be an overwhelming feeling of shame. I know this because I have felt it, and I know it because I have read so many comments from our customers who feel it at times. “STOP BEING ASHAMED IF HOW MANY TIMES YOU’VE FALLEN, AND START BEING PROUD OF HOW MANY TIMES YOU’VE GOT UP!” If

Creativity Boosts Weight Loss

Tonight I went to a floristry workshop with a great friend and made a MiniJohn Terrarium! I have been to about 5 floristry workshops in the last year, and I really love them. I am thinking of going a painting workshop next month. So much of our social life can evolve around food and drink, finding something creative to do

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