Week One Done!

I completed my first week on plan today and lost 6 pounds. Yay!
I am happy with that. I feel very settled into my routine and confident about staying on plan. That feeling is more important to me than anything.
I am glad I feel in control and confident about continuing my weight loss journey for the next 12 weeks. It is my goal to lose 3 stone in time for Easter.
In my first few days this week I was “doing plan” but I was not as focused on my routine as I was so busy and just wasn’t being mindful. I did really change my focus and pay more attention in the last few days and feel better for it.
I am now super focused and feeling in control. I am delighted to be in ketosis now. I do not feel hungry, which definitely makes everything easier. 🙂
My mind is very clear and sharp, (one of the benefits of ketosis). I am taking a course at the moment and flying through it. I am also loving writing every day for the blog, I am going to be writing every single day of 2020, so please keep checking back for my updates.
I don’t feel bad for not having a perfect start; because I started and now I am feeling focused!
The first few days I was very busy and out and about a lot. I didn’t really plan my days, and just went about my day without really thinking too much or planning my water intake or meals.
I was so busy that I had no idea how much water I was drinking, but I don’t think it would even have been 2-3 litres, the last few days I am taking my water intake more seriously and setting my 4 litres out every morning to make sure that I do get my water quota, as I know it really is a crucial part of success on the plan.
I find having the simple habits of setting my water out and my packs out in the morning really do help me to have a perfect day on plan and feel proud of myself at night.

I didn’t have any shakes for the first few days either, and I think having the shakes really puts my mindset into a more focused zone! So the last few days I have been having a couple of shakes a day and feel awesome!
I was also having a lot of cups of tea and coffee with milk and not counting the milk! I really think this slows down getting into ketosis for me. I have one splash of milk a day now and all other coffees are black.
I realised how important having a routine is if you want to have success on our diet plan and that is why I wrote a blog post about it here.
I needed to shift my focus and get back to basics and be more aware of what I was at. I think because I have followed the plan many times before that sometimes I need to remind myself that if I want to get 100% results I need to give it 100% of my focus, commitment and awareness!
So it wasn’t a perfect start, but I got started and that is the most important thing! After a few days I fine tuned what I was doing. Sometimes you just have to jump in and start, even if it isn’t perfect and just do your best.
If you are putting off starting because you don’t think you can be perfect, I would say just start do your best, and you will soon want to fine tune the little things that make a big difference once you get settled into your new eating routine.
I am going to document my journey with photos, and videos, I will start doing that this week!
I am feeling really positive and excited for what I we can all achieve in 2020.
I really want to get this decade off to a great start, as I am sure you do too!

If you would like to join me on a 12 week transformation mission, please check out our special offer bundles, we do have a 12 week bundle that gives the best discounts, and we also have a 6 week and 3 week option!
Fancy Dropping 3 Jean Sizes and Winning £1000 cash for Easter?
Make sure you take your before photo and join in with our transformation challenge for a chance to win £1000 cash prize!
We have a great buzz in our community, so many people are losing pounds and gaining confidence! We have selfie competitions, blogger competitions and prizes every week, just to help you feel focused and enjoy your journey! That is what we are all about here at the new you plan, we believe that your weight loss journey should be one of the most amazing experiences of your life!

2020 is going to be a great year! I can feel it in my bones, can you?
Big Love,
Julz xox