![[Video] Thought for Thursday: in order to succeed, we must first believe that we can. [Video] Thought for Thursday: in order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/14-11.jpg)
[Video] Thought for Thursday: in order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.
Thought for Thursday:
In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.
-Nikos Kazantzakis
After such a great response to last weeks thought for Thursday I was really looking forward to being able to bring this to you again. Today is all about being in the correct place to succeed. I am sure that you have at some point done something that has amazed you, but at the same time you had thought to yourself afterwards that before you had actually done it you would never have believed you could have.
This is where today’s task comes into play, I hope that by the end of this mini exercise you will have seen that this diet is not only something that you want to do but is something that you are really capable of doing. The logic here is that is far more easy to be happy than it is to be upset, moving through life in a state of unrest and constantly doing battle with yourself leaves little room for other things.
Today’s task:
I want to hear about the things in your life at the moment that you consider to be difficult. The reason for this is that to believe that you can do something without actually having already achieved it means that you have to be in a place where you know that what you do currently is far harder than that which you are trying to achieve. For instance as someone who loves swimming – it is harder for me to go to the pool at the moment than it is to follow a meal replacement diet.
[box type=”download” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]I am really looking forward to hearing your feedback below[/box]
Don’t forget
Tonight is weigh in night so make sure that you hop over to update your weight loss results before Ellie updates the board this evening.
My challange is finding time to exercise cos I’m a single mum and don’t get time for the gym or to go out walking. I have to get myself more motivated to exercise in the evening when the kids are in bed. Happy Thursday everyone!
It will happen Mary – the trick is to find the exercise you love!
Planning! Always remember failure to plan us planning to fail!
I plan my meals, my social occasion and ensure I’m equipped to face them and not blip!
I mentally got myself ready for 12 weeks of the plan and reefed over Christmas and takle what’s let’s come January
Planning the new healthy me for when I refers! New way of eating and exercising!
I am sure you are going to nail this down Kelly – keep it up!
My challenge is just to say no this week no one knows I’m on new you only fiancé and mam and its a challenge to ignore friends text messages to go out as they just don’t take no for an answer but I have in the past just need to make myself more important 🙂
Great thinking Shauna, this is what I hope for you to achieve!
I need to get off by butt and exercise. I know it would help my weight loss but to be honest I HATE it!!!- please help!!
This is it Brenda, there are so many ways to turn this around and it is a perfect example of the place you are in being harder than the place you want to be. Exercise doe not have to mean running the length and width of the town. A walk with you friends at the weekend or taking up a dance class is one way to start and that is all it takes – is a start. From there you will find a natural evolution week on week that will progress you towards your goals.
Today is world DIABETIES day ,
I have a 15yr daughter I have to make sure she gets her 5 injections a day , 24/7 as well a bloodsugars testing , she faces needles up 9 times a day and this is FOR LIFE
It breaks my heart to see her struggle every day with it.
If she can do this , I surely can do this diet .
She is my reason to have lose the weight, I have to be healthy , fit and trim
To show her ,she needs to mind NO 1 ,
Being a better place for this reason is worth it a million times over Julie and I am sure you have already shown her the right path to follow 🙂
Going for a walk should be so easy at any time but I can’t seen to get the motivation….There is always something more important to do, need to stop giving myself excuses….
I am sure once you take the first couple of steps with this Liz you will find it just gets easier and easier. Think of it as time you earn for yourself in a day!
my challenge is to make healthy choices over the next couple of days whilst I am away, I know I can do it because I don’t want to fail!!!!!!
I am sure this is a challenge you are going to tackle with ease Shell 🙂 keep it up!
So close to goal, my big challenge will be to continue with my exercise of jogging 3 times per week and watching the calorie intake. I believe this will be extremely challenging for me particularly from the start of December as my 3rd year law study books arrive and I always like to get a head start before the course commences in February. I need to organise and balance my time effectively between my family and my studies and my new healthy lifestyle. I need to make sure I have time for exercising and ensure that my studying doesnt lead to snacking as this was always one of my pitfalls. I have to remain focused on what I want to achieve and I know through the continued support of NY this is possible. I just need to believe it is possible x
You have shown yourself to be a more than capable of achieving anything Lorna – keep it up and you will see all you goals realised!!
