![[Video] Wow Wednesday share your wow moments with us* [Video] Wow Wednesday share your wow moments with us*](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/13-11.jpg)
[Video] Wow Wednesday share your wow moments with us*
Wow Wednesday – Back with a bang!
*Results may vary. This is not a guarantee
Going through all the comments last week, I was over the moon to discover that this was one of the topics most talked about as it is my favorite topic of the week. For those of you just joining us this is the day we share our successes off the scales. So it is all about the things that you have noticed since starting the diet that have brightened your day. Indeed if you are only just thinking of taking part in this challenge leading up to Christmas we would love to have you on board and would still love to hear from you!
There were so many amazing comments last Wednesday that really struck home what we are trying to achieve here and although it is not possible to share all the comments in my blog I have already included some in my blogs over the past week and picked this one from last weeks Wow Wednesday article!
[quote style=”boxed”]My wow moment was when I was jumping for joy when a pair of jeans fitted on a night out when only the week before I was in tears because they wouldnt tie on me. I was on cloud nine for the whole week after all thanks to new you. : ) –Â Amanda Forde[/quote]
 Today’s task:
Just like last week I would love to hear from you in the comments of today’s Wow Wednesday about the things that have happened to you off the scales that have been worthy of being called WOW moments!!!! It is my hope that there are things that happen to you each day that make you stop for just a second and think YES! before a sneaky smile adorns you.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Comment below and be in with a chance of winning an awesome prize:[/box]
Don’t forget to weigh in:
Ellie is due to update the leader board again tomorrow night so don’t forget to update your weight loss results we have done so well already, we have over 200 people in the challenge this month and we have lost a total of 492lbs so far!!!
[box type=”info” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]Click here to update your results![/box]
Great video Grant and Ellie 🙂 Looking forward to reading everybodys WOW moments xxxxxxx
Well done Ellie on your WOW moments! You are doing SO WELL! Great video Grant, looking forward to reading all the WOWOWOWOWOWS later on today! 🙂 x
Wow!!!!! I’m now lighter than the day I got married!!!! 🙂
Tonight I’m also hoping to complete my first 5k now that will be a wowser!
Good luck with your run Kelly!! Woohoo 🙂 GO FOR IT X
That is going to be amazing Kelly – this will be a massive confidence boost!
My wow moment happened on Saturday past when I went shopping and had taken two sizes of an outfit into the fitting room and the size 10 fitted! That was my outfit all my secret slimmers saw which I posted;-) Never in a million years did I ever think I would comfortably fit into a size 10!! Iv never weven been a size 10 before!! WOWWEEEEEE!!!! Ok so the shop is generous in its sizing but it still means im still on the right track, still on my journey and almost out of the tunnel 😉
Woohoo Lorna 🙂 keep it up!
Putting on a fitted jacket which had been a “snug” fit a few weeks ago to find that it now is a bit too big!! LOL!! And doing a 28km cycle on Sunday and ENJOYING it!!!!
WOW 28K CYCLE!!! Amaze xx
That is over the top amazing Deirdre! Thank you 🙂
I saw myself naked in the mirror this morning and normally I don’t even look but this time I was like ” Wow” lol. The button on my size 12 jeans is now closing 🙂 there is a muffin top still but just to have them close is a big thrill!
Photo please 😉 xx lol
Lol, was having a naughty thought like that too lol but if I had to at least I wouldn’t be ashamed of it anymore , I’d be quite proud 🙂 new one on me big time when I wouldn’t be seen dead in a two piece bikini. There will be some changes in my beach wardrobe for next year methinks 🙂
Mmmmm going to tread carefully on this one Siobhan 🙂 well done – I love the confidence!
My wow moment was when I was cleaning out my wardrobe and found a pair of old jeans hidden away because they didn’t fit any more. WOW they fit now yipeeee
Super Grainne, it is these moments that drive us forward!
Lovely video Ellie! You can see you weight loss already! 7lbs is a lot congrats!
I know she will be over the Moon Orla – will make sure I tell her 🙂
My wow moment is that I am the lightest I have been in 2 years. Only by a few pound I admit but still a big wow for me x x
What a thing to be able to say Rachael 🙂 Keep blitzing this!
