‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve’ – How can you relate this to your weight loss journey?!
Every Thursday in July we are giving you guys a motivational quote that we would love to hear your thoughts on. Today’s quote is…
“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”
Don’t forget to REGISTER FOR OUR JULY WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE. You can still register for this, simply CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. The leader board will be updated on Monday evening for the first time then every Monday and Thursday evening after this. Let’s make it BIG!
Don’t forget to tell your friends and family to join us, give them your UNIQUE REFERRAL CODE, you get this in your box and in the bottom of your order confirmation email, for everyone you refer who orders, both of you will get a credit of £5.00 off, plus the person who refers the most people by the end of August will win a hotel city break with vouchers!! SO MY TOP TIP FOR YOU TODAY IS GET REFERRING!!
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“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve”

Anything is possible ♡
You have certainly proved that Victoria 🙂 thank you for the support.
I Really am thrilled, 8 days in 8 lbs lost, now it has not been all rainbows and bubbles, but perseverance is paying off! July’s weight loss goal doesn’t seem so far away after all
Love it Eloise and well done on such an awesome result so far, you are killing it! Keep it up and that goal is only going to get closer 🙂
To me it’s about getting your head in the game and having focus on your end goal. Letting nothing shake your resolve and core belief that you will achieve all you wish to achieve in all aspects of your life .xxx
Very profound Vivienne and so true in that success helps build success. A balance of achievements in all aspects of life helps future success in more trying circumstances!
It’s a wee bit sexist.
LOL Anni, in this reference I think it is the proverbial sense rather than gender specific 😉 Thanks for the comment.
Having seen the results my sister has had on the new you plan having lost 6 stone in a short time I began to believe it was possible that I could also lose weight, this was something before I found impossible. I bought my pack and started my plan 4 weeks ago, I have stuck to it 100% since day one using my sisters achievement to motivate me. In 4 weeks I have lost 24 lbs and I am over the moon, I conceived believed and achieved. Thank you sis and new you.
Love that the success of others has helped inspire you Jayne and at some point you are going to be the subject of inspiration I am sure 🙂
i simply chose to believe it was possible and it was and is possible i am 6 stones down and still believing x
Your determination has always been an inspiration Pauline 🙂 Thank you as always for the support, I hope you have a rocking weekend 🙂
When i tryied to lose weight in the past i always choose different reasons why im doin it. And i never sucseed. This time i knoew im doin it only ofr myself and nothing else and its working.
I am sure you will smash it this time Katarina 🙂 Good luck!
I have tried for over 12 years to lose weight. The difference this time was that I really did believe that this New You Plan would work for me. After reading all the great blogs from other Secret Slimmers who had achieved their goal weight. I realised that this plan would also work for me. Especially as I couldn’t exercise due to nobility problems I still could lose weight without exercise. I have lost 5.5 stone up to now so I have proved that once I actually believed this diet would work and have made sure I stuck to it 100%, I am now achieving the weight loss I always wanted. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Thank you New You
Always a bit of sunshine Val, thank you so much for the support and mentioning the interviews which are near and dear to me 🙂 well done for smashing this and I know you are going to see continued success in you life.
Nothing is impossible the word itself says i’m possible <3
Awesome Caroline and as our customers keep proving – VERY TRUE 🙂
to me , mindset was everything .like many others , i have yo-yo dieted for years and have realised that i always sabotaged myself from day 1 by not believing in my own ability to succeed.so when i first saw new you , i put off starting until i was not only motivated but , by reading and seeing photos of the success of others , knew that my commitment was genuine and my mindset was positive for success. i began by picturing my weight loss in my mind , then created visual aids and so began my journey .
Great post as always Melody, we love to hear that we have built a community that supports other in achieving their goals 🙂 Thanks for the support!
I feel so determined! I can see myself at my goal, therefore, I can reach it! 😀
I am sure you will be there is no time Elma 🙂
Day 1 and going strong. Love how empowered this makes me feel!
Brilliant Emma and in as little as a week you will see big changes 🙂 Good luck and thanks for the support.
…as long as his wife is behind him 😉
Brilliant Lisa 🙂 love it!
For me the key word in that inspiring quote is ‘believe’ – you have to believe you CAN do it then you will, because hurdles, road blocks etc. become a challenge to be dealt with rather than events which knock you down …. and you stay there. It puts me in mind of one of my personal favourites “A goal without a plan is just a dream”
When I began my new you journey I read about people’s success and saw the pictures this helped me start my journey but it still seemed so ‘out there’. It was only when I was persuaded by another ss to put my first photos and my journey so far together that my mind conceived and I started to really achieve this statement is so true only once you have the seed in your mind and it starts to grow can you achieve 🙂
Such a great perspective, thrilled that the seed has blossomed into something so awesome!
