![[Video] October Challenge Task 4 for this weeks Prize – Benefits of Weight Loss [Video] October Challenge Task 4 for this weeks Prize – Benefits of Weight Loss](https://blog.thenewyouplan.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/BeFunky_Week-4-blog.jpg)
[Video] October Challenge Task 4 for this weeks Prize – Benefits of Weight Loss
What’s your story – Benefits of Weight Loss
This is it, we are heading into the home stretch of our Halloween saga 🙂 We have set it all up so you can smash through it!!! I just wanted to start off with a recap of where we have come from so you can see how we got here and where we are heading. In weeks 1 and 2 we looked at focus and positivity and then in week three we moved onto Lifestyle Tips. The culmination of these have all been building the framework for sustaining a lifestyle that is both healthy and fun.
This week therefore I want to have a look at the next step which for me was the Benefits of Weight Loss. We have all come this far at this point that we should be able to hone in on this topic and speak from experience. For me it was getting out of bed in the morning, doing shoe laces with ease and not turning into a human projectile when walking down the stairs in the morning. As an asthmatic there was also the added benefit of being able to breathe more easily.
I hope you enjoyed my video and for those of you looking for a little more clarification of today’s challenge I want you to imagine me as the friend I hope you all see me as with one major difference – assume I have not done the plan and you are looking to tell me what I have to gain by losing a couple of lbs. I want to hear from you all the ways in which your life has changed – the small things that you never want to let go! I look forward to hearing from you all and I hope as always to come back to you with a one to one response.
Before I leave you I just want to do my due diligence and make sure you all have the links to sign up and update your results for this month’s weight loss challenge 🙂
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE OCTOBER CHALLENGE[/box]
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]CLICK HERE TO UPDATE YOUR OCTOBER RESULTS[/box]
My thought for the day:
[quote style=”boxed”]Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful- Joshua J. Marine[/quote]
Thank you all for watching and reading and I will see you all again on Friday.
Disco Dracula Grant! 🙂
Before starting the plan I used to suffer from a bad back. The weight I carried around with me certainly didnt help matters and the smallest thing could set me back for days. This would make my life so hard especially with a toddler and baby to look after. Withback pain I wasnt able to get on and off chairs, couldn’t turn in bed, couldnt drive as pressing the pedals accentuated the pain. Life was getting pretty hard with a sore back at least once a week or fortnight. Now 24 weeks into the plan I haven’t once suffered from this horrible back ache. I am able to live my life. I am able to run after my toddler and play with her and the baby!! Its incredible how shedding some weight has cured me and most definitely has been the best medicine anyone could prescribe 😉
Hi , I want to tell you what a difference The New You Plan has made to my life ..
* I have More Confidence.
* I look better in my clothes.
* I feel fitter and have so much more energy .
* I Feel more attractive & excited about the future .
* I feel so much more healthier .. 100% better than I did at the beginning of my New You Journey 20 weeks ago when I had chronic pain & was feeling so unhappy .
* Remember any negative comments from others are not important just smile and say “I am improving my health” .
* This is your journey make it the journey of a life time , take one day at a time .
* The meals are tasty and there’s so much to choose from you will never get bored or fed up.
* The Support from New You is fantastic and makes all the difference , together with the Secret Slimmers , in fact when I finish my journey I wont want to say goodbye 🙁
* So what an I say but start your New You Journey and you will change your life and achieve your dreams , good luck xx
When starting the plan in April I was on Morphine for my back pain and 3 tablets for early onset Coronary artery disease.
The benefits of losing 7st on the plan for me are that I haven’t had any problems with angina since starting to lose weight, I am now off the morphine. I have been taken off one of my heart meds and another two tablets have been halved in strength.
So for me aside from the weight I have lost, my husband and children now have a much healthier Michelle in their lives, I can take part in more physical activities with my kids and my self esteem has improved ten fold.
What more could I want, thank you New You x x x x
Thanks for the video Grant!
For me, I see four different sets of benefits – Benefit of The New You Plan, Benefit of TFR, Benefit of Secret Slimmers and the Benefits in my life.
New You –
Vaste range of products offering choice, variety and no boredom.
Value for money – great bundle offerings & special offers, free delivery.
Great tasting products with regular additions to product lines.
Excellent Customer Service.
Expert 7 Day Kick start Programme to get you in the right diet mindset for success.
Easy to manage, with hassle free menu planning, shopping, cooking.
All required vitamins & minerals contained in your four packs.
Ketosis removes hunger – after 4 days your body is using your fat reserves for energy.
Accelerated weight loss.
Secret Slimmers –
Closed Facebook group provides so much in the way of support, encouragement, motivation, menu ideas, it makes a real difference to success levels. Lifelong bonds of friendship are made.
My life –
New healthier habits formed – exercise, water intake, portion control.