Wow went shopping today to try on uggs for xmass and they fitted my legs whooo delighted now. Cant waot to get them now xmass morning.
I am sure this cracked that unexpected grin I speak of Amanda – well done!!
My wow moment was when after only 1 week on Plan i put on my coat and realised that instead of breathing in to zip it it went up with ease!
What a moment Elaine – thank you and I am sure the coming weeks will bring even bigger – small surprises 😉
My WOW moment actually happened today. its small but i got a pair of work trousers, freshly washed and when i wore them last week they were uncomfortable. today putting them on was easier, they are baggy at the legs and i have to keep pulling them up at my hips. what a difference a weeks makes xx
I remember when I did the plan this happened to me and I thought it may not look good having a builders bum but I could not have been happier :)Keep it up Paula!
My wow moment happened this morning 🙂 My auntie came round and when I opened the front door she said ‘wow, you’ve lost so much weight!!’ I’ve had a smile on my face since!!
Ps. Looking good Ellie, can defo see you have lost weight 🙂 x
This is great Clare – I hope the grin continues to shine through all the time now!
Ooh, when I bought a pair of size ten trousers for work. Put them on and they hubg off me. I jumped from a size 12 to an 8. Over the moon!!
WOW WOW WOW – super job Nicola 🙂 Proud moment I am sure!
Met up with friends,I used to work with We usually just meet 2-3times a year,
I was last in to
Table, and they all said WOW when they saw me ,
So that was my WOW FACTOR MOMENT
Loved it 🙂
It just made my night
Love it Julie – I am sure that is one that is going to stick with you for a while! Thanks for the ongoing support
my wow moment a bit like yours ellie – in church on sunday i wore a coat i bought last year which never fitted me but i love it and didnt wanna throw it away so i wore it and so many people were saying how slim i look and looking really well. it feels awesome that people are starting to notice and compliment me 🙂
YAY!! Love it when the compliments start flying ENJOY X
I’ve only been back on plan 2 days but on Saturday I felt so bloated and pants were so tight and today 3 day and I’m feeling so light and pants are fitting nicely looking forward to wow Wednesday next week 🙂
AMAZING!! Great to see and feel the changes so fast xxx
My WOW moment was my name being pulled out of the Xmas bucket and winning the Camera LOL Soooooo excited for all those skinny snaps in 2014 and recording my memories of my wedding on 22nd August 2014 and the honeymoon.
Other than that another WOW for me is trousers staring to get too big for me, getting into size 14 trousers was a huge step and couple of days after weigh in I am now just into the 10s woohoo 🙂
Awwww – this is my wow moment 🙂 Keep it up Sarah!
Two WOW moments this week.
1: I tried on some work trousers Monday morning which are size 20 and they fitted. I have been wearing these the last couple of days. I was a size 26.
2: A work colleague said hello to me this morning as I was walking into work. I said hello back. Next thing she shouted Wendy I turned around and said yes, she said god I had to take a double take then I didn’t realise it was you. You look great!! I said thank you with a great big smile on my face. For the first time in ages I feel better about myself.
WOOHOO 🙂 I love it xx
This is awesome Wendy – these are the moments we live for 🙂 Thank you for the ongoing support!
Just plucked up the courage to try on a size 14 & WOW they fit. Proper fit too, not tucking my ass in, can’t breath, muffin top fit .. They actually fit ! I’m surprised I wasn’t asked to leave the store from the little squeaks of joy I was making on the cubicle!
Great comment Alva – put a smile on my face 🙂
Bought a suit for a meeting in the beginning of October …. Wore it yesterday it hung off me !!!!!wow wow wow
Love it Suszi – I think it is quite funny how we are all so happy to find that our really expensive garments no longer fit!!
My wow moment this week was actually attending the Webinar with Ellie Monday night. Overwhelmed by the support you guys offer with this plan and I’m more motivated and excited about my weight loss than I was Monday morning when I got on the scales and saw 4lb down. Whoop whoop. Xxxx
I have to make sure that Ellie Does not miss this Mary – she loves you all and the support you offer her!
My WOW moment was last night when I fitted very comfortably into a pair of jeans that hadn’t fitted me in nearly 18 months. I just love them and I think I will live in them from now on!!!!!!…. well, until they are too big for me anyway.!!!!! 🙂 xx
Great Mags – I am sure it will not be soon before you move onto the next pair!
