Are your friends making you fat?

Many people will be able to relate to this blog post, “Are your friends making you fat?”.
When someone says “You’ve Changed!!” It simply means you have stopped living life their way….”
I hear a lot of people saying their friends talk them into breaking their diet, going on and on and on and on, to make you eat that cake/meal/bun/drink…
Why would a friend do that??
There are LOADS of reasons why a friend would want you to break your diet, but probably none of the reasons are because they think it is best for your health or self esteem.
A lot of the time, the main reason is they don’t want you to change, they are afraid of you changing and how that will impact your relationship.
Here are just some of the reasons that I can think of that friends MIGHT want to break your diet for… I would LOVE to hear your reasons, so please share any others you can think of below….
Your friend wants you to break your diet because…
- They don’t want to look greedy eating crap when you are not
- They don’t want you to be slimmer than they are
- They love eating and enjoy it more with you and don’t want you to change your habits as it wont be as much fun for them
- They don’t know how to have fun without food being the centre of everything
- They need a drinking partner for the weekends
- They don’t want to be the fat one in the friendship
- Please leave your ideas below for why your friends might want you to break your diet…
As you can see – the reasons why your friend might want you to break your diet almost always centre around the fact that they want to feel good, either by enjoying the experience of eating or drinking with you, or by knowing that you will not lose weight. A lot of the times your friend might not even know that this is why they are urging you to eat or drink.
If you really want to take control of your weight, you are going to have to be aware of WHY other people might want you to break you diet. Ask yourself WHY the next time a friend wants you to break you diet, and I am sure almost everytime you will realise it is to make them feel better.
You have started your diet because YOU want to FEEL AND LOOK GOOD.
[quote style=”boxed”]Nothing tastes as good as slim feels.[/quote]
Don’t let other people stop you. You have to be strong, and you have to be aware of situations that will arise when friends encourage you to move off course and break your diet.
Taking control of your life, your weight and your health, is all about CHANGE, changing your habits and lifestyle.
Be aware that your friends might not like it. They may want you to stay the same so that they can feel good.
Be strong enough to stay focused and keep going.
Ideally you will end of being an inspiration to your friend, and they will see how your healthy lifestyle is better and want to follow suit. If they don’t like, your friendship may suffer, but you have to sometimes let go of some friendships if they are not nourishing for you.
A real friend will want you to be happy and healthy.
Always remember that someone will drag you down before you will pull them up. Don’t keep putting off starting your diet because you are waiting to do it with your friend or family member. Going on a diet is a mindset thing… don’t wait for anyone, if you are ready to make the change, go for it, and do it 100%, show your friends that you are strong, and be the inspiration that they need so that they can feel encouraged to start after seeing your progress.
If you find that your friends and family are not supportive of you when you go on a diet, then don’t forget to take advantage of our amazing online community on facebook calle SECRET SLIMMERS. This is a secret group so none of your friends and family can see your posts in this group. You can get the support and friendship you need from hundreds of dieters on the new you plan.
Many of the members of our group consider other members true friends – we are really one big family, with a common goal to get slim, and change our habits and lifestyle to support us in the long term. Once you order from the new you plan you are eligible for membership into this group.
Have a great week, and don’t let anyone stand in your way of losing weight this week.
Good Luck.
PS. If you want to get started with The New You Plan please read our GETTING STARTED page and if you have any questions please get in touch, we are here to help you in anyway we can! 🙂
Hi Julie-Ann,
What you wrote today on your blog has really made me think. You are so right, my friends really are trying to sabotage my weight loss and I have realised that this Saturday. I ended up eating and drinking as they pushed me to it, I know that I am adult person responsible for my own decisions, but it’s really hard when you are on tfr and people try to push you. I think that my so called friends do that because they worry that I will look better than them when I am slim and all of the attention will be turned on me instead of them like it has been for many years now. When we go out they always get all of the attention as they look good and if I get any which I do sometimes they get really jealous, they both are my best friends so I’m not sure what to do about that. I have to stay strong and not give in which makes it even harder work, but I will do it! It’s just a shame that they are against me instead of with me that’s all. Hope you are having a great day. 🙁
Thanks for that Julieann, you have made me realise what good friends I have, I have only told two friends what I am doing, one met me each week for lunch she ate before we met and just had a cuppa with me while I had my bar. My other crew I met up with last week for the first time, I didnt tell them exactly what I did just that I gave up drink and carbs they were very complimentary. Funny though a few people have said to me “dont loose any more” its not like Im a size 6 or anything!!!