Are you too comfortable to care about being fat?
When it comes to making progress with anything in life, one of the things that is the ruination of us all is COMFORT. If you want to experience MAGIC in your life, then comfort is NOT GOOD.
Comfort is not going to give you the experiences you really want in life. Comfort is nice but it is a road to no town….
When we are comfortable we really don’t want to move, we just want to stay where we are and be cosy. That is all well and good, comfort is nice after all, but if you stay still for too long life becomes stagnant, and then you will soon feel unhealthy, depressed and have low self esteem.
Getting up, and getting out of your comfort zone to go after a goal, whether that is weight loss, finding love, starting a business, training for a new career, or a new physical challenge, takes effort, willpower, courage and GUTS.
I love playing poker (in fact I met my husband at a poker table and we are going to Vegas soon to play some poker.) One saying I love from poker is “No guts No Glory”.
If you want to experience GLORY – you have to have GUTS.
If you want some MAGIC in your life – you need to get out of your COMFORT ZONE.
You have to get out of comfort zone, push yourself, raise the bar, and go the extra mile. You have to do the things that other people don’t or won’t do.
If you want to get and stay slim, you need to make massive changes both in the short term and in your long term lifestyle.
Losing weight with total food replacement will take you totally out of your comfort zone, it will shake up your lifestyle like nothing else, and this is a GOOD THING. This makes you realise how many bad habits you have from being comfortable, eating out of boredom, comfort eating, watching TV, socialising with fatty/sugary foods, drinking too much acohol, etc etc.
If you want to TOTALLY TRANSFORM your body, if you dream of being slim, toned, active, fit, healthy, and looking pure gorg… I hate to break it to you but that IS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN until you get out of your comfort zone.
Anything worth having or doing takes EFFORT.
Get out of your comfort zone today…. let the magic commence!!