My wow today is being lighter than I have been for about 15 years- so love it – on top of the world!!! Love this NY diet xx
AMAZING!! Well done Brenda xx
Julz said it Brenda – keep it up!
My wow moment was when my granddaughter said nanny your shrinking I can get my ars right round you xx
Think this is brilliant Jackie – she sounds delightful! Keep it up and keep going.
My WOW moment was finding out I’m the lightest I’ve ever been in a long long long long while! Still can’t believe it! I nearly have to punch myself!
Love it Nicola, great moment! In terms of the typo – look up auto correct fails in google – it will have you entertained for hours 🙂
Whoopsie I meant pinch, not punch haha!
my wow moment happened today a pair of jeans fit me again after only a week back on plan ive lost 13lbs so whoo hoo me lol x
13lbs is definitely something to boast about Pauline :)WOW
My wow moment this week was fitting into a size 8 pair of jeans and cardigan!!! Never ever ever been a size 8!!! WOW xx
YAY!! Enjoy the NEW SLIM YOU! XX
A WOW moment for sure Kathleen 🙂
My wow moment this week was last night when I had to bake for a charity competition (a rather tricky moment when on TFR but I succeeded!).
I haven’t worn an apron in years and I have an awesome one with bumblebees on (bit obsessive about bumblebees lol!). Anyway, it wrapped around me almost twice – it’s the first time I’ve actually FELT ‘small’. I can see in the mirror and pictures that I’m smaller but until last night I’ve never actually felt it. Was a lovely moment after years of feeling like a lump.
A truly lovely moment Jess :)a Cheshire cat moment I am sure!
My wow moment was realising that my skinny jeans have got so loose that I can actually take them off without unbuttoning them!. And that’s after only 2 weeks on plan. 🙂
WOW!! You wont be wearing them too long at this rate xx
Brilliant Sandra 🙂 need to be careful I find when this happens as you sometimes underestimate how loose they are – can be awkward if you have your hands full 😉
My wow moment of this week was realising I have so settled into the new you plan that I could comfortably sit in a coffee shop with my friends and have a large black coffee whilst they were having unmentionable goodies !! I felt empowered and that’s a big WOW for me as I’ve never had such determination to carry on and succeed before !
YAY!! Love it 🙂 Feel EMPOWERED!! X
Woohoo Jasmin – great achievement too!!
My wow moment was Tuesday (yesterday). As I’m very interested in how people prepare their foods for variety I decided I was going to try something different. I made my banana shake as I normally would then seperated it into 3 little pots. Covered with cling film then in the freezer for 2-3 hours. They were delicious and completely satisfying. The WOW was the realisation that I had stayed within my 4 products a day but still felt guilty. I had no need to feel guilty at all. I did great and am proud of myself. The “Oh so good” needn’t come from something that’s “Oh so bad” anymore. Thank you New You and thanks to the SS group for all their wonderful ideas and support.
Good to hear you have taken to this so well Aisling and well worthy of a WOW moment 🙂
I’ve not really had my wow moment yet but looking forward to it 🙂
You will have it Lisa don’t you worry and I will still be here when you do! Keep going 🙂
Wow, I got through the first week!
Now on day 12!
Keep it going Alison and the WOW moments are just going to keep getting better 🙂
My wow moment was this morning when I was having my warm vanilla shake at work on my break and a friend of mine walked in and said oh the lovely smell of vanilla and I said yes that my shake and she said the smell is so nice so how it tastes and she took a sip and said are you not lying to us , how come a diet shake taste so sweet and yummy then my answer was yes that my new you plan diet and I gave her the website 🙂
What a great story Nanda 🙂 hope your friend loves it – lovely always see you here too 🙂
Had TWO WOW moments….Climbing my stairs without having to stop last week…and being able to STOP my BP tablets…..that’s a BIG WOW….getting healthier each day I am on the plan and the OTHER PLUS side is looking better than I have for years…THANKYOU NY and SS FAMILIA for your continued support and encouragement. YAY!!!
