Your Emotions and Your Weight
Let’s face it… our weight can play a big role in how we feel and what emotions we experience.
When you are overweight and want to lose weight but just can’t seem to get on track you can experience a realm of overwhelming negative emotions…
Here are just some that I have heard from the thousands of emails, phone calls, and facebook posts that I have read from our customers, and many of these emotions I have felt on a personal level too….
- Frustrated
- Hopeless
- Helpless
- Unhealthy
- Ashamed
- Sad
- Depressed
- Worthless
- Weepy
- Unfit
- Unwell
- Disgusting
- Ugly
- Weak
- Pathetic
- Greedy
- Gluttony
- Lazy
- Unlovable
- Lonely
Some of these emotions you might not experience, and some you will experience to different degrees, depending on your own personal circumstances.
I recently asked the Secret Slimmers group to list words that they FEEL when they are losing weight with total food replacement. Here is what they came up with….
- Empowered
- Energetic
- Excellent
- Fantastic
- Proud
- Unstoppable
- Inspired
- Brilliant
- Beautiful
- Thin!
- Excited
- Valued
- Appreciated
- Strong
- Focused
- Proud
- Amazing
- Invincible
- Confident
- Happy
- In Control
- Grateful
- Dazzling
- Radiant
- Attractive
- Champion
- Magnificent
- At Peace with myself….
OK, Now Let’s Look at these 2 lists of emotions… how would you rather be feeling now??
The funny thing is that the list of positive emotions comes from people who are NOT AT THEIR TARGET, some of these people have 6 stone to lose! Many of them have 3 or more stone to lose.
You see you do not have to get to your target to feel good and experience all these amazing feelings. This is where so many of us are going wrong… we think that we have to get to our goal before we will be happy, and because that seems SO FAR AWAY, we don’t get started, as it feels IMPOSSIBLE.
Listen up….
Emotion comes from Motion.
If you are doing nothing positive to improve your weight and your health… then all you will feel is NEGATIVE EMOTIONS.
Once you start to do something positive, and the momentum builds, your confidence and happiness will grow EVERY DAY and you will be LIVING IN THE JOY OF THE MOMENT, because you are IN CONTROL, YOU ARE DOING IT, YOU ARE MAKING IT HAPPEN.
Question: So why do I keep failing every time I try? I hear you ask.
Answer: You have to get rid of the bad, and it doesn’t want to go.
When you think about it, the first week on Total Food Replacement is like a BIG DETOX, you are getting rid of so many bad toxins from your body, carb and sugar withdrawals are tough going, plus all those chemicals your body has been relying on from the processed foods etc, and then on top of that you have the emotional attachment to food and the comfort you get from it, and you have to let go to that attachment. So it is hard on us emotional and physically.
This first week is HARD going, but at the other side, is the New You, the happier, confident person that is in control and feeling proud.
Im not going to say it is going to be easy, but it is worth it.
Being over weight is tough, just look at the list of emotions that many people feel when they are overweight, that is no way to live.
Getting into ketosis is tough too, the detoxing time and the emotional and physical feelings of getting into ketosis are not nice, but at least it is worth it, at least this TOUGH is moving you forward and putting you on the road to a healthier new you.
Remember that you do not have to get to your goal to feel good about yourself. Feeling good about yourself comes from taking control and taking action.
You can experience so many positive emotions and be feeling on top of the world, you can feel unstoppable, invincible, proud, excited, sexy, and full of potential in just a few short weeks. Remember the time is going to pass anyway, how you feel in a few weeks time depends on YOU TAKING ACTION. If you want to feel STUCK don’t do anything, if you want to feel EMPOWERED, do something…
If you want to get started with new you please visit our Getting Started Page.
If you are ready to rock and roll and want to take control then I recommend ordering the 100 Bundle – you save 12% and you have all your food for the month. Let’s do this 🙂
Don’t forget to take part in our Weight Loss Challenge this month.