When is the best time to start your diet? A message from Santa Monica!

When is the best time to start you diet? I hope this blog post gives you the answer you need, and also gives you some inspiration and a wee giggle!
Greetings from Santa Monica! We are on holiday here (you can read about how and why I booked this dream holiday in my previous post here.)
Outside our hotel is this amazing tree! The picture above shows you how big it is, and that little girl in the pram is my daughter Isabella! The tree is enormous and the roots are massive…. there is a plaque under the tree that states when it was planted… It was planted in 1879. That is a long time ago!
Seeing this tree reminded me of one of my favourite quotes…
[quote style=”boxed”]The Best Time to Plant a Tree is 20 years ago, the 2nd best time is TODAY[/quote]
We all wish we had of started our diet earlier….
If we had of started our diet in June 2011, how would you be feeling today?
You see the best time to start any goal is always earlier… of course, the earlier we start the more progress we can make, and the bigger we can grow, and form those strong habits (roots) that keep us strong no matter what life throw at us.
If you haven’t started your diet yet, and you wish you had of started in the new year…. then take heart, that today is the 2nd best time for you to start.
Every day we get a second chance to create a new you, every day we get a second chance to decide what direction we are going in.
There will ALWAYS be an excuse not to start today…
LIFE is the excuse that we all use to stop us living… how ironic is that??
Here are common excuses not to get started TODAY…
January: “I feel SO MOTIVATED to lose weight this year, I really am going to do it, but right now there is too much food in the house after Christmas…. need to eat it all up and then I will get started!”
February: Valentine’s – Single people – “I am too depressed I am going to drink wine and eat chocolates and sing like Bridget Jones in my big pants!” – Loved up people – “I have to drink champagne and eat sushi off skin”
March: “To be sure to be sure I have to get drunk on St Patrick’s Day”
April: “Easter Eggs Yummy – who can possibly diet at Easter Time?”
May: “Ohhhh I love Bank Holidays – it is IMPOSSSIBLE to diet on a bank holiday weekend”
June: “Oh the sun is out and everyone is inviting me to BBQs – there is no way I can diet when the sun is out!”
July: “Woohoo!! I am going on my all inclusive holiday, free food and drink 24/7 yeeeoooooooooo!”
August: “OMG! The kids are doing my head in, when are the summer holidays over so I can get on my diet!”
September: “Oh back to school routines and stress I forgot how hard it is to get back into the new routines…. will start my diet next month!”
October: “Oh Flip me the rain and wind is back… I can’t face a shake, I need to get a big fish supper into me and half a loaf ~and then there is the Halloween Party – yum yum!”
November: “Time to start the Christmas shopping, there is no point dieting now, sure the year is nearly over… I will start again in the new year and this time I will do it!! I will enjoy Christmas and next year WILL BE MY YEAR”
December: “Ding dong merrily on high… I love turkey dinners and sure Christmas only comes once a year… I will lose the excess pounds in January!”
January… well you know it just starts all over again! 🙂
And don’t forget we have Christenings, Birthday Parties, Weddings, Hen Nights, Stag Nights, Family Reunions, School Reunions, Work Dinners, Weekends away and MORE….
There is NO PERFECT time to start diet, because we all are blessed with an amazing life that gives us so many occasions to celebrate! If we want to get and stay slim we have to make LIFE LONG CHANGES… doing total food replacements and going back to your old ways is NOT THE ANSWER.
You need to totally reinvent yourself, how you think and how you celebrate and enjoy life.
The best time to have started this NEW YOU, was earlier than today, but the 2nd best time… IS TODAY.
You can do it.