Always a joy to hear from you Anne – GREAT news you are doing so well, it makes everything we do feel so much more important.
my WOW moment was when i could tie up the zips on my boots ALL the way to the top!!!!!! lol 🙂
Totally wicked Caroline – hope you are loving sporting the boots 🙂
It’s my first week, and on day 5, my first Wednesday, my WOW moment is that I am not hungry, the foodpacks actually taste great, and the biggest WOW is that I can get through the day on much fewer calories, and I don’t need all the extra rubbish I have been shovelling down my gullet!!! 🙂
This was one of the things that struck me most Dan and the best part is it sticks with you after the plan!
Putting on my uniform today and realising that it is really baggy- felt great 🙂 Even my shoes that I brought 3 weeks ago are now baggy!!!!
Ellie you are looking good girl, noticed straight away pre starting video- whoop whoop.
Great wow moment Aimee 🙂
I was running around at the last minute and i thought to myself these jeans are annoying me i need a belt . I grabbed my belt and wow i had to put anther hole in it .
This actually had me laughing out loud – great moment Eileen 🙂
My WOW moment was realising I could fit 2 of my legs into one leg of the trousers I was wearing at the start of my New You Journey !:) happy days x
HA HA!! loved that photo Oonagh!! 🙂
Epic Oonagh 🙂 This is why I love WOW Wednesday!
My wow moment was looking in the wardrobe and I have hardly any clothes in there because they are all too big and have been given away. Time for a shopping tip me thinks!!!!!
You have earned it all the way Shell – Thanks for all the support too 🙂
My Wow moment this week is like Ellies, I have had three people comment on how much weight Ive lost this week and it feels Awesome!!!!
I am sure it sparked a new flame Eva – just what you needed to keep you going towards your wedding goals 🙂
wow moment was today when i put on my jeans and coudl feel a difference in a part of my body that i have never felt any weight loss – MY LEGS so happy with myself as i struggle so much to lose weight on my legs delighted with myself
Well done Audrey – you are rocking this and these types of changes are going to keep happening if you keep on going!
My Wow moment this week was when I tried on my old jeans that I could ent wear for months and they were comfortable and no muffin top was best of all. That feel so good…
Well done Liz, keep it up! 🙂
My wow moment was trying on the dress I bought online 2 weeks ago that didn’t zip up – 4 days on the plan and it fits snugly – so a few more pounds and I’ll have to get it taken in!!!
I am thrilled to hear it Glm – its these things that keep us pushing forward!
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My wow moments this week have been actually trying a dress on and taking a photo I hate dresses and never buy them this is something way out of my comfort zone but I was so surprised at how great I felt!
Also this week I lost 5lbs and I’m now 10st 7 lbs woo Hoo love it x thanks NY
Wow moments for me are : getting to 10 stone 7lbs resulting in a 5 lb loss this week
Also trying on a dress which is so out of my comfort zone – I had great feedback from family friends and of course SS x felt amazing so thanks you all so much x
Well done Kate – amazing photo by the way, really rocked those trousers 😉
My wow was yesterday when my warning trouser
That had been too tight at the start were beginning
To feel too lose !
Keep it up and these results will just keep coming 🙂
Although I just restarted the plan after a break in sept (lol my bad) I have a wow moment from then. I tried on a swimsuit for my holidays and it didnt look too bad! WOW – I was able to wear it on the beach without a top or shorts to cover me and was not embarrased cos I looked fine!!!
This is awesome Fiona, glad to hear you got your mojo back 🙂
Wow moment: fitting on a dress I’ve had in my wardrobe over a year as “it will fit some day” that some day was this week!!!!
Yay Karen – Epic day indeed, I am sure it was every part as stunning as you had hoped 🙂
WOW! People at work have already noticed I’ve lost weight! So happy
This plan works so quickly Helen, thrilled to hear that you are already seeing the results 🙂 Keep it up!
wow! i bought a size 10 top…first time in 7 years!!!
and my 6 yr old son said i was beautiful!!!!
Woohooo Aisling – thanks for telling us about this awesome moment, it means so much that you see your dreams come true! Have a great weekend and thanks for the support!
My wow moments are I can cut my toenails with my feet out in front,I can reach the taps in the bath,and Istarted at 20 s then 19s then 18s now in 17s all in 10 weeks WOW