My challenge is to keep fitting in the exercise as it gets colder out side not to use it as an excuse not to get out.
The energy you will gain from keeping up a good fitness regime is well worth it Amanda 🙂 This is what you need to be aiming for!
My challenge will be to watch portion size when I return to normal eating.x
You have shown you are the type of person Mags that will blitz such an adversity. It will not get in your way, it will not hold you back!
its difficult for me to go running at the moment. i want to run and had previously built myself up to running 5k but had to stop due to hip and back problems. these are partly caused by my excess weight and the extra strain on my joints , my physio has advised me not to start running until i lose weight. doing new you and losing weight means ill be able to start running again and maybe do a 10k race next march- which is something ive always wanted to achieve. when i walk for exercise at the moment i yearn to start jogging but i cant!
I also wont socialise becuase of my weight. i always feel uncomfortable and self conscious and make excuses not to go out.
I think the type of change you are looking for Paula is well within your grasp – just reach out and take it!
To stay strong and drink plenty of water x
You are going to stay strong Jackie and on days when you think you need help – we are going to be here, until one day you will not think twice about being able to do what needs to be done!
My challenge is to actually start believing in myself. I need to believe that this time I actually will reach goal and will NOT stop until that happens. My next challenge is Christmas and the food choices I will make. I will be off refeed but I need to realise that I can enjoy myself without going overboard with food. 🙂
It is far easier to live a life where you believe in yourself Sandra and you have earned the right to believe in yourself that you have taken the steps to change! Keep on keeping on!!
I do start going to gym then after wweeks I find it difficult to keep it up and I give up so now am determined to lose the excess weight and keep fit therefore I started zumba and an hour on vibro plate and finally I might start loving this and hope fully join the gym and be able to keep it up:)
The gym is something that will become more and more important and self perpetuating as time moves on Nanda – get a good gym buddy, that always helps too 🙂
My challenge is to get over the weekend as I find that hardest. I am single mum to 4 kids and finding time for me is hard. I am determined to do it this time, 4 days so far and no blips!!!!
Woohoo Tracey – think this may be a revelation for you! Thunder through it and make sure you stay true to this – even if it is five minutes with a book in the evening. Your head space is vital!
ive been trying for years to get pregnant and cant. been over weight is preventing me from getting the one thing i want most in life. im desperate to make a change but cant find the will power to take control or the money
I think that this is one amazing reason Sandy and this is going to happen for you if this is the reason in your heart! 🙂 Just don’t let this slip from your thoughts and will this into being!
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I lost over 4 stone on a previous diet and put it all on again! Challenge = keep it off this time when I lose it!!!!!!! Next to impossible!
TR you have proven change is possible already – I think it is going to be vital for you to recall what it was like before!
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I lost over 4 stone on a previous diet and put it all back on again!! Challenge = to keep it off this time!!!! Next to impossible!!
To keep up with my positive attitude over weekend as this is the hardest time when normally it would be out with friends or takeaways , and keep focused and think it’s only two days and why ruin all my week efforts. Just not worth it x staying positive and busy x
So true Rachael, a healthy Life style is worth so much more than a meal 🙂
what i’m finding hard at the moment is being patient enough to get where I want to be..there is no doubt that this plan achieves rapid safe weight loss and that keeps me motivated and focussed but i still want to be there quicker than i’m getting there!! does that make sense?? i wanna wear those smaller clothes NOW 😉 have to just keep doing what i’m doing and not be deterred by my lack of patience because its working pretty fast and thats more than i could ever have dreamed of 🙂
Keep it up Shirley, you are going to nail it for sure!
Positive attitude over the weekends.
I also need to my exercise as I can be taken over by the TV quite easily.
I want to go in a shop and know that a dress will fit.
Once I’m back to eating normal foods I will hopefully have changed my lifestyle and mind set to eat correctly x
A positive outlook is infectious Beth and is well worth investing the time in 🙂 I am sure you are going to nail this and these challenges will be a dim and distant memory Beth!
My challenge as I get closer to my goal , is to change my lifestyle make healthy choices and continue to get out and walk as often as I can.
