Ali Campbell – Self Sabotage
Ali Campbell Project New You
At The New You Plan we are determined to make this year the best one ever and quite simply, we want to help 20,000 people smash their weight loss goals.
20,000 people might sound like a lot but we like to dream big here at New You!
We have witnessed the phenomenal effects that losing weight has on so many people’s mindsets, lifestyles and personalities which just makes us want to help even more people to experience it too. It’s definitely no easy task but we are determined to do this and we want YOU to join us!!!
So to make sure YOU stay on track, we have something which is specially designed to ensure you stay 100% motivated, focused & determined to SMASH your weight loss goals!!!
Ali Campbell will be your Secret Weapon!!!
And we are offering YOU the chance to get your hands on Ali’s life changing motivation programme! Julz has teamed up with Ali Campbell to create the ultimate weight loss mindset coaching programme specifically for New You Plan customers.
What is self sabotage all about?
When you think about it, self sabotage is crazy, but it is so common and something that all of us humans do to stop us from achieving our dreams.
1. We know that being overweight is causing us to feel depressed, embarrassed, horrible and sad.
2. We know that if we could get to our healthy target weight we would feel confident, happy, proud, attractive and proud.
3. We know that the new you plan works and that if we follow FAST FOCUS we can achieve our weight loss goal and create an amazing transformation in 90 days or less.
4. We know it is simple to follow and once in the zone we will feel empowered, in control and unstoppable.
But yet that chicken nugget on your kids dinner plate keeps calling your name…
Or that bun in the coffee shop has your name iced on top of it…
Or the fridge door magically opens every time you walk passed it….
Self sabotage, it can happen so fast, and it can derail us emotionally and physically setting us back days, weeks or even months.
Why do we keep on self sabotaging?
Why do we stop ourselves from being the strong empowered person we really want to be?
Why do we stop ourselves from achieving the ONE THING that is most important to our health and happiness?
Weird, isn’t it.
We are all different and unique, there is no one size fits all to find a solution to why you are triggered to self sabotage your success, health and happiness.
Understanding why you are self sabotaging is the first step to overcoming it.
Overcoming self sabotage is like being the key to the life and body of your dreams
Here are some things for you to think about:
Why are you self sabotaging your diet?
What are you afraid of?
What do you believe you cannot do?
What do you think might happen when you get slim?
Why do you think you don’t deserve to be slim and healthy?
How are you talking to yourself when you self sabotage?
Where do you keep self sabotaging yourself?
Who triggers you to self sabotage and why?
Now answer this question…
What would it mean to you to get and stay at your healthy target weight?
How would it improve
Your confidence?
Your happiness?
Your love life?
Your family life?
Your social life?
Your career or business?
Your style?
Your self esteem?
Your health?
Your energy?
Your self worth?
Your life experiences?
Your sense of adventure?
Your sense of fulfilment?
Do You want to learn how to kick Self Sabotage to the kerb??
Watch Ali’s video below <3
Download your FREE Workbook today!!
Module 6 Ali Campbell
Kick Self Sabotage to the Kerb TODAY!!!
We have 2 AMAZING offers that will help you get summer ready and keep you on track!!
Shop our 4 Week and 8 Week bundle and Get The Whole Ali Campbell – Project New You Module FREE as well as a New You drop a Jean Size Journal to record your weight loss achievements etc.
We have so many people joining us at the moment and everyone is after the same thing, that is the ability to change the habits that got us here in the first instance and that stop us from making the change we know we deserve. Ali Campbell the celebrity life coach has teamed up with New You to help you break the mental barriers that have been holding you back!
Not only that you will also get our 21 Day Drop a Jean Size Journal free with these bundles. The Journal is designed to give you a range of mindset tasks to get yourself really focused on being 100% for 21 Days so that you can see and feel the difference in your clothes.
Get ready to Save Save Save and change your Mindset for a Fabulous Healthy summer <3
Shop our 4 week bundle for £155.99/€201.23. 
Get free Gifts worth £111.99/€144.47
Or Shop Our 8 week bundle for £299.99/€386.99
Get free gifts worth £111.99/€144.47
Order your bundle today and work on your relationship with food to get your head in the right place to smash your goals and stay there!
Luke Marshall
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