Higher energy levels for everyday tasks.
Vastly improved self belief, self esteem and confidence.
Being able to wear clothes comfortably and with pride.
Being healthier for a longer life with my child.
Knowing I’m not obese anymore fills me with hope and optimism for my future.
I strongly recommend this path to unlock such a wealth of benefits.
Xx Rachel
There are some many benefits that I have acheived on this plan I have stopped wheezing ,I can walk up my stairs without being out of breath ,my confidence has soared , my energy is fantastic I never have that groggy feeling or fuzzy heads . And im feeling good about myself 🙂
The benefits of my weight loss:
Better quality of life, more energy, good health and skin, better flexibility, happier, confidence, met lots of nice people on secret slimmers 🙂
The New You plan has made a HUGE difference to my life… Even though I am not yet near my goal weight I feel a difference in my everyday life.. I have so much more energy in the evenings and am able to exercise (instead of flopping on the couch after work because I am wrecked), I am able to run around and play with my godson and younger cousins (which I haven’t done in ages), I was able to treat myself to nice new clothes instead of buying baggy clothes to cover me up AND I have the confidence to wear styles that I never would have went near in the shop.. The bloated horrible feeling is gone and hopefully will never be back :).. I find this plan amazing and know that I can stick to it and not look back as I have the support from the SS group on facebook and the crew at new you… Thanks Guys…
Prior to New You I was struggling with a skin condition which the specialists knew nothing about they quickly decided to put me in steroid treatment for life. I had gone down many alternative roads in trying my best to cure my problem but nothing was working. In one month I had gone from 14 stone 7lbs to 16 stone 7lbs . The steroids had increased my appetite and I was gaining weight rapidly, I suffered with SPD which is very painful to have and I would get stuck in bed not able to move or even get up from, walking was painful and I was falling into a depressing state, then I found New You!!!!
Now 6 months later I am no longer in pain , my skin problem has gone almost completely I no longer hurt and I am so HAPPY! I am not the size 20 16s 7lbs woman anymore – I am confident happy size 10-12 woman now who can go out and do anything she puts her mind too!
Someone asked me the other day where had the shy, scared to leave the house, incase someone saw her girl had gone too… Was I really that bad? I must have been because I can’t wait to show off every inch of the New Me x
Thank you NY Team and thanks to the support from SS x
Before I started New You I was tired, no self confidence and felt flabby and miserable. Being a nurse I am supposed to be a role model but I really wasn`t as I was so HUGE!- My New You journey started at a difficult time for me as my husband was in hospital for 2 months and I am off sick to look after him so I thought, I will go on this diet as I will not have the time off work again to give it 100%. The other reason for doing it was, if my husband is very ill and something happens to me who will be there for our children??
17llbs later and 4 weeks later I am already seeing the benefits- Loads of energy: I feel slimmer (although I do have a really really long way to go yet). My sister who hasn`t seen me for about 5 weeks couldn`t believe the weight I have lost when she seen me the other day, so it does wonders for my self confidence. Little things like being able to bend down to pick something off the floor easier, knowing that my BMI is coming down, knowing that after a few months I will be buying smaller clothes and I know I can do it!- really motivates and fascinates me. I pulled a ligament in my knee prior to the New You and I knew it was because I was soo heavy. Now it still `clicks` from time to time but I know it is less likely to do more damage as I have lost some weight. I am giving 100% to this plan with help of SS so that when I go back to work my colleagues will really see a difference. I will be able to go out of the house with pride and confidence that I always dreamed of. I will be the fun energetic funny slim Brenda my family will be proud of inside and out!- Thanks NY for the help and support 🙂
I can paint my toenails without having to come up for breath after each toe. :):)
I can bend over without strangling my tummy!!
I can wear my favourite clothes again, and feel more confident in my appearance.
I can run upstairs without being out of breath.
I don’t have to shop for food or cook meals! BIG bonus.!!
My goodies are delivered to my door, And customer service
is second to none.
Downside is: I spend far too long each day on Facebook reading all the SS posts.:) Love you all to bits. xx
Weightloss = confidence, to apply for that new role, to buy that dress that always never fitted, to walk head held high and to be the one that looks well and not hidden behind a late black dress code!
Weightloss = pride, where I have succeded in doing what I said I would against anyone’s negative comments!!
Weightloss = satisfaction, every morning seeing clothes fit better, the scales move, friends comment! Closer and closer I get to goal!!! 🙂
I sleep better, work better, my skin looks better, I even have more time for the kids as I’m not cooking and eating 🙂 can’t beat it!!!