I am looking forwards to my healthier future 🙂
I know you can keep it up Oonagh! Thanks for all the support too 🙂
As a yo yo dieter my biggest challenge will be to keep weight off, never been able to before 🙁 but I feel different with new you!! I think this could be a turning point in my life!! So fingers crossed for me!!
I am sure this is more than just a turning point Kathleen, think of it more like taking a hair pin corner in a Ferrari! Keep positive 🙂
My challenge is finding ME time I work full time and do extra hours and also have a family . Even when I go to the gym I cant really enjoy it as I feel I should be doing housework or something else .
I think the trick here Eileen is to account for the fact that without time for yourself you are not able to be the person that you would want to be for the people you give up your time for! Hope that makes sense 🙂
My challenge is finding exercise time. Am a full time student and Mom of a leaving cert student. between writing essays, studying for inclass assessments, cleaning the house and cooking for everyone – I dont have any energy or time left. I hope to rectify this situation by getting organised
This is great Fiona and I am sure that you are going to achieve all this and more. Keep this positive attitude!
my challenge is to believe in myself and to learn to love me again x
Self belief is something so important Pauline and will make all the difference. Always do things that challenge you and if you ever miss the mark take the time to access the merits of that which has been achieved!
I’ve lots of challenges at the moment … Not all diet releated …. I work stupid long hours with out a break !!! So I’m trying to get my work life balance sorted …trying to get people to accept that just because I’m single … I don’t have to work a 15 hour day every day … Secondly in this work life balance plan …. I put my hous on the market last week … It then went and sold for the asking price … I’m downsizing … So I now have to organise the contents of a big family home to start again in a two bed apartment !! And I’m sticking to the plan !!
WOW Susi – this is epic and this is about so much more than the diet. You are what matters here and you have really taken some steps to get this nailed down. I hope the move goes well and keep value of your life and your time!
Mine is to fit in exercise. I need to do some exercise that I can build into my life style if I start to do exercise every day I know it will not be long before I don’t carry this on. So building this in to my new life style is best xx
This is what it is all about Wendy – I am in your corner shouting you on for this!
My challenge is to behave whilst in re feed and not allow at food demons take over – to stay below my calories in take of 1000 calories – to keep up my exercise off to Zumba tonight (can’t wait) – and to totally have an awesome time next weekend when I’m over for the photoshoot and make the NY team super proud of me x
Great video Grant & Ellie
Well Kate you need to tick one box already – we are super proud of you NOW! See ya next week 🙂
PS you will knock the demons out too!
My challenge is to get through weekends! I’m so busy with work and kids and activities during the week that I’m finding it reasonably easy during the week but weekends are much harder!! It’s a challenge I WILL overcome!!
The weekends are so important Deirdre – as is your big picture goal. This was what the exercise today was all about. I know you will do it!
My challenge this week is to stay 100 %!!!
Keep it up Caroline – this is so worth it, that is why you started!! 🙂
My challenge is to keep FOCUSED albeit the amount of stress I am under at the moment is horrendous. Today after dealing with the Spanish bank and Notary I could have so EASILY had a MAJOR BLIP….both Jim and I had been through the emotional and financial wringer….but we kept each other strong…..my challenge is to be the STRONG one as very stressful times ahead. Would HATE myself if I sabotaged my hard work to date.
You have already achieved so much Anne and you are a very focused person, I can tell by the level of support you offer me here on the blogs and in general. You have already beaten all of this – you just need to see it!
Oh Grant you made me cry…and smile at the same time. I did manage to keep 100% yesterday where the OLD me would have buckled. This group and you and the NY team are amazing. No matter how tough my day/life is the support I get from my fellow SS’ers and NY is what keeps me going. Thank you <3 <3 <3 <3…xxxx
My challenge this week is to stay mindful – of what I want to achieve, of the choices I’m making, of the way I talk to myself, of the behaviour I tolerate from others.
More specifically it’s always a challenge to drink the water, but it’s always easier when I’m mindful and focussed on my goal.
Keep on track Jess and you will see so many of these factors pull each other into line. I can see you have the mind set to see this through.
To keep going to the gym despite being tired!! X
The Gym is one of those funny things Lisa. When you spend time there tiring yourself out you have so much more energy the rest of the time!
