2020 Vision – 5 Ways To Make 2020 Your Dream Decade
There is something crisp and inviting about the blank slate of a new year. Add in the double whammy of a new decade and the possibilities for change seem endless in 2020.
At The New You, Plan we used to view a new year or a new decade as a chance to hit the reset button on our lives. It was a way to leave behind anything bad that had happened the year before and start again from scratch.
The reason a reset is so attractive is because it offers itself up like a big red button that can blast through all the terrible things of the previous year. But that’s also precisely why it doesn’t work.
We are fast approaching the season of soon-to-be-broken promises.
We’ve all been there. Annual ambitions to be happier, healthier and just generally better evaporate somewhere between the first January alarm call and lunch break. So, what can we do about it? How many New Year, New Me promises have you made to yourself which have ended up broken only to make you feel even worse about yourself?
At The New You Plan, we want you to help you create a vision for 2020 but more than that, we want to help you achieve it.
The idea is that, rather than setting enormous, impossible goals for the New Year, or New Decade, you should decide on a list of genuinely achievable targets. New Year, New Me almost always involves losing some weight and that’s where The New You Plan has your back. Our Total Food Replacement Plan offers a nutritionally complete calorie deficit delicious meal plans which enable our customers to lose on average 1 stone every month. No shopping. No cooking. No weighing ingredients. It’s all worked out for you. What’s perhaps more important is our New You community. From our founder Julz to our community manager Gareth, we have all walked the same path when losing weight. Coupled with our online private Facebook support group Secret Slimmers, we help our customers work on the reasons why they gained weight in the first place. This is where real change takes place.
Proper change is an active, living thing. It’s an on-going process built on small actions carried out consistently and repetitively, rather than one big, dramatic decision that inevitably runs out of steam.
Applying this ethos regularly not only gently course-corrects your life to the closest approximation of what you want it to be like, but also means you don’t get to that point where you feel you have to escape the person you are.
It’s about adding, rather than subtracting, from yourself.
It’s also about realising that change isn’t always such a direct, linear thing.
Rather than saying ‘I want to be healthier and lose weight’, it’s about acknowledging the decisions around these choices. After all, they are likely to be far more complex than simply going to the gym more regularly or eating less food.
For us at New You HQ, it is about asking questions such as: “Is this change really about me needing more sleep?” “Is it about me finding other ways to relieve stress beyond having a bar of chocolate?” “What are the things I have done well, that I can do more of?”
Our New You Team has hit on 5 simple ways to make 2020 your Dream Decade.
1. Create A Vision For Your Future
Sit quietly, close your eyes, and imagine the people, places, or situations that you need to leave behind. Now, imagine the future that you want, whether it’s simply a feeling, how you look, a group of people, or a situation such as a wonderful new job. Imagine how you would like to feel, how your body moves, how your clothes fit.
Imagine how it will feel to be in that new place. Picture the sun coming up behind your future, the warm glow of the light on your face.
Stand for a moment and silently voice your appreciation for everything that came before. Once you’ve thanked the past, turn toward the sun, and with compassion and gratitude, imagine yourself walking away from the past and into the future.
2. Write About Your Reinvention
Imagine a scene from it or write about how you’d like it to play out. Where are you living? What do you do in the mornings, afternoon, and evenings? Who are your friends? What do you spend your days doing?
Continue writing for as long as this exercise feels invigorating and exciting. Write scenes, dialogues, lists, and plans. Make the future come alive. Write about how it will feel to be there. Keep your writing somewhere where you will look at it occasionally. Feel free to add to it.
3. Surround Yourself With Visual Reminders Of The Life You’d Like To Create
If it’s a new job in a particular field, put objects or images from that field someplace where you’ll see them every day. If it’s wearing a bathing suit on an exotic holiday, find some pictures and create a vision board and If it’s a home, find a picture of a house that you love and put it near your front door. It can be anything that reminds you of what you’re moving toward.
4. Now That You Have A Vision Of Your Future, Break It Up Into Workable Tasks
What do you need to do, every day, to create that vision? Look for work? Meet new people? Search for a place to live in your chosen town? Choose a diet plan which will create a nutritional calorie deficit? Make it specific. If you have a certain amount of weight to lose, know that The New You Plan customers lose on average 1 stone a month. You can factor that time into your plans. Make a list of everything you need to do and a schedule for when you’ll do it. Then do it and commit to keep doing it, one day at a time.
5. Every Day, Go Back To That Vision Of You Walking Toward Your Future
Every morning or evening close your eyes and see yourself walking into the rising sun, toward your dreams, and reconnect with why you’re moving toward this new possibility.
Reinvention is neither easy nor always smooth. Often, we encounter resistance. We don’t want to let go, even of things that cause us pain or that are obviously already out of our grasp. We often struggle with limiting beliefs or stories about ourselves that hold us back from trying new things.
But there is one way to keep your compass pointed to this new life, even in the midst of any resistance or struggles you may encounter on your path.
Each time you find yourself slipping into old habits—isolating yourself, making excuses not to look for work, thinking about breaking your diet, procrastinating on a task that might help you advance in your career—don’t bother wondering why you’re doing it or beating yourself up.
Just ask yourself this: “What can I do in this moment to keep moving forward?”
Then, no matter what you feel in the moment—lonely, self-critical, tired, lazy, or disappointed—do something to maintain momentum, even if it’s one small thing. There’s an old adage that says that true courage isn’t about not feeling fear; it’s about feeling fear and acting anyway.
Choose courage instead of letting your fear choose your future for you and walk boldly towards you 2020 vision. To get started click here.
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Getting started is the first step in your journey to a brand New You! To help you understand fully how our plan works, our Get Started page was designed specifically for people new to the plan.
Head over to our site where you’ll find tonnes of important information including how our plan works, the science behind it, loads of top tips, information on our meals, as well as real customer testimonials.
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