I spent so long wanting to lose weight but not actually losing weight that I believed I’d never do it. I was motivated when I started NY, I felt if I didn’t do it now I never would and I kept going and being a slow loser usually, I became addicted to the weight loss and started to SEE results as well as believe I could do it. The fact that I go shopping now wherever I like and but clothes in my style not just because they fit really helps me to keep on trying and believing I can get there!!
The benefits of weight loss are truly something that only a person doing it can truly conceive and appreciate. Thank you so much for the support 🙂
It means that I am my only obstacle in the way of a healthy life. If your mind does not change first neither will your habits
Very true Gina and if that is your first thought then this blog has done just what it was meant to 🙂
I totally believe this Quate whole heartedly! the human mind is a wonderful thing and if you believe it, you can achieve it! im a spiritual person anyway but if you want it (anything) its yours for the taking, I tell myself im getting slimmer, im not hungry, ive done and achieved harder things in life and that I will be around a lot longer to enjoy my children, grandchildren because I will be healthier because of it, now im only on day 3 but no headaches, no cravings and yes a way to go but im smashing it because im telling myself I am 🙂
Fantastic Tammy, this is the start of something much bigger! once you get past the first week you will completely smash this 🙂
My dad was a strong willed man and he had a somewhat similar saying which I like to keep close now he is no longer with us. “I dont mind, it doesnt matter”
He used this saying for five years around 20 years ago to get himself out of the wheelchair he was in and told he’d be in for the rest of his life, it took him 5 years to learn to walk again and get back to work after an industrial accident left him with a broken back. He walked and worked for 15+years.
I try to put these and similar sayings into action, at times it can be tough but I still hear him saying it now a year on and I know his helping me get through this the diet whether I want to blip or not. Anything is possible you just have to believe.
Wow Rachel that is so so powerful and is a true testament to the point we are making here 🙂
Whatever one’s goal is big or small if they have motivation, determination and confidence then anything is achievable.
So true Sarah and our customers prove this on a daily basis 🙂
Whatever the mind of a WOMAN can conceive and believe it can achieve – with an arm tied behind her back, a child hanging out of her leg, stirring a saucepan and working full time 🙂
Brilliant Brid 🙂 had not heard that one before.
Don’t focus on how long your journey wi take.. Enjoy the journey.. And all the fist pump moments along the way whatever they maybe.. Xx
I never thought I would be able to achieve this plan …… Thank you new you for helping me find myself again…..I now truly believe that the seemingly impossible mountain to climb, is but a small hill 🙂
Every step takes you closer to this goal Jasmin 🙂 You have always been a true inspiration!
What it means to me is don’t let people put doubt in your mind be strong and believe in yourself and the new you community. As you can achieve your dreams and goals if you believe you can 🙂
This logic will get you so much further than any other tool if you practice it every day Georgina 🙂
I’m believing and achieving!! Loving The New You Plan
You certainly have Hedge and thanks for all your unending support 🙂
I read a post by one of the SS today. Actually it was an article about how our attitude can affect us and how we can achieve things by what we say. For example if someone offers me a treat that I loved to have prior to this journey and which I would have normally grabbed and stuffed into my face. Well now I have 2 options in how I respond to the offer, firstly I can say no I can’t have that which suggests I’m depriving myself of the blip which in turn causes me to feel sad and wanting. Or I can say no thank you I don’t eat that. Which suggests i made the decision for all the right reasons and can feel good about it and therefore am less likely to blip than if I felt I was depriving myself.It’s all about my internal dialogue. This article really hit home for me and made me realise I need to train myself to say I don’t eat that and feel good about the decision. So yes if I can conceive that I don’t eat blips then I will achieve my end goal of breaking a cycle of bad decisions involving food and get to a healthy bmi.
Your thoughts are energy. Your thoughts drive your life just as electricity drives a motor. That is the power there is in having a positive mental attitude.
Yes, I am not the first one to say this and I bet I won’t be the last either. You know why? Because it is true. It’s simple, but true. There is power in thoughts; in negative and in positive thinking. Choose positive thinking and you will enjoy positive energy and positive results.
YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. This is one of my favorite positive thinking quotes:
If you think you are beaten you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t;
If you want to win but think you can’t;
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose you’re lost;
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will;
It’s all in a state of mind.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger and faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.
Author Unknown
Thank you for sharing this Catherine, loved reading it 🙂
Ive been on the new u plan for 9 weeks ive lost 3st 7 lbs im nearly half way to my weight loss target i with the results ive been getting i believe 100 percent that i can achieve this that. My belief in wat i can achieve is wat keeps me completly motivated and focused i even joined the gym yesterday so i absolutly agree if yoe believe u can achive no matter how big your end goal is keep the faith that ull get there i am xx
What an amazing result Stephanie and a truly positive post. Thank you for the support!!
first time believing I can do it and not giving up or giving in woohoo
Awesome Tracy and I know you will get there 🙂
Hi Grant just a quick question I posted a comment last night late but it’s not on the thread ???
I weighed in today and lost 4 lbs making a total of 2 stone in 5 weeks, thank you new you and thank you everyone for the support. Xx