My big challange this week is my planned re-feed. I have my list of foods, I’ve written down meal ideas so I won’t be stuck, I’ve everything I need but I find I’m struggling to eat it & I feel awful afterwards. I know I have to do this if I want to have a night out for my birthday this weekend but I just can’t get my head or my stomach around it. Longing to loose my last 1.5/2 stone and get back onto the plan. I was going on about food like it was the be all & end all and now that refeed is here I’m struggling
This is great Alva and so worth the time to get right. Just in case you were not aware we have our momentum maintainers group which will support you for as long as you need – speak to Lisa on FB by private messaging The New You Plan and she will go ahead and add you to the group.
My Challenge this week is to stop focusing on what I cant have. I also want to up my exercise as I want to become as fit as I used to be – before the weight piled on, I was there once upon a time.. I will be there again!
I am sure you will get there GLM- knowing just how green the grass is on the other side is a powerful motivator 🙂
My challenge, once I start to get some energy, is to find some sort of exercise I can do that I like enough to keep up.
Over the years I’ve tried a few things but not found anything to suit me. But there must be something out there!!
Super Alison 🙂 I know you will find something – even if it very left field you will find something. Start small and build it up!
My challenge is to speak kindly to myself and stop putting myself down .
This is so worth your while Anna – positive affirmations about yourself really do work!
I feel I need to prioritise what needs done and what can wait to give me time to get out for a walk or even to book beauty treatments etc instead of putting everybody and everything first all the time 🙂
Time to take care of yourself Elaine is so important! Make sure it happens 🙂
My challenge is to have quality time for me, make time to exercise. I would love to start riding again and I am going to do it!!!
Also believing in myself and reaching out for what I want for my daughter and I.
I believe I can do this NY Plan the challenge will be maintaining it. My worry is loose skin that has happened before but I need to kkep focused 🙂
It is so important to stay on top of the things you need for you Aimee 🙂 It puts you in a better place to take care of the rest!
My challenge is to make time: for me, for my diet, to even drink water, to exercise. I work 14 hour days at least 6 days and finding time is difficult. I go long stretches without eating, then I’m ravenous and grab the 1st thing. Also back to back meetings mean I’m not drinking enough.
I’m in control of my day: I have a choice and I’m my own challenge 🙁
My challenge is to not give in to temptation!! I have good and bad days but weekends are hard as everyone is at home and there is a higher risk of blipping. If a takeaway is being ordered it has to be something I don’t like. If we are out looking round the shops and my partner is hungry, he will nip off on his own for something. Instead of buying multipacks of snacks I now let everyone choose their own little treats for after dinner so no chance of me having a nibble. I’m out of snacks until my next order so this weekend will be hard!! 🙂
I spend most of my day outside, because i work with horses. So my challenge is to keep my water intake up now that it is getting so cold outside 🙂
My challenge this week is to stop making excuses to start tomorrow and then something always comes along to make another excuse and on it goes :(. The only person who can help me is ME and it’s time for action. Tomorrow is closer than it’s ever been before and I must accept the challenge and do this 100% until Christmas.
The challenge for me is getting out for a walk every day, before beginning this NYplan I was managing to get a 30 minute walk 5 times a week, but now I don’t seem to have any energy, so I’m hoping to resume my walking routine.
My challenge is to get back to the gym – I can always find an excuse why I haven’t got time to go! I need to make time for me
My challenge is actually keeping the weight off i’ve completed and am now back on tfr on and off the past 2 weeks. I find stress is a big challenge for me as with stress i eat and eat and eat. Having a very hyperactive toddler is hard and i find myself eating the wrong stuff and not able to slip into tfr like i did the first time. I feel bloated and horrible but i’m thinking of christmas and the lovely outfits i can wear. If i stick to this i’ll have my flat tummy back and not look so bloated.
I find it hard 2 stay focused, I restart but I fail when it comes to break time at work. I work nites so its a bit harder. I done this be4 and I sucssed no problem. Am off this week so hoe this gives me a good head
start. Help iv a stone to lose.
My challenge to myself is to think positive be 100% focused and loose the nagging self doubts that keep creeping back
having done two refeed days and blipping : (
its clearly my frame of mind! im parenting alone,working and studying two degrees so i know im deficated but need to be as organised with having the right food in the house to suit my ‘on the move’lifestyle. a few more weeks of ny will help!