I started new you. May 2012 …..yes 2012 , I stood on scales 15 st my heaviest I had ever reached
My weight was just from stress , and really just not looking after ME
I had a family wedding in Sep . 2012 and I had a little chat with myself , this is it , if I don t do it for wedding I will never do it , I went to that wedding 4 Stone lighter in Sep. I loved all the looks I was getting ,
I feel alive again and love clothes shopping again , I loved having energy to keep up with my 2 teenagers, and my husband works away,during the week . I REALLY LOVED THE LOOKS AND COMMENTS
When people meet me now and say” Oh Julie you lost a load of weight ” , I always love to say to them
WHY DID YA THINK I WAS FAT ??? 🙂 ……still love doing that !!!!
New you team are the best , love the Facebook page to keep ME going and to give someone else a boost
kick ass girls we can do it
Week 3 15-22 October
No loss but that’s ok as had major blip on carbs and been off plan all week so it’s a minor miracle I didn’t gain
Happy days
Here’s to week 4!
New You is the best decision I have ever made. I already have a friend and her friend join the plan because they can see the difference it has made to my health and my appearance. I have a heart condtion called cardio microvascular disease at it has changed my life so much. I was becoming so depressed and beind depressed and stressed over ate and drank and piled the weigh on, which did nothing to help my health condition. Since losing over 4 st on the plan I can now climb the stairs in the house without chest pain, still not great with my stamina and fatigue is a by product of the condition but so so much better. Cannot wait for my GP and Cardiologist to see the difference in my when I next see them in January. I love the simplicity of the plan…..I keep it varied so I don’t get bored with my menu’s…love that I don’t spend hrs in the kitchen cooking and weighing….not to mention…NOT having to go to the supermarkets, which was a real physical task for me. I love how better my skin and eyes look….drinking all that water sure has a postive affect on us and feel my skin has improved immensely. Love the support I get from my fellow SS’rs….we all do our best to support each other…the NY team too. Actually LOVE the products and look forward to meal times ….would NEVER have believed that the first few days on the plan. Love now I know the DIFFERENCE from feeling HUNGRY and having a CRAVING….Used to use food for every emotional eventuality….Happy…EAT….Sad…EAT…Lonely…Eat…Angry…Eat…Nuturing….FEED….lol…my friend calls me a FEED..A..FILE….hate that word..Also….I have saved a fortune…what I used to spend on food and drink to feel the five thousand….well…not spending it anymore, the plan works how cheaper for me and Jim…that doing a weekly shop. My lovely husband has supported me too and lost 2 and 1/2 stone supporting me. He never thought I would do it, but seeing the results…and they happen quickly if you give it 100% he decided to join me and says he’s feels so much healthier for it. Love the fact it isn’t some big FACELESS corporation and love that everyone in the NY team genuinely CARES how we are doing….that’s a big bonus….could ramble on for hrs….and DO…believe me….but some people are just sceptical….or SCARED to commit because they see the plan as a SACRIFICE…and think they will be denying themselves, what they should realise is that they will learn not only to deal with food in a more positive manner…but…will also find the triggers…that sets them on the road to self destruction….and that’s what I was on….the Highway to Hell….now…I SEE me DANCING at my grandchildren’s weddings…..planning on being around for a long time now….and that’s THANKS to New YOU….xxxx
…oops…should really proof read before posting…sorry for all the spelling mistakes and terrible grammar….I type as I speak lol. x
I have only been on the New You plan for 8 weeks and in that time I have lost 20lbs so far. It’s not as much as others who have been doing it for the same amount of time BUT it has already made such a difference! The biggest problem I had was the bad back pain I have been suffering from since having my last baby 8 months ago. It has reduced massively and this has made other parts of my life so much easier such as keeping up with my partner and kids 🙂 Other benefits include feeling happier with myself, my clothes fit better (but I’ll be needing to replace them with smaller sizes soon which means SHOPPING!!!), I don’t feel bloated anymore, my skin looks great from all the water I’ve been drinking, I have so much more energy and my confidence has soared, especially with the compliments I’m getting already!! I’m keeping my goal in my head and it’s this that spurs me on and I know I will have the 2stone I want to lose off by Christmas…yay!! Thanks New You and Secret Slimmers 🙂 x
Down 11 pound deligheted will finally get what I want this xmass a new me whoo. Cant wait. Bring on the next few weigh ins : )
I first started new you in march after it showing up on my facebook feed. I read the amazing stories of peoples journeys,which really motivated me to start my own!
I had a holiday planned …..the first time I was taking my kids abroad since separating with their dad & I was determined to feel confident enough to actually be in our family photos….which would be a first for me!
Holiday came and not only was I in my family pics…..but in my bikini 🙂
I also went on to do toughmudder in august…something I would defo struggled doing with extra weight & im sure my team mates appreciated when pulling me up the walls!
so for me the benefits are:
confidence & feeling good about myself
including myself in memories
happiness….as I also met my partner a month after starting the plan